Garota De 12 Anos Transmite Seu Suicídio Ao Vivo No Youtube
... em uma árvore e se despede dos amigos e da família diante da câmera. Bem maquiada e vestida com uma blusa branca e calça jeans, Katelyn diz, entre lágrimas: “Sinto muito não ser bonita o suficiente. Sinto muito por tudo. Eu realmente sinto muito. Mas não posso”. Depois, coloca a corda em volta do pescoço e se pendura. A conta de You Tube de Katelyn foi apagada, mas com o passar dos dias a circulação do vídeo foi aumentando. Partes das imagens são reproduzidas por youtubers que comentam o caso, e o fragmento no qual Katelyn se pendura é publicado em site mórbidos. Police say they can't get people to stop sharing video of 12-year-old Katelyn Nicole Davis's suicide __link__/4 Ert Af 49 on. — BET (@BET) January 12, 2017. O chefe da polícia do condado de Polk, Kenny Dodd, disse ao canal local Fox 5 que, embora tenha recebido uma avalanche de mensagens de todas as partes do mundo pedindo que apague o vídeo da internet, ele não pode deter sua viralização. “Queremos tirá-lo da internet tanto quando qualquer um da ...
Marine Admits Dropping Pregnant Mistress Down Mine Shaft For Allegedly Molesting His Kin
... who strangled Corwin, he replied, “Yes, I am.”. Corwin’s body was found hidden 100 feet down a mine shaft in a remote area of the high desert near Joshua Tree National Park after a nearly two-month search. She had disappeared in June 2014. Friends told investigators that Corwin, whose husband was stationed with Lee at the Twentynine Palms Marine Corps base, believed she was pregnant and that Lee might be the father. “I made the decision to kill her,” Lee testified Tuesday. “I was controlled by the anger. The hate I felt that day. It was something I never want to experience again.”. Lee said he approached Corwin from behind and strangled her for at least five minutes with a garrote made up of two pieces of rebar and a cord. He said he then dragged Corwin’s body to the mine shaft and pushed her in head first. Lee’s attorney, David Kaloyanides, questioned his client only briefly, ...
Clinton Was In A ‘rage’ On Election Night
... as her camp was starting to realize that a loss was possible. Sources told the Daily Mail that Clinton and husband Bill had a huge fight on the phone. Bill was reportedly seen throwing his phone off the roof of his penthouse in Arkansas. “I was with Bill in Little Rock when he had this shouting match with Hillary on the phone and she accused (FBI Director James) Comey for reviving the investigation into her use of a private email server and reversing her campaign’s momentum,” a source told the Daily Mail. “He told me in early October that Hillary and her advisers were blowing it.”. Spectator editor-in-chief R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. told conservative news site Breitbart that he wasn’t surprised to hear about Hillary Clinton’s temper tantrum. “In the ’90 s, we published several pieces that documented her throwing lamps and books,” he told Breitbart. “This happened pretty often. She has such a foul mouth that the Arkansas state troopers learned a thing or two from her. She has a foul mouth and a good throwing arm.”. Almost 20 years ago, The American Spectator published its “Troopergate stories” that detailed Bill’s escapades as told by his Arkansas security detail. The stories ...
Abuse Allegations Of Girl Who Streamed Suicide On Facebook Live Investigated By Police
... Ex-Girlfriend, Then Commits Suicide. The allegations made by Davis that she was abused by a family member were under investigation. If they are found to be true, the perpetrator may face charges, the police department said. Attempts by the International Business Times to contact the police chief for a comment were not immediately returned. Facebook Live – the ability for users to broadcast real time videos – has seen its share of violent acts streamed within the past year. Four Chicago youth tortured and beat a mentally-disabled teenager earlier this month and streamed the incident on Facebook Live. The video eventually led to the assailants’ arrests. Similarly, the case of Philando Castile, a black man who was shot to death by a Minnesota police officer, was captured on the live streaming app by his ...
Selbstmord-video Von 12-jähriger Macht Im Internet Die Runde
... und Seelsorge in schwierigen Situationen. Ihre Gedanken hören nicht auf zu kreisen? Sie befinden sich in einer scheinbar ausweglosen Situation und spielen mit dem Gedanken, sich das Leben zu nehmen? Wenn Sie sich nicht im Familien- oder Freundeskreis Hilfe suchen können oder möchten – hier finden Sie anonyme Beratungs- und Seelsorgeangebote. Telefonseelsorge: Unter 0800 – 111 0 111 oder 0800 – 111 0 222 erreichen Sie rund um die Uhr Mitarbeiter, mit denen Sie Ihre Sorgen und Ängste teilen können. Auch ein Gespräch via Chat ist möglich. __link__. Kinder- und Jugendtelefon: Das Angebot des Vereins "Nummer gegen Kummer" richtet sich vor allem an Kinder und Jugendliche, die in einer schwierigen Situation stecken. Erreichbar montags bis samstags von 14 bis 20 Uhr unter 11 6 111 oder 0800 – 111 0 333. Am Samstag nehmen die jungen Berater des Teams "Jugendliche beraten Jugendliche" die Gespräche an. __link__. Muslimisches Seelsorge-Telefon: Die Mitarbeiter von Mu Te S sind 24 Stunden unter 030 – 44 35 09 821 zu erreichen. Ein Teil von ihnen spricht auch türkisch. __link__. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Suizidprävention: Eine Übersicht aller ...
A 12-year-old Live-streamed Her Suicide. Millions Have Watched It
... The Taliban claimed attacks earlier on Tuesday in Kabul that killed at least 38 people and wounded dozens. 18/47 11 January 2017. Afghan mourners and relatives of a victim of twin Taliban blasts, cover the grave with soil in Kabul. Bombings across three Afghan cities including Kabul killed around 50 people and wounded 100 others, in a day of carnage as Taliban insurgents escalate a deadly winter campaign of violence. 19/47 10 January 2017. US President Barack Obama wipes a tear from his eye while delivering his farewell address to the American people. US President Barack Obama departs after concluding his farewell address in Chicago, Illinois. 21/47 10 January 2017. First lady Michelle Obama hugs US President Barack Obama after his farewell address to the American people at Mc Cormick Place in Chicago, Illinois. 22/47 10 January 2017. US President Barack Obama waves to supporters as he walks off the stage after he delivered his farewell address in Chicago, Illinois. 23/47 10 January 2017. Residents at a community in Navotas sift ...
Pokazała Swoją Śmierć Na Fb
... się na drzewie. Policja za wszelką cenę próbuje uniemożliwić internautom rozpowszechnianie nagrania, które stało się viralem. 20-minutowy film cały czas krąży w sieci, mimo że od śmierci nastolatki minęły już prawie dwa tygodnie. Jak twierdzi komisarz policji z hrabstwa Polk w amerykańskim stanie Georgia Kenny Dodd, funkcjonariusze nieustannie kontaktują się z serwisami wideo, każąc im usunąć nagranie. To jednak walka z wiatrakami. “Katelyn Nicole Davis suicide video is going viral - and cops are powerless to stop it. Billy 3 lipca 2014. Tak jak wszyscy chcielibyśmy, żeby zniknęło, by rodzina dziewczyny nie cierpiała i nie oglądały tego inne dzieciaki - powiedział Dodd w wywiadzie dla Fox 5. O śmierci nastolatki mówi cały internet. Na Twitterze opłakują ją zarówno ci, którzy widzieli nagranie, jak i osoby, które tylko o całej sprawie słyszały. Wiele osób sugeruje, że dziewczyna nie tylko cierpiała z powodu traumy, ale także miała problemy psychiczne. Film z Katelyn Nicole Davis popełniającą samobójstwo to najsmutniejsza rzecz, jaką widziałem. Biedna dziewczyna. Niech spoczywa w pokoju - napisał ...
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