The Cairns Post
... menu in the top right. Choose "App Settings" from the menu. Turn on the option "Links Open Externally" (This will use the device's default browser). Enabling Cookies in Internet Explorer 7, 8 & 9. Open the Internet Browser. Click Tools > Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced. Check Override automatic cookie handling. For First-party Cookies and Third-party Cookies click Accept. Click OK and OK. Click Tools > Options > Privacy > Use custom settings for history. Check Accept cookies from sites. Check Accept third party cookies. Select Keep until: they expire. Click OK. Enabling Cookies in Google Chrome. Open the Google Chrome browser. Click Tools > Options > Privacy Options > Under the Hood > Content Settings. Check Allow local data to be set. Uncheck Block third-party cookies from being set. Uncheck Clear cookies. Enabling Cookies in Mobile Safari (i Phone, i Pad). Go to the Home screen by pressing the Home button or by unlocking your phone/i Pad. ...
Ex 'apprentice' Contestant Summer Zervos
... have no idea who these women are.". The latest accuser, a former contestant on Trump's reality show, "The Apprentice," said he made unwanted sexual advances at a Beverly Hills hotel in 2007. Summer Zervos, 41, is among several women who have made similar allegations in the past week. Zervos was an "Apprentice" contestant in 2006. She said she later contacted Trump to inquire about a job with one of his businesses. She said she had an initial meeting with Trump, and when they parted he kissed her on the lips and asked for her phone number. Weeks later Trump called to invite her to meet him at a hotel, she said, and during their meeting he became sexually aggressive, kissing her open mouthed and touching her breast. Donald Trump Is Venturing Into Uncharted Territory. Earlier Friday, the Washington Post reported the contentions of another woman who says she was sexually assaulted by Trump. Kristin Anderson told the Post she was sitting on a couch with friends at a New York nightclub in the early 1990 s when someone's hand reached up her skirt and touched her through her underwear. Anderson told the newspaper ...
Donald Trump And Bill O’reilly Throw World’s Least Woman-friendly Super Bowl Party
... history of sexual harassment lawsuits, including the new one that was lodged against the president-elect today by former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos. Zervos came forward with accusations that Trump had groped and propositioned her during what was intended as a business meeting back in October , shortly after an Access Hollywood tape in which Trump engaged in some classic, boys-will-be-boys locker room talk about grabbing women by the genitals without their consent made national headlines and a depressingly small amount of electoral impact. Trump responded to Zervos’ accusations the way he’s responded to all of the women who’ve come forward with harassment accusations against him, i.e., by calling her a devious, attention-seeking liar and declaring the whole thing “Sad!”. Zervos and her lawyer, Gloria Allred, demanded a retraction of those statements, and since there was never a chance in hell of that actually happening, they’ve now brought their case to court. Among their ...
Ex-participante De Aprendiz Processa Trump Por Difamação Após Assédio
... Summer Zervos durante coletiva de imprensa em Los Angeles, na terça (17) (Foto: David Mc New/Getty Images/AFP ). Uma das mulheres que acusou Donald Trump de assédio sexual entrou com um processo de difamação contra o presidente eleito dos EUA nesta terça (17). Summer Zervos, de 41 anos, diz que foi assediada ao participar do reality show “O Aprendiz” e no ano seguinte, durante uma entrevista de emprego. Em uma coletiva de imprensa, Zervos disse que aceita abrir mão do processo sem ganhar dinheiro algum, desde que Trump assuma o que fez e peça desculpas publicamente. Ela falou ao lado de sua advogada, Gloria Allred. Segundo a ação, Zervos diz que Trump é um "mentiroso e misógino" e que ele "degradou e denegriu" sua imagem. "Como o senhor Trump não emitiu uma retratação, como eu pedi, ele não me deixou alternativa a não ser processá-lo para limpar minha reputação", disse ela na coletiva. Em sua denúncia inicial, feita antes da eleição , ela afirmou que Trump a beijou na boca quando ela esteve em seu escritório em Nova York, em ...
President Obama Commutes Sentence Of Chelsea Manning
... thousands of classified reports to the anti-secrecy website Wiki Leaks. The president also pardoned a retired Marine Corps general, James E. Cartwright, who pleaded guilty in October to lying to FBI agents about his discussions with reporters concerning secret U. S. efforts to damage Iran's nuclear program. In all, Obama commuted sentences for 209 individuals and issued 64 pardons. The most notable omission on the list was Edward Snowden, who sought refuge in Russia after leaking a vast trove of documents about U. S. surveillance systems at home and abroad. He has been charged with espionage, but has not been tried or convicted, and is considered a fugitive. Manning, formerly known as Pfc. Bradley Manning, was sentenced to 35 years in prison in August 2013 after she was convicted in military court of leaking hundreds of thousands of classified military and diplomatic records, cables and videos to Wiki Leaks in 2010. She will now be released from ...
Donald Trump Wird Wegen Verleumdung Verklagt
... Gloria Allred) klagt wegen Verleumdung gegen Donald Trump, der sie wegen Belästigungsvorwürfen als Lügnerin bezeichnete. © Mike Nelson/dpa. Drei Tage vor Donald Trumps Amtseinführung als 45. US-Präsident ist eine weitere Klage gegen ihn eingereicht worden. Summer Zervos, eine frühere Kandidatin seiner Fernsehshow "The Apprentice", gehe wegen Verleumdung und Ausnutzung einer "emotionalen Notlage" gegen Trump vor, teilte ihre Anwältin Gloria Allred mit. Zervos hatte Trump vor seiner Wahl zum US-Präsidenten vorgeworfen , sie 2007 bei einem Treffen in einem Hotel in Beverly Hills sexuell bedrängt zu haben. Bei dem Gespräch, bei dem es eigentlich um einen Job für sie gehen sollte, habe Trump sich gegen ihren Willen an sie gedrückt und ihre Brust angefasst. Er habe seine Machtposition ausgenutzt, um "Zervos und andere Frauen zu verunglimpfen" und ihnen "vorsätzlich zu schaden", sagte Allred. Trump hat die Vorwürfe und ähnliche Schilderungen mehrerer anderer Frauen als "Lügen" zurückgewiesen. Er habe "Zervos niemals in ...
The Atlantic Politics & Policy Daily
... he doesn’t have much interest in entitlement reform. If Ryan can’t convince Trump to back his agenda, Republicans may not be able to pass tax reform —something both Ryan and Trump want. (Rachael Bade, Politico). Bad Move: Representative Tom Price, Donald Trump’s pick to head the Department of Health and Human Services, is raising concerns among ethics experts. Why? Because in 2016, he “purchased shares in a medical device manufacturer days before introducing legislation that would have directly benefited the company.”. (Manu Raju, CNN). The Future of Public Schools: Betsy De Vos, Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of education, has dedicated her life to “building ‘God’s Kingdom’ through education,” writes Kristina Rizga. How will her record translate to her role as education secretary if confirmed. (Mother Jones). A Two-Term Survivor: With President Obama leaving the White House, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest will also vacate his position. Lindsay Wise shares Earnest’s journey from Kansas City, Missouri, to Washington, D. C.—and what he plans ...
Mujer Que Acusó A Trump De Abuso Sexual Presenta Demanda En Contra Del Presidente Electo
... compensación monetaria si él simplemente se retracta sobre las frases difamatorias que hizo sobre mí y admite que yo dije la verdad sobre él”. Allred dijo que esperaba que Trump rechazara la demanda y atacara a Zervos por la querella. Summer Zervos asevera que Trump intentó besarla y la tocó inapropiadamente y sin su consentimiento durante una reunión en el Hotel Beverly Hills (Foto: Aurelia Ventura/La Opinión). Las acusaciones de Zervos. En octubre de 2016, Zervos explicó que conoció a Trump en el 2005 durante la quinta temporada del programa “The Apprentice” donde Trump fungía como el productor ejecutivo y el presentador del programa. Dos años después, Zervos intentó obtener un trabajo con la organización Trump y en una reunión con Trump en su oficina, Zervos dijo que él la besó en los labios dos veces pero ella pensó que era su “forma de saludar”. Días después, Zervos dijo que Trump la llamó por teléfono y se refirió a ella como “OC Angel” (ángel del condado de Orange) y posteriormente la invitó a cenar puesto que él se encontraba en Los Ángeles. Al llegar a la reunión con él en el Hotel Beverly Hills el escolta de Trump la llevó a un cuarto privado de éste. ...
L’une Des Accusatrices De Donald Trump Porte Plainte Pour Diffamation
... Mardi, 17 janvier 2017 16:52. MISE à JOUR. Mardi, 17 janvier 2017 16:52. Coup d'oeil sur cet article. Une ex-candidate de l’émission de téléréalité «The Apprentice» qui avait accusé Donald Trump de comportement sexuel abusif poursuit le président élu, à trois jours de son investiture, pour «diffamation». Summer Zervos avait accusé Donald Trump de l’avoir embrassée et touchée contre son gré dans une chambre d’hôtel il y a une dizaine d’années. «Nous avons aussi un chef d’accusation pour détresse émotionnelle» dans la plainte, a déclaré son avocate Gloria Allred mardi lors d’une conférence de presse à Los Angeles, notant que sa cliente avait passé avec succès un test au détecteur de mensonges. Elle a expliqué que Mme Zervos avait été «soumise à des avances non souhaitées» de la part de M. Trump et que ce dernier a par la suite nié ces allégations et dit qu’il n’avait «jamais invité ...
Zervos Stämmer Donald Trump För Förtal
... presidentvalet hölls, trädde flera kvinnor fram och berättade att Donald Trump, som då var republikanernas presidentkandidat, antastat och angripit dem sexuellt. En av kvinnorna var Summer Zervos , en av deltagarna i Trumps tv-program "The Apprentice". Bland annat berättade hon om när hon bjöds in till Trump i Beverly Hills. "Tog tag i mitt bröst". – Jag stod i öppningen. Till vänster såg jag ett sovrum och Donald Trumps kläder på sängen. Jag såg honom inte, men jag hörde hur han ropade "hello". Jag gick in, satte mig och väntade, berättade hon och sa att Trump kom in i rummet efter en stund, med kläderna på. Donald Trump. Foto: Polaris / POLARIS POLARIS IMAGES. – Jag ställde mig och han började kyssa mig, jag vände om och satte mig ner. Han bad mig sätta sig bredvid mig, jag gjorde som han sa, han tog tag i min axel och drog mig till sig och började kyssa mig igen. Han tog tag i mitt bröst. Stämmer Trump för förtal. Och nu, efter Trumps seger i presidentvalet, med bara dagar kvar till hans invigning som ny president i USA, tar fallet ny fart. Nu stämmer Summer Zervos nämligen Trump för förtal, det efter att Trump hävdat att hon ljugit om sexövergreppen. – ...
Trump Sued For Defamation By Former Apprentice Summer Zervos
... who came forward to accuse Mr Trump of sexual assault in the weeks leading up to the presidential election. The 41-year-old former reality show contestant said Mr Trump sexually assaulted her during a meeting to discuss job opportunities at a Beverly Hills hotel. She said he "began thrusting his genitals" as she fended off his advances. The president-elect has dismissed the claims as " false and ridiculous " and vowed to sue the accusers for their allegations. Image copyright EPA. Image caption Ms Zervos asked Mr Trump to retract his words. Mr Trump, a Republican, has not filed a lawsuit against any of the women. Ms Zervos' lawsuit alleges that the president-elect defamed her by denying her account and accusing her and other women of fabricating sexual assault claims. She asked Mr Trump to retract his words late last year, but he declined to do so. Ms Allred said Mr Trump "knowingly, intentionally ...
Former 'apprentice' Contestant Says Trump Assaulted Her In A Hotel Room
... sandwich for dinner, Zervos said, Trump advised her to default on her home mortgage, even though the loan was in good standing. Trump, she said, bragged about how he was able to “maneuver to get out of debt.” Once she defaulted on her home, Trump told Zervos, she should call the bank and say she planned to leave the keys on the kitchen table and walk away forever. “He said that would be a mini version of what he does,” she said. Trump does, in fact, have a long history of using bankruptcy courts and debt defaults to get out of having to repay money he borrows from banks and investors. His four corporate bankruptcies have dogged Trump on the presidential campaign trail, where Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has joked that Trump’s many ghostwritten business advice books “all seem to end at Chapter 11.”. A spokeswoman for the Trump campaign did not immediately respond to The Huffington Post’s request for comment. UPDATE 11:55 p.m. ― Trump responded to Zervos on Friday evening, saying in a statement that he barely remembered her from “The Apprentice,” and “never met her at a hotel or greeted her ...
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