
Elon Musk Is A Spacex Truther
Elon Musk Is A Spacex Truther

... landings were completely fabricated by the company. There’s a healthy contingent of truthers out there who pore over the footage of landings, pointing out inconsistencies in the videos. Some simply argue that landing videos are clips of rockets taking off played in reverse. Last night, CEO Elon Musk revealed he has a good sense of humor about the conspiracy theory, when he replied to a fan’s question at the ripe time of 1:42 AM ET. @elonmusk Is there any reason that most of the landings appear to have been at night so far. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 17, 2017. As we all know, sarcasm and nuance are extinct in the 21 st century — surely some people are running wild with this “news” already. But perhaps tomorrow’s launch will help silence the Space X skeptics out there, since the landing will be a bit different this time around. It’s the first time that Space X will land ...

Spacex Scrubs Florida Launch, Reschedules For Sunday
Spacex Scrubs Florida Launch, Reschedules For Sunday

... A at Kennedy Space Center, Fla., on Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017. The rocket, scheduled to lift off with cargo for the International Space Station, was aborted with 13 seconds to go in the countdown. Craig Bailey/Florida Today via AP. Space X scrubbed its launch of a NASA research mission Saturday just 13 seconds before the Hawthorne-based company’s Falcon 9 rocket was scheduled for liftoff from the historic Apollo moon pad in Florida. The precautionary delay was the fault of “slightly odd” movements of an engine-steering hydraulic piston in the upper portion of the 23-story-tall rocket, Space X CEO Elon Musk announced on his Twitter account. The launch has been rescheduled for 6:38 a.m. PST Sunday. “Standing down to investigate,” Musk wrote. “If this is the only issue, flight would be fine, but need to make sure that it isn’t symptomatic of a more significant upstream root cause.”. To be clear that the issue is minor and not an indication of a repeat of a devastating Sept. 1 Space X rocket explosion , Musk reiterated. “Btw, 99% likely to be fine. but that 1% chance isn’t worth rolling the dice,” he wrote. “Better to wait a day.”. The Hawthorne rocket maker is ...

Spacex Mission Highlights ‘golden Age’ Of Space Science Research
Spacex Mission Highlights ‘golden Age’ Of Space Science Research

... back on Earth after it delivers the second stage carrying the payload into orbit. “This hardware is so expensive,” Shotwell said. “We want to save everything.”. Furthering scientific research. Among the 5,500 pounds of cargo onboard the Dragon capsule are cloned immune cells useful in fighting cancer and other ailments. Scientists believe they can grow purer forms of crystallized antibodies in microgravity. Stem cells also will be delivered so scientists on the ISS national laboratory can observe their growth in microgravity, since the lack of gravity allows them to expand and accelerate cell growth. Several weather and atmospheric sensors aboard will be attached to the outside of the space station, where they can observe global conditions. The SAGE III will monitor the health of the ozone layer, which continues to ...

Spacex Aborts Launch To The Iss Seconds Before Liftoff, But Might Try Again Tomorrow
Spacex Aborts Launch To The Iss Seconds Before Liftoff, But Might Try Again Tomorrow

... vector control system was acting “ slightly odd.” Vector control is how rockets steer—If the Falcon 9’s was on the fritz, it would not be able to put the Dragon capsule on an intercept course with the ISS once the rocket reached low Earth orbit. Musk added that the system “99% likely to be fine … but that 1% chance isn’t worth rolling the dice.” He hopes to make the next launch window for CRS-10, Sunday, February 18, at 9:38 am EST. Space X is back, and it’s launching your tax dollars into low Earth orbit. Saturday morning will mark the private rocket company’s tenth mission to the International Space Station—and its second launch attempt since a Falcon 9 rocket blew up on a launchpad last September. Saturday’s launch will lift off from Cape Canaveral’s launchpad 39 A, the same slab of concrete used for the Apollo missions. That’s a neat bit of ourobouros, especially since a congressional investigation just finished looking at Space X’s potential to ferry humans to the ISS. The report, released on Thursday, detailed concerns over some cracked turbine fuel pumps—an old issue, already being fixed. But that’s not likely to soothe anyone ...

Spacex Falcon 9 Launch Scrubbed Due To Technical Issues
Spacex Falcon 9 Launch Scrubbed Due To Technical Issues

... X had  hoped to launch a Falcon 9 rocket and cargo craft Saturday morning from the same Kennedy Space Center pad that was used to send men to the moon nearly 50 years ago. The unmanned launch of International Space Station supplies would have opened a new commercial chapter at the historic NASA launch site that last hosted a mission 5½ years ago, when NASA launched Atlantis on the final flight of the shuttle program. Updates: Space X Falcon 9 launch from KSC scrubbed. The launch was deemed “extraordinary for the space industry, it’s extraordinary for Space X, and I think it’s great for the United States as well,” said Gwynne Shotwell, the company’s president and chief operating officer, standing in front of a Falcon 9 rocket at KSC’s pad 39 A on Friday afternoon. “It’s a historic pad,” said Shotwell. “It’s an ...

Last-second Launch Delay For Spacex At Historic Moon Pad
Last-second Launch Delay For Spacex At Historic Moon Pad

... said engineers want to make certain the “slightly odd” position of an engine piston isn’t representative of bigger trouble. It’s not out of the question that Saturday’s problem is somehow related to the minor upper-stage helium leak detected the day before, he reported. There’s a 99 percent chance everything is likely to be fine, Musk said in a tweet. “But that 1 percent chance isn’t worth rolling the dice. Better to wait a day.”. Thousands of guests had jammed the space center to witness the comeback of 39 A, last used in 2011 for the final space shuttle flight. Disappointment was high when the urgent call of “hold, hold, hold!” sounded over the radio lines. This will be Space X ’s first Florida launch since a rocket explosion last summer. The Sept. 1 accident occurred during prelaunch testing at a neighboring pad. Space X turned to Launch Complex 39 A - which it leases from NASA - to resume flights. The company ...

Spacex Mission Renews Historic Moonshot Pad
Spacex Mission Renews Historic Moonshot Pad

... 17, 2017. Photo: John Raoux, Associated Press. Image 1 of/1. Image 1 of 1. Space X will use launch pad 39 A at Cape Canaveral, the same used by shuttle Discovery in 2010. Photo: John Raoux, Associated Press. Space X mission renews historic moonshot pad. 1 / 1. Back to Gallery. CAPE CANAVERAL — For decades it has stood like a skyscraper on the Florida coast, its spire stretching more than 400-feet high. The kings and queens of the cosmos — astronauts from Apollo and the shuttle eras, including Neil Armstrong , Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins — have zipped to the top of its tower to get one last view of the waves lapping the Florida coast before launching into space. But in 2011, when the space shuttle was retired and NASA could no longer fly humans into space, NASA’s Launch Complex 39 A went dormant, a symbol of a once-great era rusting away in the salt air. Now the venerable site is about to come back to life. If all goes according to plan, Space X, the commercial space venture founded by Elon Musk, ...

Spacex Launch Scrubs With 13 Seconds To Go
Spacex Launch Scrubs With 13 Seconds To Go

... before it was expected to launch. The new window for the mission, which will send cargo and hundreds of science experiments to the International Space Station, will open at 9:38 a.m. A planned Space X launch Saturday, February was scrubbed 13 seconds before it was expected to launch. The new window for the mission, which will send cargo and hundreds of science experiments to the International Space Station, will open at 9:38 a.m. (Red Huber/Staff Photographer). “It’s disappointing,” said Robbie Haney of Grayslake, Ill., who is in Central Florida visiting friends in Tampa Bay and attended the viewing with her husband Ken. They made a specific trip to KSC to check out their first-ever launch. Ken Haney said increased activity from private companies has been fun to watch. “It always brings tears to your eyes to see what we are doing and what we send into ...

Spacex Cancels Rocket Launch From Nasa Moon Pad
Spacex Cancels Rocket Launch From Nasa Moon Pad

... for NASA’s final shuttle flight. This is Space X’s first Florida launch since last summer’s rocket explosion. (NASA via AP). Red Huber. A Space X Falcon 9 rocket is readied for launch Friday, Feb. 17, 2017, at Launch Complex 39 A at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. Saturday morning's planned launch will be Space X's first from Florida since a rocket explosion at another pad last summer. (Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel via AP). Red Huber. A Space X Falcon 9 rocket is readied for launch Friday, Feb. 17, 2017, at Launch Complex 39 A at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. Saturday morning's planned launch will be Space X's first from Florida since a rocket explosion at another pad last summer. (Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel via AP). Red Huber. A Space X Falcon 9 rocket is readied for launch Friday, Feb. 17, 2017, at Launch Complex 39 A at the Kennedy Space ...

5 Reasons Why Spacex Rocks Spoiler
5 Reasons Why Spacex Rocks Spoiler

... after liftoff and today is @elonmusk 's bday apparently. __link__/e Qf FHeem UX via @Florida_Today. — Mara Bellaby (@MBellaby) June 28, 2015. However, Space X isn't immune to mistakes: its Falcon 9 rocket, which carried a satellite Facebook was to use in Africa,   exploded on its pad during a test Sept. 1, 2016 , at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. On June 28, 2015, Falcon 9 exploded after liftoff — on Musk's birthday. The   company *still* deserves a huge pat on the back because the Space X team is not afraid to fail. They're willing to take a huge risk, and they come back better. — Space X (@Space X) January 14, 2017. • The clever names: Falcon. Dragon. Just Read the Instructions. Of Course I Still Love You. No, these aren't pet names and phrases you might say to your significant other. They're the rockets, spacecraft and unmanned drone ships named by Musk. ...

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