Pokemon Go Update

Ready, Set, Pokemon Go! Big Update For Popular Ar Game Hits This Weekend
Ready, Set, Pokemon Go! Big Update For Popular Ar Game Hits This Weekend

... HTC Chief Financial Officer Chia-lin Chang told CNET in Singapore that they have a “good plan in terms of combining mobility with VR.”. It better work, because HTC has been losing millions in the hyper-competitive smartphone biz despite making some truly great devices, so a cool and capable portable VR devoice may be where some new profits are hiding. And what will people do with such a headset? HTC says they are looking at developing much more VR content, including what may be the holy grail of the VR experience, decent VR movies. It looks like it could even arrive later this year. Worth the (now even longer) wait. Speaking of cool new stuff that’s about to come out, many people are looking forward to seeing the new Samsung halo phone, the Galaxy S 8, at Mobile World Congress couple of weeks from now. But a Korean website says that Samsung will NOT be showing off the new handset , which the company hopes will rectify its tarnished reputation following the flaming Note 7 disaster. No, ...

How The New Berries Work And Why They're So Important
How The New Berries Work And Why They're So Important

... is whether or not it will be an either/or situation. If you can use both berries at once, players will have a powerful new option when they encounter a Pokémon that refuses to stay in its Poké Ball. Moving on, Pokémon Go's second new berry introduces an interesting mechanic to the game. "The Pinap Berry doubles the amount of Candy you'll receive if your next catch attempt succeeds," the announcement read. This is a potentially huge change. Have you ever caught a Lapras, only to still feel bummed because you realized you didn't have enough candy to power it up and make it worth a damn in a gym battle? Now there's a solution. The buddy system helps with gathering candy for super-rare, endgame-level Pokémon, but at 5 km for one piece of Snorlax or Lapras candy, it can be a hell of a grind to get the lone Snorlax or Lapras in your collection powered up that way. Not that depending on double candy rates for catching a Snorlax or Lapras in the wild is the best strategy for gathering candy, either, unless you live on top of a nest. But being able to double the amount of candy you receive after a ...

Niantic's Secret Change Makes It Easier To Catch Rare Pokemon
Niantic's Secret Change Makes It Easier To Catch Rare Pokemon

... you’ll earn every time you catch, hatch, and transfer Pokémon," reads a Niantic blog post. "Your Buddy Pokémon is also getting into the Valentine’s Day spirit and will find Candy twice as fast. "Throughout the celebration, you’ll notice that Chansey, Clefable, and many other adorable pink Pokémon will be encountered more frequently in the wild. Cleffa, Igglybuff, and Smoochum will also be more likely to hatch from Eggs. "And to help you paint your town pink this Valentine’s Day, Lure Modules will last for six hours for the entire duration of the event.". The Valentine's event hasn't gone down well with all fans, many of whom were hoping for the release of Gen 2 Pokemon. However, Pokemon Go dataminers have discovered evidence of big new features to come, including new moves, Pokemon, Evolution stones ...

Pokemon Go Update Has Secret Features And 3x New Gen 2 Spawns
Pokemon Go Update Has Secret Features And 3x New Gen 2 Spawns

... have been found in the latest version of Pokemon GO. We’ve done another APK mine of the newest version of Pokemon GO and have found quite a few of these rather interesting bits and pieces. Alongside a set of three new Pokemon just a couple of lines of code away from release, a set of adjustments for Gen 2 has appeared. As we inch toward the 1-year anniversary of the release of Pokemon GO, the code base becomes more and more complete – the entire index of 251 is nearly ready to roll. While Legendary Pokemon DO exist in this big set of base code, it’s not quite time to bring the lot to the free and open game. At the same time, quite a few just-as-interesting updates are in store for the near future. The next Pokemon to be released in Pokemon GO will be revealed in the article you’re reading right now. This is your official SPOILER ALERT. Users that do not want to know which Pokemon will be released next in this game, turn back now. The Next Pokemon coming to Pokemon GO. While we do not know what Niantic will do for certain until they do it, we’ve got a pretty good idea of what they’re going to do next. Think about Spring, think about ...

Pokemon Go Valentines Day Event Update Shows New Items
Pokemon Go Valentines Day Event Update Shows New Items

... in addition to the many other changes we showed over the weekend, there’s a new set of berries. These berries will likely rely on a system similar to that of the Buddy Pokemon. Each set of berries will either be able to be grown or, when they appear, will have a certain percentage of growth. The “percentage” number shown in each mention of these new sorts of berries likely refers to how likely it is that the player will keep the item in normal gameplay. These berries won’t run away. Other percentages relate to how the berries take effect. 1. Razz Berry: The berry we already have in the game multiplies the capture chance for any given Pokemon. 2. Bluk Berry: This new berry is one of several that’s appeared in the game code before, but is only now nearly ready to be released. Bluk Berry seems to change the “movement” of the Pokemon encountered, rendering it unable to knock Pokeballs away from a toss. 3. Nanab Berry: Similar to Bluk Berry, this Nanab Berry stops the Pokemon from initiating its “Attack” ...

Time To Start All Over Again
Time To Start All Over Again

... Reddit, and waiting for Valentine’s Day (or whatever other event is next) has gotten old. Niantic’s lack of a significant update is a clear message to hardcore users. That message is, as the ODB might have said, “Niantic is for the children.” In other words, a large amount of players don’t play because of software updates or additions to the game, they play because they’re kids and don’t know the difference. Pokemon GO was brilliant at its beginning for all players, as evidenced by the massive shockwave of influence the game had on the year 2016, in mobile gaming and beyond. But for those people that’ve been playing since launch, there’s little to do in the game save inch toward a point where no advancement can be made. Niantic never built in an ultimate goal. What they did not do – and should have done – was to build in a sort of RESET button. Several major games have replay value not because they’re significantly different each time they’re played, but because they’re re-playable. Take ...

How To Get Evolution Stones In Gen 2 Update
How To Get Evolution Stones In Gen 2 Update

... Stones added in the Gen 2 update. PUBLISHED: 04:31, Fri, Feb 17, 2017. | UPDATED: 04:37, Fri, Feb 17, 2017. Pokemon Go Special Items can be found at Poke Stops. While there are now 80 new Pokemon to catch from the Johto region, many of them require Pokemon Special Items. These perform as Evolution Stones to help turn some of your old original Pokemon into their next form. [READ MORE: HOW TO GET UMBREON IN POKEMON GO ]. This could prove a huge boon for those players who have some strong Pocket Monsters that have reached the Evolution ceiling, especially when it comes to taking Gyms. To get these new Pokemon Go Gen 2 Special Items, fans are going to have to head back outside and hit their local Poke Stops. This is because the only way to grab these vital evolution items is by spinning those bad boys…. Over and over like last year. Related articles. Those Evolution items include. Dragon Scale: Used to turn a Seadra into a Kingdra, which will also require 100 Horsea candies. King’s Rock: ...

80 New Gen 2 Pokemon Live, Here's How To Get Umbreon
80 New Gen 2 Pokemon Live, Here's How To Get Umbreon

... make sure they get the right one, in this case “Tamao" to get Umbreon and “Sakura” for an Espeon. However, this isn't a system you can employ forever, this will only work once for each of the five names, so use it sparingly. The new Pokemon Go update has been released, including Umbreon. The latest Pokemon Go update was staggered by developers Niantic to make sure there was no problems with servers being overun tonight. It started with the first features landing on Android and i OS platforms, followed by the full rollout of the new Gen 2 Pokemon. Pokemon Go has now been officially updated to version 0.57.2 for Android and 1.27.2 for i OS, you can find the full patch notes below. Over 80 additional Pokémon originally discovered in the Johto region can be caught. Gender-specific variations of select Pokemon can be caught. Added new encounter mechanics. Added Poke Ball and Berry selection carousels to the encounter screen. Added two new Berries. Added new avatar outfit and accessory options. Added new night-mode map and encounter music. Added bonus Candies for catching Evolved Pokémon. Implemented ...

Metal Coat, Sun Stone, Dragon Scale And More Evolutionary Items
Metal Coat, Sun Stone, Dragon Scale And More Evolutionary Items

... items in Pokémon Go can be acquired by spinning Pokéstops. Luckily this means that you won't have to go take a trip on the S. S. Aqua or visit any  water-based cities  to obtain these special items. Though, unfortunately, it also means that the items are acquired at random. Here's a visual rundown of all the evolutionary items you'll need to look out for once the Pokémon Go Gen 2 update hits. Dragon Scale. Source:  Niantic/Ranked Boost. Dragon Scale. In the original games, the Dragon Scale presented Horsea with a second evolution. Once evolved into Seadra, Pokémon players can use the scale to take things one step further and obtain Kingdra. Seadra will require 100 candies in addition to the Dragon Scale to evolve. King's Rock. Source:  Niantic/Ranked Boost. King's Rock. The crown-shaped relic is used to evolve Poliwhirl into Politoed instead of Poliwrath. For the Slowpoke line of Pokémon, it can evolve Slowbro in Slowking  with the help of the rock and 50 candies. Metal Coat. Source:  Niantic/Ranked Boost. Metal Coat. In the original games, a Pokémon ...

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