
Swedish Embassy’s Cheeky Swipe At Donald Trump
Swedish Embassy’s Cheeky Swipe At Donald Trump

... at the Trump National Golf Club, where Mr Trump spent weeks with his aides interviewing candidates for his Cabinet and other roles. “We’re going to be interviewing everybody — Treasury, we’re going to be interviewing Secretary of State,” he continued. “We have everybody coming in — if you want to come around, it’s going to be unbelievable … so you might want to come along.”. President Trump came under fire last week for arranging a press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in front of hundreds of guests at his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago. OFFICIAL FIRED FOR CRITICISING TRUMP. A senior Trump administration official was fired for criticising Mr Trump’s policies and advisers in a private speech. Craig Deare, whom Mr Trump appointed a month ago to head the National Security Council’s Western Hemisphere division, was on Friday escorted out of the Executive Office Building in Washington. Current and former administration officials told Associated Press that Mr Deare’s termination was linked to remarks he made on Thursday at a private talk at the ...

Swedes Scratch Heads After Trump Says 'look What's Happening Last Night In Sweden
Swedes Scratch Heads After Trump Says 'look What's Happening Last Night In Sweden

... Twitter to explain: "My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @Fox News concerning immigrants & Sweden." A White House spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, says that Trump was talking about rising crime and recent incidents in general, not referring to a specific issue. Donald Trump 's speech Saturday at a campaign-style rally in Melbourne, Florida, was filled with a number of dubious claims. Here's a quick round-up of his rhetoric - and the facts. We will examine these statements in the order in which he made them. 1. "The dishonest media, which has. President Donald Trump 's speech Saturday at a campaign-style rally in Melbourne, Florida, was filled with a number of dubious claims. Here's a quick round-up of his rhetoric - and the facts. We will examine these statements in the order in which he made them. 1. "The dishonest media, which has. (Glenn Kessler). The president may be referring to a segment aired Friday night on the Fox News Channel show "Tucker Carlson Tonight" that reported Sweden had accepted more than 160,000 asylum-seekers last year but that only 500 of the migrants had found ...

Donald Trump Is Right, There Was A Recent Attack In Sweden. By Neo-nazis On A Refugee Centre
Donald Trump Is Right, There Was A Recent Attack In Sweden. By Neo-nazis On A Refugee Centre

... Movement (NMR), a group that openly promotes racist and anti-Semitic views and has vocally opposed non-white immigration to the country. The Swedish intelligence service Säpo  said the incident on 5 January, which was also linked to two others in Gothenburg in recent months, appeared to be politically motivated. The NMR was set up in 1997 by former members of the White Aryan Resistance and employees of Folktribunen, a neo-National socialist magazine. The group is considered as the figurehead for Sweden’s white power movement. Sweden took in more refugees per capita than any other European country in 2016, which Mr Trump cited in his speech as creating problems "they never thought possible.". The right is on the rise in Sweden and we can't blame inequality. The former real-estate mogul focused on migration in Europe and linked it to terror attacks in Brussels, Nice and Paris - before adding Sweden to the list. ...

Trump Invents Sweden Terror Attack, U.s. Vp Pence Visits Nazi Concentration Camp And More
Trump Invents Sweden Terror Attack, U.s. Vp Pence Visits Nazi Concentration Camp And More

... members of the European Union — popular lawmaker Geert Wilders is dominating polls with an isolationist manifesto that calls for the Netherlands “to be independent again. So out of the EU.” After Britons voted last year to divorce from the EU, could a Dutch departure — known here as “Nexit,” after “Brexit” — be close behind? “I see the European Union as an old Roman Empire that is ceasing to exist. It will happen,” Wilders said in an interview with the Associated Press. Wilders’ Party for Freedom is a serious contender to win the popular vote, with most polls a month out from the election showing it ahead of all other parties. Over the past dozen years, the Dutch have already voted in referenda against EU proposals twice. Few analysts think “Nexit” would materialize: Despite his popularity, Wilders will struggle to find coalition partners among mainstream parties, which shun him and his strident anti-Islam, anti-EU rhetoric. Then again, few observers predicted last year that Britain would vote to become the first country to leave the EU, so the worries are real about the possible effects of a Nexit — or a further disintegration of European unity ...

Asylum Seeker Suicides On The Rise In Sweden
Asylum Seeker Suicides On The Rise In Sweden

... said, “We observe young asylum seekers in closed internet forums encouraging each other to commit suicide,” adding, “suicide is also considered moral by the group and is for the sake of others, to affect the current policy.”. Ombudsman Fredrik Malmberg has backed up the claims saying, “I have been informed by the social authority that there are seemingly organised suicidal thoughts among asylum seekers without families, which is extremely worrying because several of them have actually committed suicide.”. In the past year around 3,000 underage Afghan migrants have arrived in Sweden and 600 of them have been rejected for asylum status. Of those rejected, many have been allowed to stay in Sweden because they claim not to have any family back in their native country. Musse Hossein is an asylum seeker from Afghanistan who tries to help his fellow countrymen. He said of the underage migrants he has met, “they feel lonely, have mental problems, and when their asylum petition is rejected, ...

Trump Lied About Immigrant Crime And Terror Attack On Sweden That Never Happened
Trump Lied About Immigrant Crime And Terror Attack On Sweden That Never Happened

... seen, i.e. where immigrants do not reduce the crime rate, it is because of the class of immigrants admitted.  The US mostly lets in fairly high-skilled immigrants.  As for the undocumented, who tend to do menial labor, they are careful not to commit crimes on the whole because they don’t want to be sent back.  A tiny number of gang members who are confident that their gang will bring them back if they are deported casts a shadow over millions of people.  But only because we let the far right dominate this discourse. Ironically, it is precisely people like Donald Trump’s grandfather Frederick who are responsible for some minor problems in Sweden.  Frederick at least allowed prostitution in his gold rush hotels, and indeed the prospect of a crackdown on that trade along with other law enforcement actions caused him to try to go back to Germany (the German government did not want him). Moreover, it should be noted that a lot of the refugees taken in by Sweden are from Afghanistan and Iraq.  ...

Trump Says, 'look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'wait, What
Trump Says, 'look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'wait, What

... "They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.". Trump later tweeted that — as some had theorized — he was inspired by a Fox News segment on immigration and crime in Sweden, which aired on Friday but did not mention any specific atrocity that day. The reaction. Shortly afterward Trump got a definitive response from Sweden — literally, as The Guardian points out , since one of Sweden's official Twitter accounts is controlled by a different Swede each week. No. Nothing has happened here in Sweden. There has not ben any terrorist attacks here. At all. The main news right now is about Melfest. ->. — @sweden / Emma (@sweden) February 19, 2017. "No. Nothing has happened here in Sweden," tweeted Emma , the school librarian running the account this week. Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound. __link__/XWgw 8 Fz 7 tj. — Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) February ...

Want To Know Exactly As Much About Sweden As The President? Watch This Documentary
Want To Know Exactly As Much About Sweden As The President? Watch This Documentary

... lies about “no-go zones,” and tut-tut at the luxurious lives of refugees in Sweden. But does the full film paint a more nuanced portrait? No. No, it doesn’t. See for yourself; Stockholm Syndrome is on You Tube, along with other Horowitz films/rhetorical questions like Do Cops Lives Matter? [sic] and Are Voter ID Laws Racist. First, let it be said that the full film is not without its merits, even if they’re accidental. Not since “ Bart’s People ” has a straight-faced voiceover been as unintentionally hilarious as the moment when Horowitz solemnly intones, over footage of a busker, “This man has been playing the accordion for several years, trying to bring some musical cheer to the suburbs. Yet he has faced numerous attacks.” Yet. But besides shedding light on the mysterious outbreak of attacks inspired by unwanted accordion playing, Horowitz serves up exactly the kind of information that informs most of Trump’s political thinking—which is to ...

During Saturday's Rally, Trump Seemed To Make Up A Terror Attack In Sweden
During Saturday's Rally, Trump Seemed To Make Up A Terror Attack In Sweden

... If you have a high school education you can understand it, if you were a bad student in high school you can understand it," Trump said of the statute. Trump then said, "look what's happening last night in Sweden," alluding to past terrorist attacks while critiquing Europe's refugee policies. But the remark left Swedes scratching their heads, because no attack had occurred. The Aftonbladet newspaper listed in English some events that had happened Friday in Sweden, including a man being treated for severe burns, an avalanche warning and police chasing a drunken driver. The former Swedish Foreign Minister later mocked Trump's comments in a tweet. Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound. __link__/XWgw 8 Fz 7 tj. — Carl Bildt (@carlbildt) February 19, 2017. Despite the fact that November has long come and gone, the phenomena of the Trump rally felt as if it had been frozen in time, nearly perfectly preserved since the last time the then-candidate strode to the podium and told thousands of his cheering supporters about the woes of the country and the battles he planned to fight — with one of his loudest wars being waged against the news ...

Is Sweden's Feminist Agenda Working
Is Sweden's Feminist Agenda Working

... centre-left Social Democrats who championed women's rights. But there have been big changes in recent years. The governments of Finland and Norway are coalitions with nationalist parties, while the minority administration in Denmark depends on support from the far right. These administrations are more sceptical about liberal or feminist ideas, and are more conservative on issues such as the family. Feminists in Sweden therefore feel that this puts more responsibility on Stockholm to stand up for women's rights. And despite Sweden's image abroad as an egalitarian society where women enjoy high status, there are still marked inequalities. The country leads the industrialised world in terms of public sector gender equality, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). However, in the private sector, which has expanded greatly in recent years, men still make up more than 80% of management and 94% of top bosses. In newspaper boardrooms there are three men for every woman, while men make up 70% of the voices heard in the media. In ...

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