Angela Merkel

Trump Hosts German Chancellor Angela Merkel At The White House
Trump Hosts German Chancellor Angela Merkel At The White House

... about that in the press conference after. KEITH: Well, so President Trump - he brought up something that he's brought up many times before. Here's just a little clip of it. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING). PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I reiterated to Chancellor Merkel my strong support for NATO as well as the need for our NATO allies to pay their fair share for the cost of defense. KEITH: Trump has frequently complained that unlike the U. S., other NATO member nations fail to meet the spending levels called for in the alliances charter. Germany is one of those countries that comes up short. And in her remarks, Merkel pointed out that she has committed to getting up to the mandated 2 percent of GDP by 2024. CORNISH: Meanwhile, President Trump for the last couple weeks has maintained that President Obama had him wiretapped during the campaign. He's never given ...

Trump Bid To Smooth Relations With Germany’s Angela Merkel Complicated By Policy, Personal Differences
Trump Bid To Smooth Relations With Germany’s Angela Merkel Complicated By Policy, Personal Differences

... closely watched at home and abroad for signs of how the two leaders would engage each other. As much as Trump has questioned the multilateral alliances of the post-World War II international order and Merkel has defended them, German officials insisted that her visit was aimed at finding common ground. Yet unlike Trump’s White House summits with several other world leaders — such as prime ministers Shinzo Abe of Japan , Theresa May of Britain and Justin Trudeau of Canada — there were few signs Friday that he and Merkel had built much personal rapport. Hoping to get reassurances from Trump on trade ties, Merkel arrived in Washington with an entourage that included German business executives to emphasize the economic ties between the nations. Trump has opposed multilateral trade deals, and talks on a major U. S.-European pact called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which had been negotiated by the Obama administration, have stalled. Trump said he is not anti-trade, but wants “fair trade,” and he reiterated his past criticism that U. ...

Twitter Piles On Trump After 'klusterfu**en' Angela Merkel Visit
Twitter Piles On Trump After 'klusterfu**en' Angela Merkel Visit

... "I've always said it's much, much better to talk to one another, not about one another." __link__/C 6 Wmnbjsji. — Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) March 17, 2017. And there were those who will forever love Merkel for “that look” she gave Trump. — Leanne Stewart (@Leanne Stewart) March 17, 2017. The best part of this is Merkel looking at the audience like: "Can you believe this schmuck?" __link__/0 hcd AA 19 Na. — Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) March 17, 2017. Angela Merkel during the joint press conference, more or less. __link__/Sma N 7 OHUi B. — Hawt Wyre (@hawtwyre) March 17, 2017. Merkel trying to exclude herself the hell from this narrative. __link__/DQq Qeyo RNA. — David Mack (@davidmackau) March 17, 2017. I think a lot of women will find Trump refusing to even look at Merkel during that ...

Angela Merkel Ally Vows To Ban Turkish Rallies In Germany
Angela Merkel Ally Vows To Ban Turkish Rallies In Germany

... not doing anything?” Mr Erdogan said. Dr Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, dismissed the latest claims as “absurd”, adding: “The chancellor does not intend to participate in a provocation contest.”. ‘Testing the limits’. Her interior minister, Thomas de Maizière, also dismissed such claims, saying German authorities had acted on thousands of PKK tip-offs. The German minister suggested Mr Erdogan’s remarks were “testing the limits” and revealed his fears of losing next month’s vote. Amid huge controversy in Germany, the country’s constitutional court has ruled that politicians are entitled to intervene to ban political demonstrations. Until now, however, Dr Merkel and her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) allies had agreed not to use these powers. But with Turkish plans for at least 15 more rallies in Germany before the April 16 th vote, the small western state of Saarland became the first to break rank. State premier Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, facing re-election later this month, vowed to use laws enabling her to ban foreign leaders’ campaigns “when the peaceful coexistence of Germans and foreigners is ...

Germany's Angela Merkel To Meet With Trump
Germany's Angela Merkel To Meet With Trump

... cover this striking image. It was a meteor heading - racing on fire towards Earth. And Donald Trump's face was on the meteor, his mouth gaping open like he was about to consume the world. Has that perception changed? I mean, what - when you talk to Germans around the country, do they have thoughts about Donald Trump. KOCH: I don't think all Germans see Donald Trump as the end of the Western world, which sort of was depicted on that cover. What we know from the polls - as much as you can trust them nowadays - is that you have 80 to 90 percent of Germans saying that they pretty much abhor what he's doing. But I think people do understand that we need to remain allies because without a strong and stable United States, we are going to be threatened, of course, by Russian and other countries, which don't have ...

Joachim Sauer, Angela Merkel’s Husband
Joachim Sauer, Angela Merkel’s Husband

... swearing in ceremony. The 67-year-old Sauer and the 62-year-old Merkel do not have any children together, but Sauer does have two sons, Daniel and Adrian, from a previous marriage. Here’s what you need to know about Sauer. 1. Sauer & Merkel Have Been Married Since 1998. Sauer and Merkel have been married since December 1998. According to Bild , the marriage was so secretive that neither brought their parents or friends. The paper reports that even some of Merekl’s closest confidants learned about the wedding from a newspaper. It was the second marriage for both of them. Merkel, whose maiden name is Kasner, was previously married to physics student Ulrich Merkel from 1977 to 1982. The name of Sauer’s first wife has not been revealed publicly. Their marriage might have been politically motivated. According to Reuters , the two first met in 1981 while they were both ...

Angela Merkel, Rex Tillerson And St. Patrick's Day
Angela Merkel, Rex Tillerson And St. Patrick's Day

... North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has said the country is preparing to test an intercontinental ballistic missile that could reach the U. S. Tillerson told a news conference today that "all of the options are on the table," and he ruled out the possibility of negotiations unless North Korea gives up its weapons of mass destruction. Scientists expect an unusually warm spring. Federal climate scientists on Thursday said the U. S. should expect spring temperatures that are higher than average — a prediction that follows the sixth warmest winter on record. A region from Texas to New England is likely to experience the hottest temperatures, while areas in the Midwest and parts of California could become more vulnerable to flooding. St. Patrick's Day celebrations begin. Today is St. Patrick's Day, a holiday that many Americans will celebrate by donning the color green, per a tradition that spans centuries. New York City's parade will march down Fifth Avenue this morning, and businesses across the country are celebrating ...

Trump Stands By Wiretapping Claim During Merkel Visit
Trump Stands By Wiretapping Claim During Merkel Visit

... tapped by the NSA as part of a program that Obama ended after leaks from Edward Snowden. Merkel appeared to take several seconds to process what Trump had said, then frowned, and started shuffling her papers on the podium set up for their joint news conference in the East Room of the White House. Trump also showed no sign of regret that his press secretary had sparked a controversy, though the President is increasingly isolated over his claims, made without any evidence, that the Obama administration tapped his phones. The top Republicans and Democrats on the House and Senate Intelligence panels have said there is no evidence that Trump or aides were under surveillance. On Monday, FBI director James Comey is expected to testify to the House committee and is expected to draw similar conclusions. The White House earlier sought to explain Spicer's use of the Fox News report to the British government. National security adviser H. R. Mc Master spoke with his British counterpart and described Spicer's comment as "unintentional." A senior administration official said the conversation amounted ...

President Trump Meets With German Chancellor Angela Merkel For First Time
President Trump Meets With German Chancellor Angela Merkel For First Time

... or somebody in Trump Tower.". Ryan said, however, that he still trusted Trump , and that the apparently false claims the President aired on Twitter would not damage the White House's credibility. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr and Mark Warner, the committee's ranking Democrat, also stated they "see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016.". White House sorry over British spying allegations. - The White House issued an apology to the British government after alleging that a UK intelligence agency spied on President Donald Trump at the behest of former President Barack Obama. At a Thursday press briefing, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer read out allegations originally made on Tuesday on Fox News by legal analyst ...

Germans Think Trump's Rapid Reschedule Of Merkel Trip Is Significant
Germans Think Trump's Rapid Reschedule Of Merkel Trip Is Significant

... of democracy and that Germany had always done well "with mutual respect for each other.". Mutual respect is also what Merkel is hoping to establish with the new U. S. administration and especially with Trump. "Most important is that she succeeds in making clear that differences of opinion can be spoken on the basis of partnership, but not out of confrontation," Juergen Hardt, the German government's coordinator for trans-Atlantic relations, told German news agency dpa. Angela Merkel's trip to Washington was postponed due to weather on Monday. Clemens Bilan / EPA. Trump and Merkel's agenda includes a wide range of topics: international relations and security, including NATO; Russia's behavior related to Ukraine; the situation in the Middle East; the fight against ISIS; Afghanistan; North Korea; the European Union as a trade and security partner; the United ...

Russia's Putin Says Chancellor Angela Merkel Is Expected To Visit Moscow
Russia's Putin Says Chancellor Angela Merkel Is Expected To Visit Moscow

... unlikely that Germany would remove sanctions on Russia after any visit by Merkel. However, a bilateral meeting would send a strong diplomatic signal that Germany was ready to engage diplomatically with Moscow. While meeting Germany's Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel last week, Putin said he would also like to improve ties. The Kremlin chief told Gabriel in Moscow that "our common goal is to fully normalize the relations and to make sure all the difficulties we face are overcome.". Two sides to Minsk. Neither Moscow nor Berlin immediately provided details on the agenda for the upcoming visit. One of the topics, according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, will be the resolution of the conflict in Ukraine. Bavarian Premier Horst Seehofer also urged Putin to implement the Minsk treaty for Ukraine on Thursday. "I have asked him several times: Do you stand by [the peace treaty]? He replied: without question.". At the same time Seehofer noted that Ukraine also has a responsibility to ensure peace. "Minsk is a treaty that applies to two parties," he said. Watch video 00:29. Germany's Gabriel ...

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