Presidents Day

Washington Area Trades Blizzards Past For Balm This Presidents’ Day
Washington Area Trades Blizzards Past For Balm This Presidents’ Day

... up to follow, and we’ll e-mail you free updates as they’re published. You’ll receive free e-mail news updates each time a new story is published. You’re all set. By Martin Weil By Martin Weil February 19 at 10:05 PM Follow @martyweilwapost. In 2003, Washington was immobilized over the Presidents’ Day weekend by one of the area’s most memorable snowstorms. On Sunday, however, it was nothing like that as people cavorted free and unfettered, basking in 70-degree temperatures. It was another of Washington’s wondrous 70-degree winter days, the third so far this month. At Reagan National Airport, where the official readings are made for Washington, the high was 71 degrees. With the sun steadily climbing through the sky toward spring and few clouds crossing the sun, it did not seem to matter much that the ...

Not My President’s Day’ Rally Planned For Columbus Circle
Not My President’s Day’ Rally Planned For Columbus Circle

... outside the Trump International Hotel. It's the third day of protests in New York City. On Sunday, more than a thousand people gathered in Times Square to support American Muslims. The "I Am a Muslim Too" march was organized in response to the uncertainty and anxiety created by President Donald Trump's now-rescinded executive order limiting travel from seven predominently Muslim countries. Mayor Bill de Blasio, Russell Simmons and Chelsea Clinton were among those participating. On Saturday, hundreds attended a mock funeral for Presidents Day in Washington Square Park. Protesters dressed in black and listened as a eulogy was delivered for the American presidency. Here are some of the other protests planned Monday. "Not My President's Day - Rally (NYC)"  New York. "Not My President's Day - Rally," Los Angeles. "Not My President's Day Rally (Washington DC)," Washington, D. C. "Not My President's Day - Rally (Chicago)," ...

Are Schools Open Or Closed On Presidents’ Day 2017
Are Schools Open Or Closed On Presidents’ Day 2017

... is because classes were canceled for three days in January as the result of a snow storm. This situation has occurred in several other areas across the country as well. In Pennsylvania, while most schools are closed, Newport, East Pennsboro and South Middleton have no days off for the holiday, as reported by Penn Live. On the other hand, while many students are off for the day, some teachers are subject to an in-service day and still have to work. Commercial Appeal reports that this is the case for some areas in Tennessee. When it comes to colleges, students should check with the university website to make sure because, while some colleges may close, there are many that remain open for the holiday. Other holidays where schools are closed include Christmas, New Year’s, Veterans Day, Columbus Day, and Thanksgiving. Some schools may give up holidays like Columbus Day when they have used too many snow days in that year. Or, they shorten their holiday break schedule to make up for the days missed. In addition to school closings, there are other offices and establishments that are closed as well. Private businesses may ...

Thousands Plan 'not My President's Day' Anti-trump Rallies Across U.s
Thousands Plan 'not My President's Day' Anti-trump Rallies Across U.s

... the streets chanting, "Immigrants are welcome here," and waving placards that read, "She persisted, and so shall we," in reference to Sen. Elizabeth Warren , and the line, "Immigrants, we get the job done," from the Broadway musical "Hamilton.". "My parents are immigrants, they came here in the late 80 s, and I can't allow their memory of what they've done and I can't let their sacrifices be impugned by people wanting to scapegoat brown people and black people for all the problems America has," one protester said. "We're not the problem, we're the solution.". That sentiment was echoed in the demands of the protest's organizer, Eric Ramsey. He said he hopes the rally's large showing will "let the establishment know that we do not agree with the hateful policies they are putting into place that further marginalize these ...

Springlike Conditions Prevail For Presidents’ Day
Springlike Conditions Prevail For Presidents’ Day

... it’s just about time for winter to wave the proverbial white flag. With a mild winter and no  cold air  in our immediate future, Mother Nature has already gotten a jump-start on spring, about three weeks earlier than normal. Spring (phenological) continues to advance northward via the "first leaf-out" & is nearly 20 days earlier than ave ( __link__/ozjiwr M 3 KJ ) __link__/pc JHJl FXKa. — Zack Labe (@ZLabe) February 18, 2017. The National Phenology Network uses a model to predict “early spring” indexes, which are used as a proxy to determine how far ahead or behind the start of spring is running compared with years past. Despite technological advances in weather prediction, sometimes it can be just as useful to see how the plants, critters and animals are behaving in our own back yards as a forecast source. And right now, nature is telling us that we are closer to shorts weather than we are to winter-coat weather. With temps averaging 5-6 F above normal since Jan 1, some plants are starting to grow. #dcwx #mdwx ...

Presidents Day Weekend Drives Auto Sales, Dealers Say
Presidents Day Weekend Drives Auto Sales, Dealers Say

... Web page calls it “Washington’s Birthday,” while pages for the state court system and Executive Office of Administration and Finance use “President’s Day.". At one time, auto dealers thought of the February holiday as a time to clear out the end of last year’s models, but today, new models get released earlier, so the timing is not the same, Hughes said. The market for used cars is strong on the holiday weekend, aided by the fact that some people already have their tax returns in hand, he said. New cars are the biggest sellers during the weekend at Colonial South Chevrolet, Samagaio said. At used car dealer Prestige Auto Mart in Westport, sales this weekend should be 90 percent better than a typical weekend, according to sales manager Jerry Sandler. Monday is the busiest day. “When people see a lot of customers in the showroom, people tend to buy. They get excited,” he said. One of those customers on Saturday was Cindy ...

Admiration, Fear Mark Presidents Day Holiday
Admiration, Fear Mark Presidents Day Holiday

... live and breathe their job every single day,” said Fradjian. He said he would have voted for Trump if he had gotten his citizenship in time. “It’s awesome to have that one designated day just to say ‘Thank you.’ This year, morale is down. We don’t know where we are as a country. It’s crazy,” he said. “Presidents Day is going to be another day for people to do marches, just say a lot of negative things about the current president.”. Felicia Paul, who lives on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana , voted for Hillary Clinton. “My fears and my hopes as a Native person is that he thinks about the Native people, our treaty rights,” Paul said. What does the holiday mean to her. “As a Native American, I really don’t call it a Presidents Day holiday,” she said. “I just think of it as an all-chief’s day.”. Contributing to this report were Associated Press writers Jamie Stengle in Dallas, Tamara Lush in Florida, Jennifer Mc Dermott in Groton, Connecticut, Kristen de Groot in Philadelphia, Bobby ...

Schools Could Hold Class On Presidents’ Day, Easter Monday Under Maryland Bill
Schools Could Hold Class On Presidents’ Day, Easter Monday Under Maryland Bill

... but the measure died in committee. She said the legislation has received greater support this year, largely because of Hogan’s order. In addition to Beidle’s bill, Sen. Nancy J. King (D-Montgomery) has a bill that would allow a school district that has to close schools because of a state of emergency to reduce the 180-day required school year by up to five days without seeking a waiver from the state Board of Education. The bill was requested by the Montgomery County school system, the largest in the state, with more than 159,200 students. It has the support of other school districts, as well. Montgomery’s school board was able to meet Hogan’s requirements for the 2017-2018 school calendar, but school system spokeswoman Gboyinde Onijala said, “It’s going to be tough in the future.” Montgomery has scheduled 182 class days next school year. Bob Mosier, a spokesman for Anne Arundel County Schools Superintendent George Arlotto, said the school district sought a waiver from the state board two years ago to open on Easter Monday to make up for a snow day. If the legislation passes, he said, the district could decide on its own, without needing the state’s permission, ...

What Today’s Leaders Could Learn From Those We Honor On Presidents’ Day
What Today’s Leaders Could Learn From Those We Honor On Presidents’ Day

... “integrity, self-discipline, courage, absolute honesty, resolve, and decision, but also forbearance, decency, and respect for others.” This did not necessarily make him a popular figure with everyone. Rather, it made him an honored, respected and trusted one — the only president to win every electoral vote in both his elections and the one who set an important precedent by stepping down (with genuine relief) after two terms. Washington had no need to talk of how “strong” he was. His strength was self-evident. Abraham Lincoln was born poor yet proceeded to rise to the top with the kind of sureness and dignity that does honor to a democratic country. He had little formal schooling, but he educated himself into a command of the English language that puts modern speechwriters to shame. He was a practical politician and sometimes did things he found distasteful. But on the vital issues of his day, he was knowledgeable, eloquent and solidly principled. In a time when a large national party ...

It's Presidents' Day! Hang The Decorations, Belt Out The Songs
It's Presidents' Day! Hang The Decorations, Belt Out The Songs

... the lack of good interior illumination and poor-quality spectacles to pass as her husband. Q: Wasn't Presidents' Day once something else. A: Yes. It was split into Lincoln and Washington Days, and then it was fused together into a horrible thing with two heads that frightened schoolchildren. So they decided to invite all the other presidents to share a meaningless day chosen to give postal clerks a three-day weekend. This had a tremendous impact on newspaper revenue, since it was customary to run ads with a picture of George Washington, holding an ax, saying "I cannot tell a lie. These mattress prices are the lowest ever." (This referred to Washington's predilection for attacking people with an ax when they accused him of lying.). They couldn't quite get good ads out of Presidents' Day, since most presidents don't have memorable quotes that work in ads. I mean, "Zippykazoo and Tyler too!" doesn't mean anything today. The ads ceased to run, and within five years 27 percent of American papers had ceased ...

Why Presidents Day Isn’t So Patriotic After All
Why Presidents Day Isn’t So Patriotic After All

... even to make law, but only to see to the enforcement of the laws passed by Congress (and maybe to veto one here and there) and to appoint appropriate people, like the former CEO of Carl’s Jr., to high federal offices. In the legislative branch, the House of Representatives is the accelerator and the Senate is the brake; the Supreme Court, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are pretty much all brake; the presidency is a kind of hybrid, sometimes pressing for needful reform and action, sometimes standing in Congress’ way when it is rash or overly ambitious. But the president is not the tribune of the plebs. He is not a sacred person or the holder of a sacred office. He is neither pontifex nor imperator. He is the commander in chief in time of war and the chief administrator of the federal bureaucracy. That’s it. Abolish Presidents Day. Mondays are for ...

Presidents Day Honors No One
Presidents Day Honors No One

... when Mother Nature provides the most light. But George Washington should be special. In 1880 Congress formally made his birthday a federal holiday, the first time it ever honored a person. Subsequently, Feb. 22 was the only holiday, along with Christmas, that all states celebrated. What is more, nearly two-thirds of the states have a Washington County. No American president did more to set the United States on a proper course for all its history, and GW is consistently ranked by historians as one of the five best presidents. President’s Day, on the other hand, honors all chief executives, some of whom richly deserve the obscurity they’ve gotten over the years. Do Americans really wish to honor Martin Van Buren, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore and James Buchanan? Or Franklin Pierce, who said at his inauguration: “My countrymen, it is a relief to feel that no heart but my own can know the personal regret and bitter sorrow over which I have been borne to a position so suitable for others than desirable for myself.”. The third Monday in February honors neither Washington nor Abraham Lincoln (born on February 12) ...

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