Mischa Barton

Mischa Barton's Lawyer Slams Alleged Sex Tape Peddler
Mischa Barton's Lawyer Slams Alleged Sex Tape Peddler

... who is the victim of revenge pornography. Here is my statement. __link__/87 brp AJoqy. — Lisa Bloom (@Lisa Bloom) March 14, 2017. “There’s a name for this disgusting conduct: revenge pornography. Revenge pornography is a form of sexual assault, and it is also a crime and a civil wrong in California. And we will not stand for it,” she continued. “I have a message for anyone who attempts to traffic in these photos or videos of Ms. Barton: we will find you, and we will come after you. We will fully prosecute you under every available criminal and civil law. You proceed at your peril.”. Mischa Barton arrives at the Animal Equality 10 th Anniversary Celebration Honoring Moby at the P on Nov. 19, 2016, in Los Angeles. Greg Doherty/Getty Images. Bloom previously appeared as an anchor on the legal news program Lisa Bloom: Open Court on tru TV from 2006 to 2009. You May Also Like. Celebrity Injuries. Barton, 31, has had a difficult few months. In January, she was reportedly hospitalized after officers responded to a disturbance call at her L. A. home. Barton was released the following day ...

Mischa Barton's Lawyers Threaten Legal Action Against Anyone Attempting To Sell 'revenge Porn
Mischa Barton's Lawyers Threaten Legal Action Against Anyone Attempting To Sell 'revenge Porn

... Ms Bloom also warned that she and her client would go after anyone who “attempts to traffic” the photos or videos. “I am very proud to represent actress Mischa Barton, who is courageously standing up for her rights,” she wrote, ending the letter with a final word of warning: “You proceed at your peril.”. The London-born actress has struggled to repeat the success she had with the teen drama, in which she starred from 2003-2007. She was arrested for drunk driving in 2007, then two years later - following an intervention by her parents - she had a nervous breakdown and was held in psychiatric care after threatening to kill herself. In 2009 her house was reclaimed by the bank after it was revealed she had failed to pay her mortgage for five months. She was then sued by her landlord over unpaid rent on her $7,000-a-month New York apartment before, in April 2015 she begun legal action against her “scheming” mother for stealing from her , with her lawyer describing her as “a greedy stage mother”. The legal action was dropped a year later. But 2017 has not been any easier. In January she was taken to hospital after officers responded to a disturbance call at her LA ...

Mischa Barton Looks Flawless In A String Bikini
Mischa Barton Looks Flawless In A String Bikini

... as they arrive at the 2003 Teen Choice Awards in Universal City, California. A headline-making love life: She used to date Brandon Davis in 2004, left, and in 2006, right, with Cisco Adler. Barton then falls off the balcony and back onto her patio, but quickly gets back up. She later said in an interview with People that she went out with a group of friends on the evening before the incident, and it was then that she was drugged. 'While having drinks, I realized that something was not right as my behavior was becoming erratic and continued to intensify over the next several hours,' said the actress. 'I voluntarily went to get professional help, and I was informed by their staff that I had been given GHB. After an overnight stay, I am home and doing well.' Barton thanked the staff at Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for their care at the time while ...

Mischa Barton Droht Sextape-verkäufer
Mischa Barton Droht Sextape-verkäufer

... mehreren Klagen. Ein Autounfall beim Umzug, ein skurriler Auftritt am Gartenzaun nach einer Partynacht, angeblich unfreiwillig unter Drogeneinfluss - nein, Mischa Barton (31, "O. C. California") hat gerade keine besonders gute Zeit. Nun droht der Schauspielerin auch noch die Veröffentlichung eines Sextapes: Berichten zufolge hat ein Unbekannter explizite Aufnahmen von Barton verschiedenen Porno-Seiten angeboten. Aber in diesem Fall will die 31-Jährige dem Treiben entschlossen ein Ende setzen: Ein deutliches Zeichen in dieser Hinsicht ist ein Statement, das Bartons Anwältin am Dienstag veröffentlicht hat. "Frau Barton stimmt keinerlei Veröffentlichung solcher Aufnahmen zu", heißt es darin. "Es gibt einen Namen für so ein abstoßendes Vorgehen: Rache-Pornografie." An die Adresse des bislang anonymen Anbieters des Tapes lässt Mischa Barton darüber hinaus deutliche Worte richten. "Wir werden Sie finden und wir werden Ihnen auf den Fersen bleiben. Wir werden Sie in vollem Umfang und mithilfe jedes verfügbaren straf- und ...

Mischa Barton Dons Baggy Bottoms As Meltdown Recovery Continues
Mischa Barton Dons Baggy Bottoms As Meltdown Recovery Continues

... photo shoot, just weeks after she reportedly had a 'meltdown' where two of her neighbors called 911 saying she had threatened to kill herself. Top of the pops: She was carrying a lollipop and what appeared to be her passport. Fancy meeting you here: She appeared to chat to a man while speaking on her phone at a bank. Barton claimed that she had been given the date rape drug GHB following the incident, which led to her being hospitalized after paramedics arrived on the scene. In previously released footage of the meltdown, which appeared to be filmed by a neighbor, Barton could be seen ranting and raving while she hang over a fence in her backyard. The bungling actress also recently crashed a rented U-Hail truck into an building in mid February as she was moving out of her apartment. She moved all of her belongings into the U-Haul truck and drove to another building located right below the Sunset Strip. It appears she miscalculated the height of the carport at the building, as the top ...

The 9 Most Shocking Celebrity Meltdowns
The 9 Most Shocking Celebrity Meltdowns

... terminated over comments he’d allegedly made about series creator Chuck Lorre, Charlie – who’d been the highest paid actor on telly, raking in $24 million for the role – started to behave in bizarre fashion. As in the time he claimed: ‘The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning,’ before going on to say: ‘I am on a drug. It’s called Charlie Sheen. It’s not available because if you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.’ He also moved in with two lovers, one a former porn star, that he called his ‘goddesses’ – and told everyone he had ‘tiger blood’ and ‘Adonis DNA’. Er, winning. READ THE LATEST CELEB GOSSIP HERE. Kate Moss. Remember when Kate fell off her supermodel perch in 2005? She was photographed snorting cocaine while in a relationship with Libertines bad boy Pete Doherty and had several modelling contracts dropped. She issued a ...

L'actrice Mischa Barton Victime De Vengeance Pornographique
L'actrice Mischa Barton Victime De Vengeance Pornographique

... 14 Retweets   8 Favoris. Charles Millon, l'encombrant soutien de François #Fillon Lire l'article cc @Diane Mls | Voir le tweet. 18 Retweets   10 Favoris. #Japon , la civilisation qui fascine l’Occident. Découvrez notre dossier spécial Lire l'article cc… | Voir le tweet. 5 Retweets   8 Favoris. Asli Erdogan interdite de voyager Lire l'article | Voir le tweet. 9 Retweets   1 Favori. Le biomimétisme selon Idriss Aberkane #9  : les geckotechs Lire l'article | Voir le tweet. 6 Retweets   6 Favoris. - @Gaspard 2012 sur la route du cannabis. Reportage dans l'État du Colorado, qui a légalisé l'usage de la marijuana… Lire l'article. 8 Retweets   8 Favoris. Présidentielle : Mélenchon dépasse officiellement les 500 parrainages Lire l'article | Voir le tweet. 3 Retweets   6 Favoris. La Bourse de Paris termine en baisse Lire l'article | Voir le tweet. 2 Retweets   0 Favori. 500 réfugiés accueillis : Hollande salue un message contre "l'intolérance" Lire l'article | Voir le tweet. 7 Retweets   7 Favoris. Discrimination à l'embauche : Accor Hotels et Courtepaille épinglés Lire l'article | Voir le tweet. 8 Retweets   2 Favoris. #Japon - L'art sacré du ...

Mischa Barton Spotted Finally Moving Into Her New Apartment
Mischa Barton Spotted Finally Moving Into Her New Apartment

... looks like Mischa Barton is finally ready to make another go of it, as she was seen successfully moving into her new West Hollywood apartment in the very early hours of Friday. This time, the 31-year-old actress looked quite calm and collected as she gazed at her phone while waiting for help unloading her belongings. The leggy blonde was dressed casually for the chore, donning a tasseled wrap featuring a south western pattern, a black top and dark-hued skinny jeans. She finished off her practical outfit with a pair of grey low-top sneakers. While her moving venture seems to have worked out on Friday, her last attempt was not so successful. Moving muscle: The leggy blonde was dressed casually for the chore, donning a tasseled wrap featuring a south western pattern, a black top and dark-hued skinny jeans. Last Saturday, it appeared as though she miscalculated the height of the carport at the building, as the top of the moving truck slammed into the overhead support beam and became stuck. A video taken moments after the crash shows Barton shaken and saying that ...

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