
The Cbo Says As Many As 24 Million More Americans Could Be Uninsured Under 'trumpcare
The Cbo Says As Many As 24 Million More Americans Could Be Uninsured Under 'trumpcare

... in the number of uninsured people. "The CBO's estimate makes clear that Trumpcare will cause serious harm to millions of American families," a statement from Schumer said. "Tens of millions will lose their coverage, and millions more, particularly seniors, will have to pay more for healthcare. The CBO score shows just how empty the president's promises, that everyone will be covered and costs will go down, have been. This should be a looming stop sign for the Republicans' repeal effort.". The White House and proponents of the AHCA have spent much of the past week casting doubts on the CBO score in an attempt to blunt the widely expected blow from the report. In a press conference last week, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said , "If you're looking at the CBO for accuracy, you're looking in the wrong place." Other White House surrogates, such as National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, criticized the CBO's accuracy in interviews on Sunday. The AHCA passed the House Energy and Commerce Committee and Ways and ...

Cbo Confirms Trump And Hillary The Same, Basically
Cbo Confirms Trump And Hillary The Same, Basically

... absent as Trump begins to sell his agenda, hobbled by staffing delays, internal jockeying for control and a struggle to win the favor of big donors. Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway once promised the organization, now known as America First Policies, would provide a ‘surround-sound super structure’ to boost the president’s goals. After nearly two months, there has been little activity aside from a press release announcing the group’s formation and a recent smattering of posts on Twitter and Facebook. ‘To say that the folks inside the White House are disappointed that there’s been no air support in the first 50 days is an understatement,’ said a person involved with the nonprofit, one of ten Trump officials engaged with the group or at the White House who spoke about the group with POLITICO. ‘Things have moved very slow and there’s a lot of frustration that things need to move faster.’ [ Politico ]. KELLYANNE CONWAY, GOD BLESS YOU - Can someone bottle the way she perceives the world and sell it? Life is stressful and we’d like to drink five units of that. Marina Fang: ...

The Biggest Test Yet For 'trumpcare' Could Come Monday
The Biggest Test Yet For 'trumpcare' Could Come Monday

... under the AHCA, while the Brookings Institution projected up to 15 million. The impact on the federal deficit: One of the complaints of conservative Republicans positioning themselves against the AHCA is that the tax credits and other funding, combined with the repeal of Obamacare's taxes, would cause the federal deficit to increase. Cost of premiums: The second-most-expensive silver-level plan was used by the CBO to project premium growth under the ACA. In fact, despite large jumps over the past year, average premiums for 2017 are roughly in line with the CBO's original projections. How the average cost of insurance would change under the new law will be another major sticking point for opponents of the AHCA. The CBO score is not a perfect indicator — changes to the legislation as it goes through various committees, as well as legal challenges, can roil its estimates. It does, however, give a look at how the current iteration of the law could change the insurance industry and ...

First Read's Morning Clips
First Read's Morning Clips

... say he should be," writes the New York Times. "The lag has left critical power centers in his government devoid of leadership as he struggles to advance policy priorities on issues like health care, taxes, trade and environmental regulation. Many federal agencies and offices are in states of suspended animation, their career civil servants answering to temporary bosses whose influence and staying power are unclear, and who are sometimes awaiting policy direction from appointees whose arrival may be weeks or months away.". "Republican lawmakers are showing increasing resistance to President Donald Trump's trade agenda, worried that his plans could hurt exports from their states and undermine longstanding U. S. alliances," writes the Wall Street Journal. The New York Times notes that Trump wants higher growth while the Fed is urging restraint. NBC's Ari Melber notices : "President Donald Trump pledged to forgo a presidential ...

Congressional Budget Office Delves Into Gop Health Plan's Cost
Congressional Budget Office Delves Into Gop Health Plan's Cost

... many, many times. He said everyone will be covered, even if they can't pay. INSKEEP: Yeah, he even used the phrase health insurance for everybody. But how hard is President Trump working to sell this plan. LIASSON: I think he is going to work very hard. The White House says he is in sell mode. This is the first big test of his presidency. Can he sell this legislation? He's supposed to be a master salesman. But so far, Trump, who is a great brander, has not decided to call this Trumpcare (ph). This plan could end up helping affluent millennials, who didn't vote for Trump, and hurting lower income, older, sicker Trump voters, especially if the Congressional Budget Office estimate is even close to being accurate - 3 to 5 or 6 to 10 million people losing health care. Then what happens to Trumpcare? Is there a backlash. INSKEEP: And let's just remember that they've not only reduced the subsidies under this plan, but also changed who gets them. It's not based on your income and whether you may need it based on ...

Defunding Planned Parenthood Would Lead To Thousands More Births
Defunding Planned Parenthood Would Lead To Thousands More Births

... help them avoid pregnancy, resulting in thousands of additional births, according to a new federal budget analysis. The prediction came Monday as part of a much-awaited analysis  from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which assesses the fiscal impact of major legislative bills. It was part of a more sweeping look at a congressional health care bill that would repeal and replace the law known as Obamacare. [ Affordable Care Act revision would reduce insured numbers by 24 million, CBO projects ]. The analysts estimated that excluding the women’s health organization from the Medicaid program for one year, as congressional Republicans have proposed, would particularly affect low-income areas and communities without many health care options, leaving 15 percent of those people “without services that help women avert pregnancy.”. Planned Parenthood provides reproductive and other services, including abortion, to 2.5 ...

Proposed Surcharge For Dropping Health Coverage Is No Real Stick, Cbo Projects
Proposed Surcharge For Dropping Health Coverage Is No Real Stick, Cbo Projects

... would have to pay a 30 percent surcharge on one year’s premium upon re-enrolling. That compares with the current tax penalty under the 2010 law, which is calculated as the higher of either 2.5 percent of household income or a flat-dollar amount per adult and child in a family, for a total that cannot exceed $2,085. Although the Internal Revenue Service has not prosecuted Americans for failing to provide proof of insurance, roughly 7.5 million taxpayers paid a fine the first year the penalty was in force. And the total annual risk of staying uninsured has risen over time, to make for a greater impetus. James C. Capretta, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute who specializes in health care and budgetary issues, said in an interview that he and several other analysts have similarly ...

Trump Administration 'strenuously' Disagrees With Cbo Report
Trump Administration 'strenuously' Disagrees With Cbo Report

... deficit by $337 billion in the same span. Story Continued Below. “We disagree strenuously with the report that was put out,” Price told reporters after leaving a Cabinet meeting with Trump. “We believe that our plan will cover more individuals at a lower cost and give them the choices that they want for the coverage that they want for themselves and for their families, not that the government forces them to buy.”. Price, who addressed reporters alongside Office of Budget and Management Director Mick Mulvaney, argued that people should compare the CBO projection to what’s actually happening with Obamacare. By Rachana Pradhan , Jennifer Haberkorn and Sarah Ferris. “It’s about the coverage — the health coverage — that they have but the health care that they receive,” Price said. “And the fact of the matter is that right now, current law, we’ve got individuals who have health coverage but no health care. And it’s incredibly important to appreciate that. In fact, the care — the ...

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