Hr Mcmaster

Trump Taps Lt. Gen. H.r. Mcmaster As National Security Adviser
Trump Taps Lt. Gen. H.r. Mcmaster As National Security Adviser

... preference for putting generals in top roles. In this case, he tapped an active-duty officer for a post that's sometimes used as a counterweight to the Pentagon. Mc Master, who wore his uniform for the announcement, joins Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, both retired generals, in Trump's inner circle of national security advisers. The White House said Monday Mc Master plans to remain on active military duty. White House ’s biggest firestorms too. Amid the fallout over the firing of the first person to hold the post, Michael Flynn, the. President Donald Trump’s next national security adviser will serve as his eyes and ears to crises that pop up all over the globe — and be thrust into the center of the White House ’s biggest firestorms too. Amid the ...

Can Mcmaster Steer Trump Clear Of Isis Disaster
Can Mcmaster Steer Trump Clear Of Isis Disaster

... weaponry; all the way up the scale to all-in combat. Donald Trump: How the US President sees the world. This outer limit of that range is, potentially, the most frightening. That's where we get into large numbers of boots on the ground in the uncontrollable hell hole that northern Syria has become. Of course, even the upper end of proposals from the Pentagon are likely to be nothing like the levels reached at the peak of the Iraq war deployments in 2007, when the United States had some 170,000 troops on the ground there. Still, there are numbers that are on the table, far short of those levels, that could still pose enormous risks now and in the future. And there are many in the Pentagon, even at the highest levels, who are delighted by this opportunity to demonstrate just what the American military can do if it is let fully off its chains. Read More. The Pentagon's range of recommendations ...

Le Général H.r Mcmaster, Nouveau Conseiller À La Sécurité Nationale De Donald Trump
Le Général H.r Mcmaster, Nouveau Conseiller À La Sécurité Nationale De Donald Trump

... du président américain à Mar-a-Lago. Son prédécesseur, Michael Flynn , un général à la retraite, avait été forcé de démissionner la semaine dernière après des révélations sur des discussions qu'il a eues avec l'ambassadeur russe à Washington alors que Barack Obama était encore président. Il en avait caché la teneur exacte, y compris dans ses compte-rendus au vice-président Mike Pence. Donald Trump a pris sa décision après un week-end prolongé dans sa luxueuse résidence de Floride, au terme d'une recherche difficile qui a vu le président essuyer au moins un refus pour diriger son Conseil de sécurité nationale, le cabinet de politique étrangère de la présidence américaine, un poste hautement stratégique. Ni Donald Trump, ni H. R. Mc Master n'ont répondu aux questions des journalistes sur la marge de manoeuvre du nouveau patron du Conseil de sécurité nationale pour décider de la composition du Conseil. La presse américaine a fait état de tensions à la Maison Blanche sur le remplacement du Michael Flynn, en raison notamment de l'influence attribuée au chef stratège controversé de la présidence ...

Trump Names H.r. Mcmaster As New National Security Adviser
Trump Names H.r. Mcmaster As New National Security Adviser

... last week after withholding information from Vice President Mike Pence about a phone call he had with Russia’s ambassador to the US prior to Trump being inaugurated. Trump said he also interviewed John Bolton, the former ambassador to the United Nations under George W. Bush, for the job, but decided that Bolton will ultimately serve the administration in some other capacity. Nicholas Kamm / AFP / Getty Images. ID: 10563375. Mc Master is currently the director of the Army’s Capabilities Integration Center. He formerly served as the commander of the Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning. He’s a 1984 graduate of the United States Military Academy. He earned a Ph D. in military history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Mc Master has enjoyed an unconventional military career that may ...

Trump Names H.r. Mcmaster, An Army Strategist, As His New National Security Advisor
Trump Names H.r. Mcmaster, An Army Strategist, As His New National Security Advisor

... Trump named Lt. Gen. H. R. Mc Master as his new national security advisor Monday, replacing Michael Flynn, who was forced to resign last week. Mc Master, a career Army officer and strategist, is known as one of the military's most prominent intellectuals. "He is highly respected by everyone in the military, and we’re very honored to have him," Trump said of Mc Master in making the announcement while seated in the living room at Mar-a-Lago, his estate here, between a uniformed Mc Master and Keith Kellogg, who had been interim national security advisor. Kellogg will return to his previous role as chief of staff to the jobholder, now Mc Master. Mc Master will take over a National Security Council that is short on staff and the subject of reports of internal turmoil. The president's chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, was given a seat on the council, a highly unusual move for a political appointee. Bannon was an architect of the temporary ban on entry into the U. S. for refugees and ...

5 Fast Facts You Need To Know
5 Fast Facts You Need To Know

... Mc Master Calls Cyber-Terrorism a ‘Significant Threat’. In a 2014 interview with the Ledger-Enquirer , Mc Master stressed the importance of the Army working together to face threats. His words could also apply to the political climate in Washington as well. “We’ve got to work across the whole Army, because the future course of the Army is what 51 percent or more of the Army believes it is every day. So, you can’t work in a vacuum — you’ve got to work with everybody on it,” Mc Master said. In that same interview, Mc Master was serious about the threat cyber-terrorism poses to the U. S. “I think cyber-terrorism — espionage as we are learning — is a significant threat. The fact is the cyber-domain is a contested space every day already,” Mc Master explained to the Ledger-Enquirer. “The key question is, how does this fit into the overall problems of future war?”. He continued, “I think the key thing for us is really going to be how we develop systems that are resilient, that are able to allow us to operate and communicate freely during operations. And then we have to learn how we disrupt enemy capabilities to affect us. I think ...

What Mcmaster Needs To Tell Americans
What Mcmaster Needs To Tell Americans

... public - and the military in whose name it serves - the goals and objectives of America's conflicts. Read More. Join us on Twitter and Facebook. Consider that only a sliver of a slice of the country fights 100% of its wars. Meanwhile, an anesthetized America remains safely removed from the relentless demands of constant deployments. This gap leaves America viewing its internal political chaos as a purely domestic matter, rather than a critical piece of the way the world sees American power, weighs it and judges it on battlefields across the world by people deciding whether to back - or back away from - US forces. In other words. America's internal discord quickly leaps beyond America's borders to touch and even shape America's wars, even if American citizens are too distant from those battles to realize it or too ill-informed about them to know they should care. We are at a critical moment. Right now, the Pentagon is drawing up new and dusting off old recommendations for Syria at the President's behest, recommendations that may include ...

Trump Interviewing Mcmaster, West Point Superintendent Caslen And Others For Security Job
Trump Interviewing Mcmaster, West Point Superintendent Caslen And Others For Security Job

... the transition. Trump said in a news conference Thursday that he was disappointed by how Flynn had treated Pence, but did not believe Flynn had done anything wrong by having the conversations. Four weeks into his presidency, Trump has lurched from crisis to crisis, including the botched rollout of his immigration order, struggles confirming his Cabinet picks and a near-constant stream of reports about strife within his administration. Trump, who defended himself at Thursday's marathon news conference, continued his rants against the news media Saturday, tweeting: "Don't believe the main stream (fake news) media. The White House is running VERY WELL. I inherited a MESS and am in the process of fixing it.". Trump will get in front of supporters Saturday afternoon with a rally at an airport hangar in central Florida. For Trump, the rally offers an opportunity to recapture the energy of his upstart campaign and to connect with his supporters. Trump spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump wants to "speak directly to people across this county in an unfiltered way, in a way that doesn't have any bias.". ...

Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing

... Like Vice Adm. Bob Harward, General David Petraeus reportedly has withdrawn over the issue of being able to bring in his own staff. And Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, the acting NSA, is probably too old for a job this demanding, especially in this administration. That leaves just two. I don’t know about Bolton. I’d be surprised, though, if he fit the Trump template. Picking Mc Master is not a bad thing. I’ve known him since he was major. He’s smart, energetic, and tough. He even looks like an armored branch version of Harward. (That’s him, working out with a punching bag in Iraq, in the foto. I took it in the citadel in downtown Tell Afar one sunny winter day about 10 years ago.) (Btw, Harward was scheduled to appear on ABC’s “This Week” yesterday morning, but backed out an hour before airtime. ). As I said at the end of my Friday post , once Trump was turned down by Harward, it became more likely that he would ...

Trump's Weekends In Florida Include Work And Golf
Trump's Weekends In Florida Include Work And Golf

... ago, Trump took issue with President Barack Obama for doing much the same. In May, Trump tweeted, "While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day, the TSA is falling apart, just like our government!". On Sunday, Trump spent the morning at Trump International Golf Club, where he played with professional golfer Rory Mc Ilroy. The White House at first said Trump played a few holes and did not disclose whom Trump was golfing with, but the next day a photo emerged on social media, and Mc Ilroy told golf website __link__ that he played 18 holes with Trump. Asked if Trump played a full round with Mc Ilroy, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, "He intended to play a few holes and decided to play longer.". During his holiday weekend in Florida, Trump and his wife, Melania, also stopped by a benefit Saturday night at Mar-a-Lago, hosted by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. He did not list the event on his public schedule, but staff confirmed his attendance after it was reported in a local newspaper. And Trump briefly ...

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