Standing Rock

Holly Miranda Drops Standing Rock Charity Single
Holly Miranda Drops Standing Rock Charity Single

... (Irene Young). Wednesday, February 22, 2017, 8:43 PM. Add Holly Miranda’s voice to the resistance at Standing Rock. The singer-songwriter released a stirring rendition of Cris Williamson’s “Midnight Oil” on Wednesday with all proceeds benefitting the Sioux Nation reservation. “Midnight Oil” features a 28-person chorus, dubbed The New Asylum Choir, including artists and activists like Ani Di Franco, Jaime King, Kyp Malone of TV On The Radio, Sasheer Zamata of "Saturday Night Live," progressive commentator Sally Kohn, and "Daily Show" co-creator Lizz Winstead. “From Israel to Mexico and all over friends sent their voices to me,” Miranda said. “It was a magical thing to watch this song build and to hear the stories of this mantra getting stuck in everyone's head.”. Miranda opens the track sparsely, with only a piano and drum accompanying her voice. As the song progresses, she’s joined by a full band and strings, gradually building ...

Revenue Declines At Standing Rock Sioux Casino
Revenue Declines At Standing Rock Sioux Casino

... controversy over the Dakota Access crude oil pipeline with the casino. Concert and visitor attendance at the casino are down over the past several months, general manager E. J. Iron Eyes said. "I'm looking for things to improve as we move into summer," Iron Eyes said. Iron Eyes is launching a public relations campaign to draw customers back to the casino. He emphasizes the pipeline protests were not the only problem. Iron Eyes said the casino usually serves an older demographic coming from surrounding North Dakota cities, including Bismarck-Mandan, Jamestown and Minot. There is a hotel, gambling casino and monthly country and rock concerts. Daily buses from the Bismarck-Mandan area and surrounding towns ferry residents for a day at the slots. But in December, casino regulars found themselves mingling with a new mix of guests from across the U. S. who traveled to ...

Standing Rock Benefit Draws Local Activists To Little Lake Grange
Standing Rock Benefit Draws Local Activists To Little Lake Grange

... in California has something wrong. She urged people to become more conscious of wasting water and to try filtering the water they drink. She said she was at Standing Rock last fall with more than 10,000 people opposing the DAPL and that the experience was truly amazing. “I come from a different set of values,” she said. “I can tell you most indigenous cultures believe there is this circle, everything comes back around. I would tell you that we all need to think about ourselves maybe third on the list, we need to be kinder, we need to be more cooperative.”. She said, while sitting in a tribal environmental conference recently, it was announced that Scott Pruitt was going to be the head of the EPA, prompting a lot of people to become panic stricken. While attending a regional meeting, she found out the government was going to freeze all EPA funds. “Now there is a bill to abolish the EPA completely,” she said. “I cannot express to you how much dismay this has caused in all the people that I work with every day and all the Indian people I work with.”. Other speakers included Vivian Billy, who said she lived in Standing Rock for 20 years and spent several months at a Standing ...

Northern Lights Community School Students Visit Standing Rock
Northern Lights Community School Students Visit Standing Rock

... of North Dakota. Even though they will be staying the night at the local casino where many of the media and others are housed, most of their time will be spent outdoors at the camp. They will tour the Sacred Stone and Rosebud camps, chop wood, deliver supplies, and volunteer where needed. Humphrey’s advice for her students is simple, “You are going to listen and learn and help. When we get there, I want you to be friendly. Say hello to everyone you see. They will see you. They will say hello back to you. The camp is built on friendship.”. After a long day of driving, they arrive after dark. Humphrey realizes the students can’t fully appreciate the significance of the main road winding through the camp. Their headlights and the camp’s dim solar lighting barely illuminate the hundreds of tribal flags lining ...

Lakota Protectors Vow Treaty Stand To Resist Eviction Today
Lakota Protectors Vow Treaty Stand To Resist Eviction Today

... sentence to this soldier, which illustrates a disrespect of Palestinian lives and international laws.". British Muslim School Teacher Blocked from Flying to U. S. Headlines Feb 22, 2017. A British Muslim school teacher is speaking out after he says he was denied entry to the United States during a school trip last week—even though Trump’s travel ban had been suspended and the teacher is a British citizen who was born in Wales. Juhel Miah says he was removed from the plane at Reykjavík on February 16. Juhel Miah: "I was in shock. I couldn’t believe it was happening. It hit me the hardest when I looked back and I could see all the kids looking at me, all the members of staff. And as I was going through the plane, it felt everyone else on the plane were looking at me as if I was a threat to them or ...

Melissa Etheridge Seamlessly Blends Activism, Art At Standing Rock Benefit Concert Review
Melissa Etheridge Seamlessly Blends Activism, Art At Standing Rock Benefit Concert Review

... draws plenty of ire for being shamelessly vocal about her various causes. From protecting the environment to LGBTQ rights to indigenous communities, it can seem like she's too complicated or too political, bouncing from issue to issue. But longtime fans of Etheridge can see a clear, simple pattern emerge in Etheridge's activist and artistic work: She believes in balance. In civil rights, that means all humans, in her eyes, deserve equal rights and opportunities. In her lyrics, that means lovers should treat each other with respect. Onstage, that means balancing storytelling with music and giving each member of her band his space to shine. As for her total performance, Etheridge proved why she's an ideal figurehead for so many progressive causes. She doesn't wallow in negativity, nor does she call out politicians by name. She spreads a light, simple message of love, hope and ...

At Standing Rock, Part 4
At Standing Rock, Part 4

... like a bright child that had done something clever, and I couldn't have been prouder. The very first things I needed were packed stupidly at the bottom of my duffle. Everything else had to come out, fast. First, long johns, clothes pulled back on over them, then the Carhartt Men’s R 33 Extremes Arctic Zip Front Bib Overall—Quilt Lined—I’d ordered online. Pulling it on over my clothes, it was so stiff with insulation and protective fabric that it was like trying to pull on a Gumby suit while lying down in a closet filled with other people. I could hardly bend my knees to stand up, but I managed it and fell back out through the door. The overalls are the best thing I ever bought myself, and from that moment I was never cold. Heather walked us up to the sacred fire near the camp entrance and told us how to walk a circle around it and drop sage in and pray, if we wished. She pointed out the white boards to arrange rides, and the coffee stand and speakers’ booth, ...

Native People React To Standing Rock Setback
Native People React To Standing Rock Setback

... an easement under the Missouri, a response to a many months long campaign of opposition waged by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. The Sioux hold the area as sacred, and rely on the river for their drinking water. A pipeline rupture that contaminated the river could mean serious illness and displacement for the Standing Rock Sioux. That's why since the middle of 2016 there's been a Native encampment near the confluence of the Cannon Ball and Missouri rivers. At times numbering in the tens of thousands, the Native activists and their allies at Standing Rock have waged a historic non-violent campaign to alert the world to the problems with the Dakota Access Pipeline. Pin on Pinterest Share on Linked In Share on Google+. The Corps' decision to delay the easement and pursue a full federal environmental review took place under the Obama administration. But within days of his inauguration, Donald Trump ordered the Corps to let the pipeline proceed. The Corps granted an easement to the pipeline's owners on February 8. In the five days since, reaction from Native Water Protectors and their supporters has been swift. People at the Standing ...

An Improvised Tribe Of Americans Looking For 'justice
An Improvised Tribe Of Americans Looking For 'justice

... backgrounds and lengthy arrest records, while others have been prominent and accomplished. At least one, Patricia Arquette, has won an Academy Award. Some would not share their real name or age or where they work. Some would pray daily for peace. Many, but not all, have been Native American. Some arrived with one group of people only to migrate to another. They all came to help the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe fight the pipeline, which would carry oil through lands it considers sacred, and beneath a lake that provides its water supply. The whole illegal immigration thing, hey, this whole country was taken by theft, rape and murder, and then you guys want to talk about legality? — Duncan, 40. Yet even as they share a common purpose, protesters have been notable for their diversity and fluidity. That helps explain the tension that had been apparent lately, as some people have resisted a request by the Sioux to clean up and clear out so the tribe could shift focus to the legal and political ...

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