Remington 700

When It Comes To Guns, Federal Agencies Have No Recall Power
When It Comes To Guns, Federal Agencies Have No Recall Power

... can't be infringed. He calls it a slippery slope if the government is allowed to regulate guns, even for safety. He believes lawsuits like the federal class action against Remington, are a better way to handle it. "And then the gun manufacturers know that ultimately, that if they should have recalled, they didn't recall, people are injured, they're going to face monetary damages.". But Monsees, who is a hunter himself, argues the gun industry is essentially policing itself, and that it's not about the Second Amendment. "I think sometimes what we're doing is perceived and wrongfully so, as being anti-firearm. No," he added emphatically. "I'm anti-unsafe firearm.". A federal judge in Kansas City is set to review the proposed class action settlement with Remiington on Feb. 14. But Jim Welch won't send his gun in for a free trigger retrofit if the court okays the deal. He's retired ...

Decision In Remington Class Action Case To Come Soon
Decision In Remington Class Action Case To Come Soon

... that only 22,000 filed for a claim , a low number considering approximately 7.5 million guns could be involved. Some of the firearms detailed in the class-action suit were manufactured as far back as the 194 o’s and may not have survived over the years. This could account for the low claim count that currently exists. Here is a listing of affected firearms as detailed on the class-action site FAQ sheet. Model 700 and Model Seven rifles with X-Mark Pro triggers manufactured from May 1, 2006, to April 9, 2014, have been recalled. Models 700, Seven, Sportsman 78, and 673 with a Remington Walker trigger mechanism that utilizes a trigger connector, and Models 710, 715, 770, 600, 660, XP-100, 721, 722, and 725 with a Remington trigger mechanism that utilizes a trigger connector have not been recalled. While Plaintiffs’ economic-loss claims related to those models are being settled through this class action ...

Federal Judge Says Remington Settlement Over Deadly Rifle Defect May Be Too Lenient
Federal Judge Says Remington Settlement Over Deadly Rifle Defect May Be Too Lenient

... products in the amount of $12.50” that can be redeemed on the gunmaker’s website. Remington also offered to pay the class action legal costs up to $12.5 million. If all the millions of Remington owners took the company up on the remedies, it could cost the manufacturer nearly half a billion dollars. But Judge Smith, who still needs to approve the settlement, expressed worries on Tuesday about Remington’s nominal efforts to reach those owners and the “exceedingly small” number of guns repaired so far — less than 25,000, or about one-quarter of 1 percent of all the faulty firearms. “It seems inconceivable to me that someone would have a firearm that might injure a loved one and not have it fixed,” Smith said. That’s one reason the settlement terms have drawn heavy criticism from consumer watchdogs and class-action experts. “Clearly, the ...

Fl Man Accidentally Shoots Woman In Donut Shop After Dropping Gun Video
Fl Man Accidentally Shoots Woman In Donut Shop After Dropping Gun Video

... manuals. Melvin L Crafton. All modern pistols have drop safety and revolvers also have drop safety. The guy pulled the trigger. John Wisch. Define modern exactly. Next are you aware that they can be defeated through the operators procedural miss handling ? Thus rendering them not drop safe. Melvin L Crafton. I can tell one thing his finger pulled the trigger. John Wisch. I doubt it in this story. Your concept of drop safeties being on all handguns is naive at best. Paradise Road. …my 1919 Colt Police Positive Special is drop safe…I’m pretty sure any properly functioning modern arm is also…. Exactly, Glenn G! I’ve only known two pistols that might do that: the Raven 25 and the Lorcet 25 or 32. Neither are weapons that anyone should carry, as they’re essentially Saturday Night Specials that are horrifically made. Disarmed in CA. Oh Florida Man, why you so crazy. Mike in Illinois. It had to be George Zimmeman’s fault somehow. Bill Smith 999935. Another example of “cocked and locked” silliness. John Wisch. Do you even know what Cocked, and locked means ? No, you don’t…. Because if you did you would understand that Condition 1 is the safest way to carry, period, bar ...

Popular Remington 700 Rifle Linked To Potentially Deadly Defect
Popular Remington 700 Rifle Linked To Potentially Deadly Defect

... problem. Todd Hilsee: The value would be $487 million. Lesley Stahl: Half a billion dollars. Todd Hilsee: Half a billion dollars. In Mississippi, Roger Stringer knew nothing about the class action lawsuit or the recall. He was visiting Zac in prison as often as he could and Zac kept telling him that he never pulled the trigger so one day in 2015, Roger picked up his i Phone. Roger Stringer: I googled “Remington Model 700, spontaneous firing.”. Lesley Stahl: And. Roger Stringer: I just about dropped the phone when all that stuff showed up. I mean, there was just mountains and mountains of information about those guns; story after story of it happening to other people. He called Remington and found out Zac’s rifle with the X-Mark Pro was under recall.  That rifle is still being held at the local courthouse. A state forensic expert did test it before the trial, but Hal Kittrell, the prosecutor in ...

With Too Few Claims, Judge Considers Rejecting Remington Settlement
With Too Few Claims, Judge Considers Rejecting Remington Settlement

... claims are filed, are pushing for Smith to approve the settlement. They say the claim numbers do not tell the full story, explaining many gun owners are unwilling to turn over their guns for repair, especially if they’ve never had a problem with theirs. If Smith rejects the settlement — which there were issues with other agreements — the case would go to trial. If the class loses at trial that would result in zero guns fixed, but if plaintiffs win they could prove that Remington has knowingly sold products that were defective. The infamous trigger design, called the Walker Fire Control, has been a feature on Remington Model 700 rifle since the 1960 s. The flawed design has been linked to numerous accidental discharges as dust or debris could allow the rifle to fire without the pull of a trigger. According to court documents, engineers working for the company proposed modifying the design for mere pennies, but the company rejected ...

Remington Trigger Cause Of Wisconsin Man's Death, Lawsuit Says
Remington Trigger Cause Of Wisconsin Man's Death, Lawsuit Says

... in many disciplines, and that is the fundamental, THE fundamental, that if you follow without exception, you will never kill someone you do not want to kill. If only we could get there with handling, and we are far from it I’m afraid to say. I RSO at a range sometimes and its pretty scary what the average level of handling looks like. Clancy Young. There is no doubt about Remington’s 700 trigger issues. The problem is with rifles that are regularly used not the rifles taken out once or twice a year to hunt. The inventor stated that the trigger design issue was one of cleaning the mechanism. It built up heavy deposits of residue. The military noticed that fault and kept using the weapon. As you say safety is paramount with handling any fire arm. Remington could have saved them selves a lot of heart ache if they simply fixed the problem or told their customers to clean or have the trigger cleaned every so often. Rhett Butler 1. A defect like this would have never stayed on the market if it was from any ...

Saturday's Tv Highlights And Weekend Talk
Saturday's Tv Highlights And Weekend Talk

... missile tests: Elliott Abrams; Antony Blinken; Avril Haines. Russian perspective of the firing of Trump’s National Security Advisor: Sergey Karaganov. Japanese president visits America; North Korea’s provocation; the role of women in Japan: Caroline Kennedy. (N) 7 and 10 a.m. CNN. Face the Nation White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S. C.). Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Tulare). Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.). Former National Security Advisor Tom Donilon. Mike Morell. Panel: Bob Woodward , the Washington Post; Jeffrey Goldberg, the Atlantic; Indira Lakshmanan, the Boston Globe; Michael Graham, the Weekly Standard. (N) 8 a.m. KCBS. Meet the Press (N) 8 a.m. KNBC; 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. MSNBC. This Week With George Stephanopoulos Turning down the National Security Advisor job: Vice Adm. Robert Harward, U. S. Navy (Ret.). President Trump’s first month in office: former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski; former Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook. (N) 8 a.m. KABC. Fox News Sunday With ...

Class Wants Remington Settlement Approved, Rejects Ags Brief
Class Wants Remington Settlement Approved, Rejects Ags Brief

... the overwhelming price tag, Remington saved itself from calling its products defective. Lead plaintiff in the class action suit , Ian Pollard, of Concordia, Missouri, filed the case in January 2013, saying his Remington 700 bolt-action rifle fired unexpectedly three times in the 13 years he owned it. While he was not hurt, the complaint cited others who had been. The lawsuit detailed specific issues with the Walker Fire Control trigger, which has become an informal template for lawsuits challenging Remington’s design. According to court documents, WFC uses an internal component known as a “connector,” which does not physically attach to the trigger but rather floats on top of it and holds in place by tension from a spring and the side plates. The design creates a gap where dust or debris can build between the components and then cause the mechanism to function improperly by, for instance, ...

Youtube Video Shows Gun Spontaneously Fire
Youtube Video Shows Gun Spontaneously Fire

... pulled in cold weather. on You Tube. Although Remington has fixed its Model 700 trigger problem, it is estimated that only 1 in 4 guns affected by the recall have been turned in. Nearly a million are still out there. This week on 60 Minutes, Lesley Stahl examines the  Remington controversy and the families it’s affected  on Sunday, Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. ET/PT. © 2017 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Recent Segments. 60 Minutes Presents: Grammy Night. February 13, 2017. First, BeyoncĂ© and Adele's different approaches to success. Then, Bruno Mars has been broke, busted and nearly homeless, but now he’s on top of the music world. The Coming Swarm. January 8, 2017. Autonomous drones are being called the biggest thing in military technology since the nuclear bomb. David Martin reports. The Hunt for Planet Nine. January 9, 2017. At the farthest edges of our solar system, scientists have found evidence of a ninth ...

The Remington 700
The Remington 700

... adviser who admits U. S. failures in dealing with hostages, and to the parents of Steven Sotloff, a journalist who was kidnapped and. The Speaker of the House. December 5, 2016. It's no secret that House Speaker Paul Ryan didn't want Donald Trump to be president. But Ryan tells 60 Minutes that's in the past and he plans to work with Trump to fix the. The Golden Triangle. December 5, 2016. Joe Max Higgins is credited with generating about 6,000 manufacturing jobs in Mississippi’s Golden Triangle, one of the poorest areas in the country. How’s he doing it? Bill. Drive-by Lawsuits. December 5, 2016. Thousands of lawsuits have been filed in the U. S. for violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, but many business owners say they're nothing more than a shakedown. The Prime Minister. November 28, 2016. Italy's prime minister, Matteo Renzi, tells Charlie Rose his country is not "only a museum" stuck in the past, as he tries to radically change its future. The Alzheimer's Laboratory. November 28, 2016. An extended family in Colombia with a genetic mutation causing Alzheimer’s may help scientists prevent the disease someday. Lesley ...

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