Milo Yiannopoulos

Why An Artist Would Go On ‘the Milo Yiannopoulos Show
Why An Artist Would Go On ‘the Milo Yiannopoulos Show

... How could you ever speak to that transphobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, alt-right Nazi racist piece of shit? How could you?” “FUCK YOU ALEX KAZEMI! FUCK YOU! YOU ARE SPREADING HATE!” Only one minority friend, a non-binary gay man called me in support. “Thank you so much for doing this, it was so refreshing and it felt so different to hear people just talk so freely without being offended by one another. No one ever does that, anymore.”. Every time I read a new message I would question myself, a repeating chorus. “Am I dangerous for conducting this experiment? Am I insane for believing in the freedom of people’s minds and ability to think whatever they want? Does that make me a monster? Am I fucked up for not wanting to censor someone with opposing views from me, and allowing them to speak even when I disagree with everything they are saying? Do I have to protect everyone in my life from being offended? Do I need to ...

Milo Yiannopoulos To Speak At Cpac
Milo Yiannopoulos To Speak At Cpac

... on racism and the alt-right and will continue to do so aggressively, like ACU’s founders before us.". "We look forward to hearing Milo’s message and having him sit down with Scott Walter to answer some tough questions. We believe that all of us are up to the challenge at a time when political correctness is properly being discarded," it added. Organizers noted that they had already announced Michael Reagan, the eldest child of former President Ronald Reagan, earlier this month as the keynote speaker for the ACU's Ronald Reagan dinner on Friday night. Yiannopoulos appeared on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” this past Friday, where he sparred with the show’s liberal host and took aim at high-profile female celebrities, including Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer. Updated: 8:29 p.m. CNN host abruptly ends segment. "Please stop it with that stupid talking point.". 1,658 Shares. Leaked tape reveals Trump invited. Newly leaked audio from a November party at President Trump's Bedminster. 709 Shares. Trump ...

Bill Maher Defends Booking Milo Yiannopoulos On ‘real Time
Bill Maher Defends Booking Milo Yiannopoulos On ‘real Time

... Time” after The Intercept co-founder Jeremy Scahill canceled his appearance on the episode in protest. The host also took issue with Scahill’s suggestion that Maher is anti-Islamic. “My comments on Islam have never veered into vitriol,” Maher said in a statement obtained by The Wrap. “Liberals will continue to lose elections as long as they follow the example of people like Mr. Scahill who’s views veer into fantasy and away from bedrock liberal principles like equality of women, respect for minorities, separation of religion and state, and free speech.”. Also Read: The Intercept's Jeremy Scahill Cancels 'Real Time With Bill Maher' Appearance Over Milo Yiannopoulos. “If Mr. Yiannopoulos is indeed the monster Scahill claims – and he might be – nothing could serve the liberal cause better than having him exposed on Friday night,” he continued. On Wednesday, Scahill issued a statement on   Twitter , saying he respects Maher and has enjoyed appearing on his show many times in the past, while adding: “I passionately disagree with — and ...

The Mistake The Berkeley Protesters Made About Milo Yiannopoulos
The Mistake The Berkeley Protesters Made About Milo Yiannopoulos

... the battle between William Monroe Trotter, a firebrand African-American publisher born a few years after the end of the Civil War, and D. W. Griffith, the filmmaker responsible for the racist classic “Birth of a Nation.” Trotter, a contemporary of W. E. B. Du Bois, was a Boston native and graduate of Harvard University, and an uncompromising advocate for racial equality, if a bit of a loose cannon. Trotter’s contempt for the accommodationist response to Southern racism championed by, among others, Booker T. Washington culminated in his incitement of a riot when Washington attempted to give an address in Boston. The pivotal conflict of his career, however, was his attempt to prevent Griffith’s ode to the Ku Klux Klan from being shown in the city. “Birth of a Nation” was not simply the first blockbuster in American cinematic history; its racialist propaganda inspired a rebirth of the K. K. K., which had all but died out prior to the film’s release. It was screened in the White House, reportedly to accolades from Woodrow Wilson himself. Trotter found himself caught between the First Amendment ideals that allowed him to publish his ...

Why Milo Yiannopoulos Is A Man To Be Feared. It’s Not Why You Think
Why Milo Yiannopoulos Is A Man To Be Feared. It’s Not Why You Think

... Silverman tweeted: “The guy has freedom of speech but to fund him & give him a platform tells me a LOT about @simonschuster YUCK AND BOO AND GROSS.” Lambda Literary, a foundation whose mission is to promote LGBT writers, responded similarly : “While publishers undeniably have the right to acquire and profit from any book they wish, they also bear an essential responsibility to promote civil discourse and reject hate speech that is often a precursor to violence.” In other words, Yiannopoulos has a right to be heard, but Carolyn Reidy did not have to offer up her platform to accommodate him. And so we come up against the great conundrum: Do we silence outrageous, hateful voices or let them have their say in the name of free speech? The American Civil Liberties Union’s Lee Rowland told me that much of what ...

Milo Yiannopoulos Visits Bill Maher
Milo Yiannopoulos Visits Bill Maher

... hate is the sound of laughter.” Maher concurred, and both men were able to rally together around the larger point that modern liberals are prone to “take the bait” more than they are to be thoughtful and willing to agree to disagree. Milo’s initial appearance on the show can be seen below. During Milo’s second sitting on the show with the “Overtime” sequence, Maher confronted him about the report of him supposedly outing a trans student at one of his college talks. Milo clarified that the student was already outwardly identifying as trans, and had already left the school and was therefore not in danger of being singled out on campus at the time the speech was given. While Milo did give his opinion that he feels trans women are merely “confused” men (I have written myself as to why that is in fact not the case), he was quick to admit afterwards that he is “just a pop ...

Cellphone Of Admitted Uw Shooter Outside Milo Yiannopoulos Event Was Wiped Clean, Records Show
Cellphone Of Admitted Uw Shooter Outside Milo Yiannopoulos Event Was Wiped Clean, Records Show

... were trying to disrupt the event and keep people out, according to a post that has since been deleted or restricted, a copy of which was reviewed by The Seattle Times. At 7:24 p.m., about an hour before the shooting, Hokoana wrote on Yiannopoulos’ Facebook page. “Hey Milo,” he wrote. “im outside in line to your UW event. “I got sucker punched (he was a bit limp wristed) and someone jacked my #MAGA hat,” Hokoana wrote, referring to the ubiquitous red and white “Make America Great Again” caps worn by supporters of President Donald Trump. “Anyway for me to get a replacement signed by you?” Hokoana asked. Yiannopoulos did not respond, and Hokoana became caught up in a confrontation between those trying to get inside Kane Hall to see Yiannopoulos and protesters trying to keep them out. Just before 8:30 p.m., Hokoana was involved in a scuffle with several people before the shooting occurred. Hokoana’s Facebook page has indicated he is a supporter of Trump, Yiannopoulos and the National Rifle Association. Norm Arkans, a UW associate vice president and spokesman, did not directly respond when ...

This Is What Milo Yiannopoulos Wants
This Is What Milo Yiannopoulos Wants

... left-leaning folks despite the fact that his actual beliefs are, by the standards of mainstream reactionary conservatism, fairly boring and predictable. Just look around at his Breitbart author page : If you ignore the overheated headlines and constant references to his own greatness, it’s clear that Yiannopoulos is, for the most part, serving up microwaved portions of mass-market right-wing goonery. Same goes for his college speeches. The transcript of one is headlined “MILO at Cal Poly State University: ‘No More Dead Babies.’” “Can you imagine, and I don’t think this is a stretch, the senior leaders of Planned Parenthood sitting in a conference room discussing the best timing for an abortion, to maximize their profits from the dead baby’s body?” he told his Cal Poly audience. “It’s horrifying, ...

Man Shot Before Breitbart Editor Milo Yiannopoulos' Speaking Event Is In Critical Condition
Man Shot Before Breitbart Editor Milo Yiannopoulos' Speaking Event Is In Critical Condition

... no matter in what name it’s being waged.” The Democrat added that the freedom of speech applies “equally to all of us — even to the people whose ideas we find abhorrent.”. Yiannopoulos, after hearing of the shooting, chose to go on with his speech. He told the Seattle audience he didn’t know if the victim died or not, but, Breitbart quoted him saying, “if I stopped my event now, we are sending a clear message that they can stop our events by killing people. I am not prepared to do that.”. The speech took place hours after President Trump took the oath of office in Washington. Stephen K. Bannon, former chairman of Breitbart News, is a senior advisor to the president. A Thursday night appearance at Washington State University in Pullman was canceled due to weather. Protests led to cancellation last week of another planned appearance, at UC Davis. In a Facebook post Saturday, the British-born writer and public speaker wrote, “I don't know why Ana Mari Cauce, president of the University of Washington, is covering up ...

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