Steve King

Why Are Steve King And The President Of Turkey So Interested In The Dutch Election
Why Are Steve King And The President Of Turkey So Interested In The Dutch Election

... else's babies.”. What King was applauding started on Saturday, when a plane carrying the Turkish foreign minister was barred from landing in the Netherlands, to prevent him from addressing a rally in Rotterdam. The minister, a member of Erdogan’s Islamist AKP party, had been hoping to gain support from Turkish expatriates for a controversial referendum that would amend the Turkish constitution to grant the president sweeping new powers. The Dutch authorities cited concerns about public order to bar the plane, but the move prompted protests in Rotterdam and in several cities in Turkey. (These protests were what prompted the story King was reacting to.) Erdogan denounced Dutch leaders as “Nazi remnants.” He had made similar comments about the Germans after planned pro-referendum rallies were blocked there last week. Wilders, whose party had pressured the government to block the Turkish minister, praised the move and took credit for it. (And King praised it too.) The Dutch ...

Is This What Steve King Meant About ‘somebody Else’s Babies
Is This What Steve King Meant About ‘somebody Else’s Babies

... speak at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, despite a long history of racially charged comments and gleeful sexism. (He was disinvited at the last minute when comments he made that seemed to condone pederasty went public, proving that at least some norms remain in place.). Trump himself has, now twice, signed executive orders banning all refugees and any citizens of half a dozen majority-Muslim countries from entering the US. The administration claims that religion has nothing to do with the travel ban, but critics point to the president’s campaign trail promises of a “Muslim ban” as reason to doubt him. Now though, Iowa Congressman Steve King has thrown away pretty much all pretense of tolerance for people who are not American-born. On Sunday, the fervently anti-immigration congressman tweeted out the statement, “We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies.”. In an appearance on CNN Monday morning, King said he “meant exactly what I said.”. “You cannot rebuild your civilization with somebody else's babies. You've got to keep your birth rate up, and that you need to teach your children your values,” King said. “In doing so, you can grow ...

Why Is The American Far-right So Obsessed With Europe
Why Is The American Far-right So Obsessed With Europe

... are real problems worthy of attention from European politicians, though I do not believe Wilders has the right approach to them. But what does any of this have to do with the United States, and why does King spend so much time thinking about it. I think the answer is that American nationalists tend to oppose immigration for reasons that are fundamentally racist. They want white people to have more babies and fewer minorities to come here. But the facts on the ground in the United States are not useful for arguing that case without explicit appeals to racism. So they obsess over Europe, where immigration has created more problems and birthrates are dire. Pro-immigration politicians in the United States would do well to think about what it is about immigration to the United States that makes it work better than in Europe — and how we can adjust our immigration policies to improve those advantages. In the case of our Muslim communities, it is important ...

Representative Steve King Continues To Pine For Homogeneous America
Representative Steve King Continues To Pine For Homogeneous America

... the Quran to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf and has campaigned to have the Muslim holy text banned in his country. He’s called for a cessation of immigration from Muslim-majority countries, argued that new mosques shouldn’t be constructed in the Netherlands and that stopping the “Islamation of the Netherlands” is crucial to the country’s continued existence and prosperity. Sunday, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) tweeted in support of Wilders, saying: “Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with someone else’s babies.”. Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies. __link__/4 nx Lipaf WO. — Steve King (@Steve King IA) March 12, 2017. And today, Monday, Rep. King doubled down on the tweet during a segment on CNN by saying that Western civilizations need to get their birth rates up and repeating the “somebody else’s babies” line. When pressed about the idea being antithetical to American ideals, King effectively ...

Chris Cuomo Grills Rep. Steve King R-ia , Who Refuses To Say If American Muslims Are Equal To Other Americans
Chris Cuomo Grills Rep. Steve King R-ia , Who Refuses To Say If American Muslims Are Equal To Other Americans

... there's a concern in this country about. But I asked you something else. These people are either all equal or they are not, in your view. A Muslim-American, an Italian-American, German-American, like you and your blood, your roots. They are either all equal or they are not, in your mind. What is the answer. KING: I'd say they're all created in the image of God and they're equal in his eyes, and if they're citizens of the United States, they're equal in the eyes of the law. Individuals will contribute differently, not equally, to this civilization and society, and certain groups of people will do more from a productive side than other groups of people will. That's just a statistical fact. And so -. CUOMO: But it's not as a function of race. It's as a function of opportunity and education. KING: I didn't say race. CUOMO: You're not more likely as a Muslim-American to contribute to American society. It's about your education and your opportunity, not what your blood is. KING: Chris. CUOMO: Yes. KING: Chris, it's the culture. It's the ...

State Budget Woes, Steve King Controversy, March Madness
State Budget Woes, Steve King Controversy, March Madness

... in tax collections is downgraded again. Read more: __link__/2 m Aqh Ym. STEVE KING TWEET CONTROVERSY — Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, has gained notoriety for his often contentious comments about immigration and the nation’s demographics. On Sunday, in a tweet about the nationalist Dutch politician Geert Wilders, King again appeared to cross the line. “Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny,” King wrote. “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.” Read more: __link__/2 mi KY 7 x. GRAD STUDENTS HELPING CITY — A group of University of Iowa graduate students are getting a taste of what it’s like to work for a city government. About 25 Master of Accountancy students, who are in this spring’s advanced auditing class, have been assigned to work with Iowa City’s finance department — specifically, developing internal auditing processes for various city departments’ financial polices and procedures. Read more: __link__/2 m Cy JX 4. IOWA ...

Rep. Steve King Blasted For 'our Civilization' Tweet
Rep. Steve King Blasted For 'our Civilization' Tweet

... Freedom Summit Jan. 24, 2015, in Des Moines. (Photo: Scott Olson, Getty Images). 23175 CONNECT TWEET 40 LINKEDIN 232 COMMENTEMAILMORE. U. S. Rep. Steve King, an Iowa Republican who last July said white Christians have contributed more to Western civilization than any other “subgroup,” on Sunday found himself again the subject of criticism, this time for saying that Muslim children are preventing “our civilization” from being restored. King, who was retweeting a message endorsing Geert Wilders, a far-right candidate for Dutch prime minister, said Wilders “understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies.”. Turkey's president: 'Nazism is alive in the West'. The  original tweet , from the anti-European Union Voice of Europe media organization, displays a cartoon with an image of Wilders plugging a hole ...

Us Is ‘too Easy’ On Leakers
Us Is ‘too Easy’ On Leakers

... the Department of Health and Human Services could. 108 Shares. GOP healthcare bill hangs in the. House Republicans are taking fire from all sides as they seek to push. 104 Shares. Trump administration wants more. President Trump's administration has asked for more time to comply with a. 96 Shares. CBO health score stirs alarm in. Sen. Susan Collins said the CBO's findings should be a "cause for alarm.". 89 Shares. Meteorologists refute EPA head on. The nation’s main organization for meteorology is refuting Environmental. 84 Shares. Biden names favorite bromance meme. Biden’s daughter said the former vice president “sat there for an hour and. 81 Shares. Rubio: 'Snoop shouldn’t have done. "We've had presidents assassinated before in this country," he said. 78 Shares. Kushner family to make $400 M from. The ...

Peregrine Pharmaceuticals' Pphm Ceo Steve King On Q3 2017 Results
Peregrine Pharmaceuticals' Pphm Ceo Steve King On Q3 2017 Results

... control our R&D expenses and to move toward profitability for the next 15 months now. But yes, we saw an interest in lung cancer. It’s obviously a complicated space, maybe getting more complicated with expected approvals and PDUFA dates somewhat have you coming up that could further change the landscape. But bottom line is there are still patients who are not getting cured. The research community and clinical community is focused on the tumor microenvironment as potential root cause. And obviously as we have these collaborations that have results coming up at AACR and beyond, they’re indicating really that that could be bavi sweet spot. So yes, I think as we put together our data set with what the market needs, our lung cancer is still attractive, so a huge indication. And again, still lots of need there. While, we’re happy to see really the great progress in ...

Steve King Has Been A Jackass For Years
Steve King Has Been A Jackass For Years

... wrong.” But Mr. King still stands by his 100-to-1 claim. On Meet the Press on Sunday  he said : “My numbers have not been debunked. I said valedictorians compared to people who would be legalized under the act that are drug smugglers coming across the border.”. Or that time in 2014 when two Dreamers confronted King over his years-long war on DACA, with King grabbing one by the arm—a Latina Dreamer—and telling her,  “You’re very good at English:”. Since King has been so eager to take DACA away from more than half a million DREAMers, Erika Andiola of DRM Action  confronted  King in Iowa Monday night and asked him if he had the guts to personally take away hers. Handing him  her DACA card, Erika said, “I know you want to get rid of DACA. I want to give you the opportunity, if you really want to get rid of it, just rip mine. You can go ahead and do that.”. King refused, saying that he did not comment about personal cases.  At one point  in their discussion , King actually told ...

Fellow Republican Justin Amash Asks Steve King
Fellow Republican Justin Amash Asks Steve King

... its civilization with "someone else's babies.". Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan tweeted on Monday afternoon, "I'm an American no less than you are. I love our Constitution and traditions. Am I 'somebody else's' baby because my parents are immigrants?". King, sharing an article from the Voice of Europe, said the author, Dutch politician Geert Wilders, understood "that culture and demographics are our destiny" and getting back to the nation's Caucasian roots can only be done by bearing more children who are white. Amash is a second-generation American whose parents immigrated to the U. S. from Palestine and Syria. Former Florida Jeb Bush also criticized King's remarks on Monday. "America is a nation of immigrants," Bush tweeted. "The sentiment expressed by Steve King doesn't reflect our shared history or values.". King ...

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