Sweden Riots

How Sweden Became An Example Of How Not To Handle Immigration
How Sweden Became An Example Of How Not To Handle Immigration

... police. ‘In some cases, we don’t even have descriptions of the children. So there is no means of identifying them… no information about relatives. We have nothing to work with.’ Lisa Green, who monitors human trafficking in Malmo, has reported 40 cases of suspected child trafficking to the police over the past few years but says her complaints were not even recorded. ‘Nobody is dealing with human trafficking,’ says Mattias Sigfridsson, head of the police department that deals with missing persons. ‘We have no ability to do that right now — there are no staff.’. In response to the crisis that threatens to overwhelm it, Swedish politics has become more realistic, less romantic. Passports are now being checked on the famous Oresund bridge that links Sweden with Denmark. As a result, the journey time has doubled, horrifying Malmo residents who like to regard their city as a satellite of Copenhagen, and making cross-border business more ...

Right On Cue, Riots Break Out In Muslim Neighborhood Of Stockholm As Swedes Deny Their Immigration Problem
Right On Cue, Riots Break Out In Muslim Neighborhood Of Stockholm As Swedes Deny Their Immigration Problem

...   Zerohedge reports. Rinkeby is a known problem area in Stockholm. It was here NRK journalist Anders Magnus was attacked with stones last spring, and here the police never go in the evenings without reinforcements from other patrols according to  Dabladet. A freelancer the newspaper spoke to, described the situation as serious. BREAKING: Massive riots happening now in Sweden. Stockholm in flames. Trump was right again! __link__/ZQa 9 Res 2 tu __link__/9 Qm 3 id TS 9 O. — Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) February 21, 2017. "I've been in some turmoil, but this is something extra. It looks like a war zone here", he was quoted as saying. Freelance Photographer Janne Åkesson has also been at the site Monday night and early Tuesday. "They threw stones at police and police fired warning shots. I got out when it was at its worst" he said to Dagbladet. He added that there were many youths with hoods and hats on. "It was very chaotic. I have seen much in Rinkeby: they burn cars all the time - unfortunately this was beyond the ordinary.". Here is a report ...

Alt-right Website Editor Pays Journalist £1,600 To Investigate Sweden Violence
Alt-right Website Editor Pays Journalist £1,600 To Investigate Sweden Violence

... migrant suburbs of Malmo.”. The city has a large immigrant population and last October ISIS claimed responsibility for a fire at a Muslim community centre there. The incident has been cited by the White House in the list of violence it claimed had been under-reported by the media. Alt-right blogger and conspiracy theorist Paul Joseph Watson. In a follow-up post, subsequently deleted, Mr Watson wrote: "All you lefty idiots accepting a 'trip to Sweden'. Can you read? I said you'd be staying here. Good luck.”. The post featured a number of images to illustrate his point, including a photograph of anti-Israel protesters from the 2009 Davis Cup tennis match between Sweden and Israel. Hundreds of people offered their services, including comedian Al Murray and journalist Laurie Penny. Mr Watson has since donated £1,600 to US journalist Tim Pool who has pledged to "investigate the claims of 'no-go zones' and a rise in crime that people believe are coming from migrants and refugees". In a video posted on his You Tube channel, Mr Pool says: "This is a highly politicised ...

Riots Break Out In Stockholm Suburb After Trump Blasts Sweden's Migrant Policies
Riots Break Out In Stockholm Suburb After Trump Blasts Sweden's Migrant Policies

... but the disturbances continued for several more hours, stretching into early Tuesday morning. A photojournalist was injured in the disturbances. The episode drew scrutiny worldwide because of Trump's assertions - based on a Fox News segment - that Sweden had experienced a surge in crime and violence as a result of taking in large numbers of refugees. Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. NOT. — Donald J. Trump (@real Donald Trump) February 20, 2017. Swedish officials have criticized his statements as exaggerations. Preliminary statistics don't show a major increase in crime from 2015, when the country processed a record 163,000 asylum applications, to 2016. Riots like the one in Rinkeby, officials said, are not unprecedented but are infrequent. Nonetheless, some of Trump's supporters seized upon the disturbances in Rinkeby as evidence of his claim. Rinkeby, an area of around 16,000 people, is overwhelmingly populated by residents with immigrant backgrounds — in particular Somali and Arab among them — and has been the site of previous clashes between residents and the ...

Albania Ablaze As Riots Mount
Albania Ablaze As Riots Mount

... Michigan becomes the 26 th US state. 1841 - Britain occupies Hong Kong. 1930 - Mahatma Gandhi begins a march across India against British occupation. 1934 - Germany signs a 10-year non-aggression agreement with Poland. 1947 - Sweden’s Crown Prince Gustav Adolf is killed in a plane crash in Denmark. 1950 - India becomes an independent republic, with Rajendra Prasad as its first President. 1957 - Kashmir Constitution for incorporation with India goes into effect. 1992 - Award winning actor and director Jose Ferrer dies. 1998 - US President Bill Clinton denies sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. 2001 - A powerful earthquake kills more than 30,000 people in Bhuj, Gujarat, India. 2003 - A China Airlines jet becomes the first Taiwanese airliner to land in mainland China since 1949. 2005 - Condoleezza Rice becomes US Secretary of State, the first African-American woman to hold the post. 2006 - Palestinian group Hamas wins a landslide victory in parliamentary elections. 2008 - Palestinian leader George Habash dies. 2010 - A Boeing 737 of Ethiopian Airlines crashes into the ...

Trump Proven Right? Sweden Reels As Migrant Riots Break Out Monday Night
Trump Proven Right? Sweden Reels As Migrant Riots Break Out Monday Night

... Altogether, I have seen 4-5 police buses in the area.”. — I_Was_@Sweden (@I_was_Sweden) February 20, 2017. At around 11:30 p.m. local time, police officers were able to strategically position themselves at Rinkeby’s underground station. During this time, several stores have already been looted, around a dozen cars have been burnt, and the parts of the town are already reminiscent of war zones. Ulf Johansson, the regional police chief, stated that the incident was very serious. “Of course it is very serious that the police officers were attacked on the job. What we see may be a result of our increased pressure on criminals in the area. But I can assure that we are resilient and will not leave. Rather, we will intensify our work.”. The grim scenes of Rinkeby during the aftermath of the riot appear to echo the words of U. S. President Donald Trump last ...

How Liberals' Refugee Policy Turned Public Against Migrants
How Liberals' Refugee Policy Turned Public Against Migrants

... since the 2014 election when it was already at an all-time high, the study said. Politicians from all parties have been recorded making comments questioning the future of national identity or ‘Swedishness’. Anna Kinberg-Batra, leader of the Moderates, said arranged marriages could not be defended as freedom of religion. She said: “To take the future away from your daughter – that is not freedom.”. She added that honour killings were “dishonest and it goes against Swedish values”. Marches against migrants in Stockholm. Leader of the Christian Democrats Ebba Busch Thor has also been using exclusionary language. Ebba Busch Thor, leader of the Christian Democrats, suggested the migration crisis was not over and said if immigrants could not speak the language and understand Swedish culture and values ...

Muslim Montreal Couple Had Makings Of A Bomb
Muslim Montreal Couple Had Makings Of A Bomb

... or withdraw her motion. Iqra Khalid is the Liberal Member of Parliament for Mississauga-Erindale, elected in 2015. She recently tabled a motion in the House of Commons which would “condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination.”. Clearly, the intent of her motion is not to address issues of discrimination, but rather to silence anyone who speaks out against Islamists in Canada. For instance, Irqa Khalid was President of the Muslim Student Association when she was a student at York University (early 2000 s). The Muslim Student Association was founded by adherents of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1963. The Muslim Student Association has a series of alumni who have become suicide bombers, ISIS fighters and ISIS propagandists. The article contains material linking MP Iqra Khalid with known Muslim Brotherhood front groups like the MSA, or “Muslim Students Associations.”. 3. Leftist and Muslim riots not slowing down across France. Police appear to be walking backwards in the next video, showing creativity in synchronized surrender by the French constabulary. Theo, who is the Casus belli of these ...

Media Note That Violence In Sweden Happened Days After Trump's Comments; So What Caused These Riots
Media Note That Violence In Sweden Happened Days After Trump's Comments; So What Caused These Riots

... 2 j RSWIM __link__/Wohhz Vwq Pc. — CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) February 22, 2017. Wow, those rioters must have been really upset over President Trump’s alleged reference to  that non-existent terror attack at his rally Saturday, once the news reports made it to them. While foreign press didn’t seem to make the connection, the Washington Post highlighted Trump’s role in the violence. Riots erupt in Sweden’s capital just days after Trump comments __link__/Fsr Uf XLv Hb. — Doug Mordecai (@dougmordecai) February 22, 2017. It was a while back now, but certainly someone in the media can check Google to see what Trump was up to in 2013 when “youth” in Sweden rioted for a week  in an area populated largely by immigrants from Turkey, the Middle East, and Somalia. Coincidentally, those riots followed the killing of a Muslim man who reportedly attacked police with a machete, a bit like this week’s riot followed an arrest in the area by Swedish police; best not to jump to ...

Riots Erupt In Swedish Capital
Riots Erupt In Swedish Capital

... Donald Trump suggested that immigrants in Sweden were to blame for an increase in crime across the country. Several people threw stones at police Monday night, striking one officer in the arm. As the situation escalated, police fired warning shots to disperse the crowd and one shot at a rioter, a police spokesperson told CNN's Ivan Watson. More riots erupted later in the evening, causing damage to shopfronts as well as instances of looting. A police spokesperson said 10 cars had been torched. Authorities have launched an investigation into the unrest but said order and security had been restored by midnight. A CNN team in the area on Tuesday saw evidence of the damage: The doors of Rinkeby's subway station had been smashed, and other broken windows were covered in temporary plastic sheeting, but the burned-out cars had already been cleared away. "Of course it is very ...

Three Police Officers Injured After Being Ambushed, Assaulted By Muslim Immigrant Mob
Three Police Officers Injured After Being Ambushed, Assaulted By Muslim Immigrant Mob

... power. Let’s hope this year’s elections provide some hope for western civilization. Rinkeby is a suburb dominated by Muslim immigrants, in northern Stockholm, Sweden and the site of numerous violent Muslim riots, arson and uprisings. SWEDEN’S ‘NO-GO ZONE’ CRISIS: Three police officers injured after being ATTACKED by thugs. THREE Swedish police officers were taken to hospital after being attacked by a violent mob on a routine mission in a ‘no-go zone’ on Friday evening. By Lizzie Stromme, Feb 11, 2017. Officers in Sweden’s capital were on patrol in the suburb of Rinkeby when they are set upon by a group of 20-30 thugs. Police spokeswoman Eva Nilsson said the sickening attack on her colleagues happened after they stopped to search an individual at around 11 pm. Moments later the mob appeared and started hitting, kicking and throwing bottles and glass at the ...

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