Malcolm X

The Price Of Freedom Is Death
The Price Of Freedom Is Death

... beg another man to set you free, you’ll never be free! Freedom is something that you have to do for yourself … and until the American [Black man] lets [Caucasians] know that we are really ready and willing to pay the price that is necessary for freedom, our people will always be walking around here as second-class citizens, or what you call 20 th-century slaves … the price of freedom is death!” said Malcolm X during a 1964 interview. Friday, Feb. 21, 1965 marks the day a hit squad of cold-blooded assassins aired out the Audubon Ballroom stage, expiring the physical life of Black Nationalist advocate El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, aka Malcolm X, in full view of his pregnant wife, Betty, and four young daughters along with approximately 400 unsuspecting Organization of Afro-American Unity supporters. Admirers contend that in the over five decades since that frigid Sunday afternoon, he has become a ...

Nau Ethnic Studies Professor Discusses Complex History Of Malcolm X
Nau Ethnic Studies Professor Discusses Complex History Of Malcolm X

... the mainstream civil rights movement under his radical leadership. His charismatic rise, however, led to jealousy among his followers and set him up for undercover “counterintelligence black ops” by the FBI and police agents. One such operation may have led to his public assassination at Harlem’s Audubon Ballroom in February 1965. This drama highlights the divisions, enmity, love and betrayal within the movement, which led to Malcolm’s downfall. However, the drama also reflects his power and inspiration, which survive to this day. Similar to the themes found in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” this drama about the life and death of Malcolm X has contemporary significance, in that the leadership of Malcolm inspired both admiration and enmity among his followers. His assassination in a public venue involved undercover police ...

Malcolm X Assassinated; John Lewis, Barbara Jordan And Nina Simone Are Born
Malcolm X Assassinated; John Lewis, Barbara Jordan And Nina Simone Are Born

... National Convention. 1933 — Happy birthday, Nina Simone (1933-2003). Born Eunice Waymon, Nina Simone was a singer, songwriter and musician who became a civil rights activist. She owns a broad catalog of music, as her talents represent styles in jazz, classical, gospel, folk and R&B. Born in the North Carolina, she enrolled in Juilliard School of Music in New York. She recorded influential records such as “Mississippi Goddam,” “I Loves You Porgy” and “I Put A Spell On You.”. 1940 — Happy birthday, John Lewis (1940-present). John Lewis is a civil rights leader and political activist who was an early member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). He is the U. S. representative for Georgia’s 5 th Congressional District, having served since 1987. Lewis is the dean of the Georgia congressional delegation. While serving as chairman of SNCC, he was one of the “Big Six” leaders of groups who organized the 1963 March on Washington. He was a key contributor to the civil rights movement and still moves the needle for equality today. Lewis has received a number of awards, including the highest civilian honor, the ...

Malcolm X Speaks In The Era Of Trump
Malcolm X Speaks In The Era Of Trump

... are very much aware of what may transpire in the next few years in regards to public policy, the criminal justice system, housing, education and the distribution of resources and essentials. Often people look for a leader, or reflect on those such as Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Harriet Tubman and Shirley Chisholm. One of the greatest civil rights leaders was Malcolm X. Feb. 21 will mark the 52 nd anniversary of his assassination in the former Audubon Ballroom (now the Malcolm X/Betty Shabazz Center) in 1965. On that day, he was discussing his Organization of Afro-American Unity when he was gunned down by five men. Although the government’s Counter Intelligence Program, aka COINTELPRO, is still widely suspected of involvement in the plot, the assassins were reportedly members of the Nation of Islam, and they killed him because of his departure from the religious group. Malcolm X was known for being a fearless nationalist. Throughout his career, he spoke about the importance of having  unity and civil rights and the religious practices in our community. His life was cut short but his legacy ...

Malcolm X Play Gets World Premiere In Valley
Malcolm X Play Gets World Premiere In Valley

... Performed by the same cast of 10 African-American actors, the two plays are produced by the Acting Company , based in New York, and will be performed Jan. 31-Feb. 3 at the Herberger Theater Center and the Mesa Arts Center in association with Arizona State University’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. “Both plays ask the question, what happens when a group of people that you thought loved you betray you?” says Ian Belknap, the director of “X” and the artistic director of the Acting Company. “Despite that we don’t know who the assassins were with Malcolm X, they undoubtedly had threads in people he knew and people he loved.”. Things To Do app: Get the best in events, dining and travel right on your device. While the assassination of Julius Caesar is the climax of Shakespeare’s play, “X” takes place after the death of the controversial black nationalist in 1965. It is an imagined court trial that presents divergent views on the iconic activist, including those of his widow, Betty Shabazz, and members of the Nation of Islam, which was implicated in Malcolm X’s ...

Malcolm X On A Shakespearean Pedestal
Malcolm X On A Shakespearean Pedestal

... COMMENTEMAILMORE. Marcus Gardley comes not to bury Malcolm X but to praise him. Gardley is an Oakland, Calif., playwright known for his poetical language in works including “… And Jesus Moonwalks the Mississippi” and “Black Odyssey.” His latest is “X: Or, Betty Shabazz v. the Nation,” commissioned by the Acting Company , based in New York, for a world-premiere national tour that launched this week in Arizona. RELATED:  Malcolm X play gets world premiere in the Valley. The play is written as a cosmic court trial in which Betty Shabazz (Chelsea Williams), widow of the controversial black-nationalist leader, accuses his onetime “brothers” in the Nation of Islam of his 1965 assassination. But the Nation’s “Louis X” (Jonathan-David) — a plausibly deniable stand-in for the real-life Louis Farrakhan — has alternate theories involving the FBI, the CIA and the NYPD. Directed by Ian Belknap, the play is performed on an austere set (scenic design ...

Superintendent Search Committee, Autism Training For Cops, Malcolm X, Teen Suicide's Decrease
Superintendent Search Committee, Autism Training For Cops, Malcolm X, Teen Suicide's Decrease

... faculty, to fill out this survey, letting school board members know what kind of superintendent you want to replace Jacob Oliva, who is leaving in June. This survey will be live until early March. It takes about 10 minutes. It’s anonymous.  Fill it out here. The Palm Coast City Council meets at 9 a.m. at City Hall in Town Center. The agenda is mostly routine. Two land-use issues have been rescheduled because the items were incorrectly advertised. The Flagler County School Board meets at 5 p.m. in board chambers at the Government Services Building. Crossing guards will be recognized. The board is expected to discuss the responsibilities of the citizens’ advisory committee appointed to aid in the search for a new school superintendent. See those responsibilities here. The Bunnell Planning Board meets at 7 p.m. at City Hall at 201 West Moody Boulevard. Mostly useless information: Just a week earlier Malcolm X’s family home had been firebombed. He had been in a toxic battle with the Nation of Islam, the likely perpetrator of the terrorist attack, though Malcolm himself was also suspected: he faced eviction. ...

2 Malcolm X Descendants Accused Of Dog Abuse, Truck Theft
2 Malcolm X Descendants Accused Of Dog Abuse, Truck Theft

... was found in southern Maryland carrying seven pit bulls in what police described Friday as inhumane conditions. Malikah Saban Shabazz, 51, of Berlin, New Hampshire, and her daughter Bettih Bahiyah Shabazz, 19, of Stark, New Hampshire, were released in Charles County on Thursday after posting bond of $2,000 each, according to online court records. Man Who Smashed Trump Star to Pay Damages, Serve Probation. The records do not list defense attorneys, and calls to the women's possible telephone numbers were either not answered or not returned. The women were arrested about 9:50 p.m. Wednesday in a Wal-Mart parking lot in La Plata. A deputy responded to a report that the U-Haul truck in which they were traveling had been reported stolen earlier that day to Vermont State Police, according to charging documents. Top News Photos: Bolivia's Coca Leaf Protests. Juan Karita/AP. The truck's enclosed cargo area contained seven dogs, locked in crates and covered in their own waste, the documents say. One dog had injuries to its face, neck and eyes that required emergency care, the report said. "The dogs were in terrible shape. The smell was awful. They were treated ...

Mlk And Malcolm X Brought Together In Sacramento Theaters
Mlk And Malcolm X Brought Together In Sacramento Theaters

... a three-piece band performs the musical. Bill Miller, an outstanding singer who has been with the project from the beginning, adds a special heft in the musical department. The play depicts the African American experience through slavery, emancipation and the rise of the KKK to the Harlem Renaissance, where tribute is paid to such musical greats as Cab Calloway and Billie Holiday, and the civil rights movement, where King and Malcolm X are joined by Huey Newton. “We Come From Greatness” plays through Feb. 19, so only four performances remain. Shows are at 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday in the theater at Grant Union High School, 1400 Grand Ave. Tickets are $18-$22, with reduced rates for groups of 15 or more. For more information, call (916) 428-1441 or go to Images __link__. Photo ...

Malcolm X’s Daughter And Granddaughter Had Stolen Rental Car
Malcolm X’s Daughter And Granddaughter Had Stolen Rental Car

... conditions. Malikah Saban Shabazz, 51, of Berlin, New Hampshire, and her daughter Bettih Bahiyah Shabazz, 19, of Stark, New Hampshire, were released in Charles County Thursday after posting bond of $2,000 each, according to online court records. The records do not list defense attorneys, and calls to the women's possible telephone numbers were either not answered or not returned. The court records do not list any upcoming court dates. The women were arrested Wednesday night in a Wal-Mart parking lot in La Plata by an officer responding to a report that the U-Haul truck in which they were traveling had been reported stolen earlier that day to Vermont State Police, said Janelle Love, spokeswoman for the Charles County Sheriff's Office. This Jan. 26, 2017 booking photo shows Malikah Shabazz, left, the daughter of Malcolm X, and her daughter Bettih Shabazz, are charged with stealing a rental truck that was carrying seven pit bulls in what police say were inhumane conditions. (Charles County, Maryland, Sheriff's Office). Love ...

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