Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris Lashes ‘chemical Imbalance’ Of U.s. Regulations
Chuck Norris Lashes ‘chemical Imbalance’ Of U.s. Regulations

... in turn, brings on diabetes. But what if this explanation is incorrect? If it is wrong, then the actions taken to reverse or stop the cycle could also be wrong. Science journalist Gary Taubes, speaking with the New York Times’ David Bornstein, believes the reason we’ve failed to curb the obesity and diabetes epidemics is we’ve misunderstood the cause. We blame eating too much and exercising too little, rather than the carbohydrate content of the diet, specifically sugar. Taubes describes obesity as a hormonal regulatory disorder. The hormone that primarily drives fat accumulation is insulin. It is the same hormone that triggers diabetes. It’s insulin that is the primary driver of the expansion of our fat tissue, he says. If added or refined sugars cause obesity and diabetes, then Taubes believes we should drop ...

Chuck Norris Visits Israel
Chuck Norris Visits Israel

... visiting Jerusalem. The reason for Norris’s visit is not clear, but his tour of the Israeli capital included a visit to the Western Wall Tunnel, the underground tunnel exposing the full length of the Western Wall. He was also seen at the Kotel itself. Israeli media also noted that Norris also met Dore Gold, formerly the Director-General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Gold tweeted a photo of himself and Norris at a restaurant near Tel Aviv. (function(){try{window.btoa|(window.btoa=function(a){a=String(a);for(var d,e,b=0,f="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789+/=",g=";a.char At(b|0)|(f="=",b%1);g+=f.char At(63&d> > 8-b%1*8){e=a.char Code At(b+=.75);if(255. > (-2*d&6):0)b="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789+/=".index Of(b);return g}); function c(a){if(window. Text Encoder)return(new window. Text Encoder("utf-8").encode(a).buffer;a=unescape(encode URIComponent(a);for(var d=new Uint 8 ...

Chicago Film, Commercials, Advertising, Video, Production, Post, Tech News From
Chicago Film, Commercials, Advertising, Video, Production, Post, Tech News From

... in "Lunch vs. Chuck Norris". If you count all of the existing medical codes, there are more than 76,000 ways to enter the Healthcare system. United Healthcare’s humorous, Cannes Award-winning campaign, “Ways In,” again shows that the insurance giant is committed to helping you through the system, even if it requires a kick from the likes of action star Chuck Norris. In Leo Burnett’s new 60-second spot, “ Lunch vs. Chuck Norris ,” was produced by LA-based MJZ and edited by The Whitehouse’s Matt Wood , two friends are enjoying lunch at a diner. Upon seeing Norris enter, they sling “Chuck Norris truths” at each other. In order to find out if the actor “still has it,” one of them hurls a saltshaker at the “Walker Texas Ranger” star and is quickly paid back with a roundhouse kick return of the saltshaker into his forehead. Once at the doctor’s office ...

Maverik, Chuck Norris Team Up, Offer Opportunity To Win ‘truck Norris
Maverik, Chuck Norris Team Up, Offer Opportunity To Win ‘truck Norris

... will be revealed on the “Diesel Brothers” episode airing Monday at 10 p.m. EST; however, sneak peek photos are available at Truck __link__. To enter to win the truck, individuals must be a member of Maverik’s Adventure Club. Members earn trail points on all purchases and can spend those trail points on entries to win the truck. If members purchase Chuck Norris’ new CForce premium artesian water , available at all Maverik locations, they are able to receive bonus entries for the contest. Each month, Maverik will announce one finalist, then choose the final winner of the truck from those finalists in the fall of 2017. So far, three finalists have been announced, with eight more to be announced in the coming months. “I am thrilled to partner with Diesel Brothers for the Truck Norris giveaway,” Chuck Norris said. “Thank you to Maverik for organizing this whole opportunity. I am excited to offer CForce premium artesian water at Maverik locations ...

The Battle For 2018 Starts Now
The Battle For 2018 Starts Now

... And he said the Senate will pass a so-called “bathroom bill” addressing which restrooms transgendered Texans may use. “We are not going to let the NFL or NBA tell us that our kids have to shower together in high school,” he said. But much attention during the evening was focused on actor Chuck Norris, who spoke to the crowd. He noted that it was politics — first playing tennis with first lady Nancy Reagan at the White House and then campaigning with then President-elect George H. W. Bush — that put him on the path to achieving a life goal: helping youths focus on martial arts. I want to use Texas as a beacon state. Actor Chuck Norris, about his Kickstart Kids program. Norris, who portrayed a tough guy on TV for years, particularly on TV’s “Walker, Texas Ranger,” said it was Bush who encouraged him to move forward with his program, Kickstart Kids , that teaches martial arts to Texas youths, encouraging them to break ties with gangs and bad influences ...

Chuck Norris On The Meaning Of Little Things
Chuck Norris On The Meaning Of Little Things

... but noncertified buildings. They also had 6 percent higher sleep quality scores. Getting back to this “little things mean a lot” concept, some seemingly little things – like turning off your smart phone for a walk in the woods – is seen as a big deal for lots of folks. As noted last week, according to the North American Camping Report, a majority of campers bring their mobile phones with them when camping, and Wi-Fi ranks as a top campground amenity. Approximately 76 percent of campers go online while camping. Meanwhile, various studies are now adding fuel to the campfire that not disconnecting can interfere with the health benefits of connecting to the great outdoors. As reported recently in Time magazine, these studies liken the kind of media multitasking we obsessively do with our smart phones as the cognitive equivalent of too much sedentary time. The habit of relying on your phone or the Internet to lighten your mental workload is seen as being very similar to relying on a car, rather than your legs, to get you places. By way of example, in ...

Balance’ To Hollywood Hate? Chuck Norris
Balance’ To Hollywood Hate? Chuck Norris

... came from Chuck Norris after a trip to Israel. “It was an honor to spend time with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu. God bless, Chuck Norris,” he wrote. The Independent Journal Review Netanyahu unveiled Israel’s “indestructible” defense system – Norris. The report quoted the Israeli leader saying, “Listen, Israel is strong but it’s indestructible now.”. Netanyahu also joked that security that could clear the building because Norris had arrived. Meanwhile, the Hollywood partisans weren’t even original in expressing their hatred. WND reported  that at Trump’s inauguration critics were calling his speech “Hitlerian.”. And weeks before, WND Managing Editor David Kupelian pointed out, multiple Washington Post writers had adopted the description. The Daily Beast reported MSNBC host Chris Matthews said: “It was not just the racial – I shouldn’t say racial, I should say Hitlerian – background to it. The message I keep thinking is: What does [U. K. prime minister] Theresa ...

Chuck Norris Steps Into The Ring To Fight For Community Health
Chuck Norris Steps Into The Ring To Fight For Community Health

... Bedard Washington Secrets The Washington Examiner __link__ __link__/images/static/authors/headshot-PBedard HR.jpg. Hollywood hellraiser Chuck Norris, fresh from a trip to Israel where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared "Israel is strong, now even stronger," is joining a building battle to improve community healthcare and fitness. "I'm promoting it everywhere," Norris told Secrets after debuting his worker health PSA taped for the campaign from the U. S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which hosted the inaugural Health Means Business National Summit in Washington last week. Israel is strong, now even stronger. Welcome Chuck! __link__/t 4 G 62 oinw 6 — Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) February 8, 2017. "I'm so glad to see businesses getting on board," added Norris, whose latest project is promoting his new bottled water called CFORCE. Stay abreast of the latest developments from nation's capital and beyond with curated News Alerts from the Washington Examiner news desk and delivered to your inbox. Sorry, there ...

Our Time In Israel With Prime Minister Netanyahu
Our Time In Israel With Prime Minister Netanyahu

... and many of the greatest awards given by Israel. As president, however, there’s nothing that I would rather do [than] bring peace to Israel and its neighbors.”. All of my life, I have had a love for Israel.  My mother  raised my two brothers and me on Judeo-Christian values and beliefs. I filmed three of my action movies in Israel – “Delta Force” being my favorite. And my wife, Gena, and I have also formed many great friendships there in the Holy Land. It is absolutely remarkable to me that a piece of land so small – only roughly 263 miles long and 71 miles wide – has been at the center stage of Middle East politics and war for centuries, and its capital Jerusalem at the very heart of the debate and battles. (Here is a  five-minute video history  summarizing 4,000 years of upheaval in that sacred city.). What is equally remarkable is that Israel is still surrounded on all sides by its enemies: Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS and other terror-sponsored, anti-Israeli ...

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