Daniel Newman

L'un Des Acteurs De The Walking Dead Fait Son Coming Out
L'un Des Acteurs De The Walking Dead Fait Son Coming Out

... À 35 ans, l' acteur américain a jugé important pour lui de dévoiler son homosexualité. Selon ses déclarations, il a reçu des encouragements d'une jeune femme dans un refuge pour jeunes LGBT en détresse. En effet, celle-ci l'avait remercié d'être "un allié hétéro" jusqu'à ce qu'il dise la vérité et qu'elle l'encourage à utiliser sa notoriété pour parler de la cause gay. Dans une vidéo, il a déclaré : "Cela m'a pris aux tripes (.) J'ai réalisé à quel point c'était important à notre époque d'avoir de la visibilité, que les gens sachent qui vous êtes. Quand vous accomplissez des choses incroyables et que, dans le même temps, vous cachez qui vous êtes vraiment, vous blessez par ricochet des millions de personnes. Quand nous restons silencieux, nous sommes en partie responsables de ces enfants frappés et ridiculisés, de ces ...

Walking Dead Star Daniel Newman Comes Out As Gay On Twitter
Walking Dead Star Daniel Newman Comes Out As Gay On Twitter

... important it is in this day and age to be visible; have people know who you are. 'When you are accomplishing incredible things and you are hiding who you are, you are hurting hundreds of millions of people,' he said. Join me: The 35-year-old, who also plays Daniel in The Walking Dead, called on others to join him and show the full spectrum of the LGBT community. He claimed that around the world there was an estimated 300 million to 700 million LGBT. 'That's larger than any army ever in history,' he proclaimed. 'Do you realise how powerful that is?'. He said LGBT who 'stay quiet' are partially to blame for kids getting beat up and ridiculed, stereotypes and stigmas. The reason he did not 'come out' until now, he explained, was because he was raised in Irish Catholic family, in a farm town in Georgia in the South. 'It wasn't even about homophobia or anything; you just keep your private life private. So that's the way I've always been. 'But now is not the time any longer to keep it private,' ...

Mullum Man Accused Of Bashing Girlfriend Stays Behind Bars
Mullum Man Accused Of Bashing Girlfriend Stays Behind Bars

... in a train tunnel near Mullumbimby when he allegedly bashed his girlfriend has been released on bail. Bearded and dishevelled, with dark brown eyes and hair, Daniel Newman was shaking as he sat in the dock in Byron Bay Local Court yesterday morning. The 25-year-old allegedly bashed a 21-year-old woman on Tuesday, February 28. He was arrested and charged with assault occasioning actual bodily harm, stalking and intimidating with intent to cause fear or physical harm, and property damage. Magistrate Michael Dakin said the young woman had suffered a "frightful beating". "Every inch of her body is covered in lumps and bruises," Magistrate Dakin said. The 21-year-old is currently in Gold Coast Hospital with bleeding on the brain. He said given the "perilous condition" of the victim's health it was possible that the assault charge could be upgraded. He also noted the ...

Actor Daniel Newman Revela Que Es Gay Y Cuenta En Video Su Emotiva Historia
Actor Daniel Newman Revela Que Es Gay Y Cuenta En Video Su Emotiva Historia

... que compartió en You Tube, Newman explicó por qué decidió hacer este valiente anuncio justamente ahora. Según dijo, un encuentro casual en un refugio para jóvenes sin hogar lo convenció que decir la verdad era lo correcto. El actor señaló que como voluntario, una muchacha se le acercó y le agradeció por apoyar a los LGBT “como si ella no se lo mereciera”, pero ese es solo el principio de la historia. La joven creía que Newman se había sincerado con el mundo sobre su opción sexual, pero cuando él reconoció que era un secreto, la muchacha lo desafió por no hacer público quién era realmente. “Me golpeó como un golpe al estómago. Sentí como si me hubiese golpeado el viento”, señaló Newman en el video. Daniel Newman es Daniel en The Walking Dead (Foto: AMC). Solo entonces, el actor se dio cuenta de lo importante que es en la actualidad hacer visible la verdad sobre uno mismo. Según indicó, “cuando estás haciendo cosas increíbles y escondiendo quién eres, estás hiriendo a cientos de millones de personas”. En ese marco, el también exmodelo de Calvin Klein envió un mensaje a las personas que como él se escondían del ojo público. “Estereotipos y estigmas… si ...

Mi Avevano Consigliato Di Non Fare Coming Out
Mi Avevano Consigliato Di Non Fare Coming Out

... sia importante in questo periodo essere visibili, permettere che la gente sappia chi sei". L'attore ha scritto di essere orgoglioso di quello che è e tutti dovrebbero essere essere liberi di essere se stessi. I'm #OUTand PROUD #LGBT Love you guys. Be proud to be yourself. We need everyone just the way you are! I'll chat with you guys tonight. — Daniel Newmaη (@Daniel Newman) March 30, 2017. La situazione non è però stata facile: "Sono un attore. Il mondo intero, le persone del settore, ti dicono 'E' la tua grande occasione, sei in The Walking Dead, non puoi rivelarlo, non puoi farne parlare nella stampa perché tutto quello per cui hai lavorato sparirà, non ci sono ruoli da protagonista per uomini gay o bisessuali, nessun eroe dei film d'azione lo è, la tua carriera finirà. Non mi importa perché so che era la cosa giusta". La sua decisione è stata presa considerando inoltre la situazione politica negli Stati Uniti: "Sono cresciuto in una famiglia cattolica irlandese, in una città di campagna nella Georgia del Sud, e non si trattava nemmeno di omofobia o altro, semplicementi mantieni la tua vita privata. E' sempre stato così, ma ora non si può più nascondersi. ...

The Walking Dead’s Daniel Newman Hopes To Inspire Lgbt Youth By Opening Up About His Sexuality
The Walking Dead’s Daniel Newman Hopes To Inspire Lgbt Youth By Opening Up About His Sexuality

... role on The Walking Dead has changed Newman’s other ways as well. “It’s been insane,” he says of joining the cast. “The fan base is just massive. They’ve only shown my character a little bit so far, and people are already recognizing me. I now have a million fans on social media. It’s been a huge blessing. I couldn’t be on a greater show. It’s the most eclectic group that celebrates all walks of life: white, black, Asian, gay, straight … every single diversity they just celebrate it all and highlight people. It’s the greatest experience I’ve had in my career.”. Being recognized from the AMC show has helped Newman shed light on all the youth programs that he’s involved with: GLAAD , My Friend’s Place and  Covenant House. “The Walking Dead has given me a huge platform with social media. Now when I put a tweet out we get huge donations for these programs,” he says. “It’s important to be in touch with what’s going on in your neighborhood and communities ...

Walking Dead -stjerna Kom Ut Av Skapet
Walking Dead -stjerna Kom Ut Av Skapet

... og transpersoner som bor på gata. - Jenta følte at hun ikke fortjente hjelp, siden «jeg var hetero». Da jeg fortalte henne at jeg ikke var det, sa hun: «Hvorfor har du ikke stått fram offentlig? Du kan bidra til å endre liv». Oppfordringen fra den unge jenta føltes som «et slag i magen», forteller 35-åringen. - Det føltes som noen hadde slått pusten ut av meg. Valget om å stå fram ble plutselig enkelt. Stikk til Hollywood. Videre i videoen reflekterer Newman rundt åpenhet om legning i skuespillermiljøet. Han mener Hollywood har en lang vei å gå. - Hele verden, og bransjen for øvrig, sier til meg: «Det finnes ingen mannlige homofile eller bifile hovedkarakterer eller actionhelter, karrieren din kommer til å være over hvis du forteller det». Vel, jeg bryr meg ikke. Akkurat nå vet jeg hva som er riktig. Ved siden av å være kjent som skuespiller, har Daniel Newman gjort karriere som både musiker og modell. Han har blant annet frontet kampanjer for motehus som Calvin Klein, Dior, Louis Vuitton og Tommy Hilfiger - og har bidratt på soundtracket til en av ...

10 Things You Didn't Know About The Vampire Diaries' Daniel Newman
10 Things You Didn't Know About The Vampire Diaries' Daniel Newman

... role's only barely been revealed so far, but the network used my character's images for so much press and publicity for this new season, so a ton of people on the streets here in the US have come up to me to talk and on airplanes. I've never had that before. I was just trying to build my tech company this year, so a couple random lucky breaks and tons and tons of hard work have been a huge blessing this year. I was amazed after I was revealed on the finale half a million new people followed me on Twitter and Instagram, and all write to me about their families and lives and cool stuff. Blown away by all the love and excitement they have for my character and the plot this season. The show is Iconic, and the cast and creators have created such a worshiped legendary series that people are so invested in and love, it's really an honor to be ...

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