Congressional Black Caucus

Real Leaks, Fake News And The Congressional Black Caucus
Real Leaks, Fake News And The Congressional Black Caucus

... my word for it. Late-night comic Stephen Colbert shows the reaction from Fox News. Take a look at Punchlines, above, to see what an anchor from a news organization the president actually likes had to say. In addition to talking about his own television ratings (and the news media's bad ratings), Trump managed to be an equal opportunity offender in so many other ways. Trevor Noah shows us how Trump turned a question about the Congressional Black Caucus into an awkward (and racist) moment to remember. And Jimmy Kimmel analyzes Trump's most baffling comment: The leaks are real, but the news is fake. After you watch our favorite jokes from last night's late-night lineup, vote for yours in the quick poll to the right. Watching from your smartphone or tablet? Then visit __link__ to cast your ballot. Follow Eileen Rivers @msdc 14. Read or Share this story: __link__ lr P 9 Bi. NEVER MISS OUT. Once you know the news, ...

The History Of The Congressional Black Caucus
The History Of The Congressional Black Caucus

... sooner we get organized for group action, the more effective we can become,” Diggs said at the time. The other members embraced the idea, and a more cohesive group, the Congressional Black Caucus was formed by 13 members, including Shirley Chisolm, Charles Rangel, and Bill Clay Sr. Diggs was its first chairman. The CBC’s goals were and still are, “positively influencing the course of events pertinent to African-Americans and others of similar experience and situation,” and “achieving greater equity for persons of African descent in the design and content of domestic and international programs and services.”. That first year, (1971) the CBC boycotted then President Richard Nixon’s State of the Union Address, since he had refused to meet with the members to discuss issues like civil rights, Vietnam and welfare reform. “Our people are no longer asking for equality as a rhetorical ...

Black Caucus Members Storm Senate Floor To Protest Sessions
Black Caucus Members Storm Senate Floor To Protest Sessions

... the issue of voting rights, and the empowerment of women. It deals with the issues of protecting those on the questions of marriage equality, gender discrimination and no record has been more potent against all of those issues," she said, speaking about Sessions but not mentioning any specifics about his positions over the years. Jackson Lee said she and other House members are "outraged" over the decision by Senate Republicans to shut down Sen. Elizabeth Warren , D-Mass., while she was reciting a letter written by Coretta Scott King, the wife of Martin Luther King Jr. That letter was critical of Sessions' voting rights record, and is one that was sent 30 years ago when Senate was considering Sessions' nomination to a federal judgeship. "I think last night and the treatment of Sen. Warren spoke loudly to the crux of our concern," she said. "Will there be any free speech and freedom in the department of justice, a place where you are to uphold the Constitution, if Elizabeth Warren cannot read from our beloved Coretta ...

I Have No Idea Why' Trump Made Up Story About Me
I Have No Idea Why' Trump Made Up Story About Me

... fallen Navy SEAL. Trump administration puts Iran 'on notice'. Trump touts African American heritage at Black History Month celebration. Trump backs 'nuclear option' in Supreme Court fight. President Trump: Neil Gorsuch is my Supreme Court nominee. Elaine Chao sworn in as Transportation secretary. Trump meets pharma CEOs with campaign promises in hand. Trump administration putting 'Iran on notice'. Trump replaces acting Director of Immigration Enforcement. Trump fires acting AG after defiance on immigration order. Donald Trump says he has decided on his Supreme Court nominee. Trump mocks Chuck Schumer's 'fake tears'. Trump signs executive order on regulations. Trump spoke with Trudeau on mosque attack. Steve Bannon's White House role just got bigger. Donald Trump immigration ban loses first legal battle. Part of Trump's ethics order might look ...

Rep. Cummings Rips Trump On 'story' About Canceled Meeting
Rep. Cummings Rips Trump On 'story' About Canceled Meeting

... is the Senate Minority Leader. "I also sincerely have no idea why the president made this claim in response to an unrelated question about the Congressional Black Caucus," added Cummings, who is a member of the organization. "I am sure members of the CBC can answer these questions for themselves.". In response to a question about meeting with the caucus to discuss his plan to revive inner cities, Trump said, "I actually thought I had a meeting with Congressman Cummings. "I was all set to have that meeting. We called him and called him. "I spoke to him on the phone, and he wanted it. "He was all excited — and then he said, 'Oh, I can’t move it,'" the president added. "'It might be bad for me politically. I can't have that meeting.'. "He was probably told by Schumer — or some other lightweight — 'Don't meet with Trump. It's ...

Trevor Noah, Seth Meyers, More Blast 'hurricane Trump' For Press Conference Antics
Trevor Noah, Seth Meyers, More Blast 'hurricane Trump' For Press Conference Antics

... Roomba" Fallon's Trump is collaborating on with Elon Musk to clean up the mess he inherited. Others can rejoice about the new secretary of labor, BeyoncĂ©, because "who knows more about going into labor than someone carrying twins". Fallon also addressed the press conference in his monologue , joking that "President Trump's press conference today lasted for an hour and 15 minutes. Though an hour of that was just scanning the room for a reporter who wouldn't ask a tough question.". The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Colbert was quick to comment on Trump's claim that he "inherited a mess." "No, you inherited a fortune," Colbert said. "We elected a mess.". The talk show host also addressed Trump's response to White House correspondent April Ryan who asked if the Congressional Black Caucus and the ...

Congressional Black Caucus Struggling With Question Of Whether To Admit Afro-dominican Congressman
Congressional Black Caucus Struggling With Question Of Whether To Admit Afro-dominican Congressman

... majority-minority. Espaillat has already joined the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and he has not yet formally asked to join the CBC, but he has been in discussions with CBC leadership. “We have discussed, yes, the pros and cons, the bylaws,” Espaillat said of the CBC. “I’m in discussions with some of the members from my state and with the leadership. We’ll make that decision later on as we move forward.”. According to Politico, members of the CBC feel some type of way because Espaillat challenged Rangel, who is a founding member of the CBC and was one of the most high-profile black American members of Congress for years, for his seat in 2012 and 2014. Although CBC members debated Espaillat’s potential membership during their weekly meeting Wednesday, no decision was reached. From Politico. The group’s chairman, Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), denied there was a dispute about allowing Espaillat to join. But several other members confirmed ongoing tensions over the matter. Politico spoke with nearly a ...

Why The Congressional Black Caucus Must Challenge Trump
Why The Congressional Black Caucus Must Challenge Trump

... November 2016 outcome. To remove the Joint Chief of Staff and Director of National Intelligence from the National Security Council days after a call with the Russian president is a matter worthy of investigation. Casting doubt on the independence of the Justice Department was the straw that broke Nixon's back. It is time for the Congressional Black Caucus to assume its role as the "conscience of Congress" and once again pose the question of whether high crimes and misdemeanors are afoot. It would be a great way to acknowledge the central role of black history in American life. Unlike Nixon's cloak and dagger burglaries, we have Congress which appears complicit in using the courts, the Justice Department, Homeland Security and even the armed forces to suppress free speech in broad daylight. February is Black History month. It is also the birth month of Frederick Douglass, whose name has been mentioned by President Trump, albeit with what seems to be a lack of awareness of the accomplishments of ...

Trump Made Up Claim Schumer Urged Me To Skip Meeting
Trump Made Up Claim Schumer Urged Me To Skip Meeting

... many times that he supports this proposal, so I wanted to have our bill ready to get his support.”. No meeting had been officially scheduled. Cummings’s name came up at Trump’s presser after the president was asked if he’d involve the CBC in crafting his inner-city agenda, which seemed to surprise the Maryland lawmaker, a former CBC chairman. “I also sincerely have no idea why the President made this claim in response to an unrelated question about the Congressional Black Caucus. I am sure members of the CBC can answer these questions for themselves,” he said. 1 day. Trump tweets: The media is the '. President Trump blasted the media as "the enemy of the American people" in. 2,189 Shares. Comey meets Intel senators amid. Lawmakers tersely refused to comment upon exiting the meeting, declining. 523 Shares. Report: Carson 'speechless' after. Carson was reportedly "baffled" by the incident. 510 Shares. Reports: ...

Black Caucus Trolls Trump With ‘sad’ Tweet About Unanswered Letter
Black Caucus Trolls Trump With ‘sad’ Tweet About Unanswered Letter

... with upset win over Duke. UNC's Roy Williams discusses loss to rival Duke. He has a new face, one that had belonged to another man. Seth Meyers takes some shots at NC political power grab. Senate leader sees no 'true compromise' in Cooper's HB 2 proposal. Do your part to stop the spread of flu at home. Share Video. African-American journalist April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks asked President Donald Trump during a press conference on Thursday if he would include the Congressional Black Caucus in conversations about his “urban agenda.” He responded with "Do you want to set up the meeting?" and "Are they friends of yours?" C-SPAN. Evan Vucci AP. Order Reprint of this Story. Near the end of his wide-ranging press conference Thursday, President Donald Trump took a question about meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus. The caucus, which was founded in 1971, currently has 49 members of the House and Senate. Caucus members represent 78 million Americans, including 17 million African-Americans, according to the caucus. “You want to set up the meeting? Do you want to set up the ...

Black Caucus Chafes At Latino Who Wants To Join
Black Caucus Chafes At Latino Who Wants To Join

... decision later on as we move forward.”. By John F. Harris and Daniel Lippman. There’s also another problem for the freshman lawmaker. Some CBC members are angry that Espaillat challenged former Rep. Charles Rangel — a founding member of the black caucus and one of the most high-profile African-American members of the House for decades — in 2012 and 2014. Now they’re not feeling particularly generous toward Espaillat, who won the seat after Rangel retired. CBC members debated Espaillat’s potential membership during their weekly meeting Wednesday. CBC leaders said no decision was made. The group's chairman, Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.), denied there was a dispute about allowing Espaillat to join. But several other members confirmed ongoing tensions over the matter. POLITICO spoke with nearly a dozen CBC ...

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