
Transgender Student In Virginia Bathroom Case Reacts To Trump's Order
Transgender Student In Virginia Bathroom Case Reacts To Trump's Order

... that transgender students don't face unique challenges at school because of their transgender status. SHAPIRO: The school created unisex bathrooms, including one at the nurse's station. Why is that not an adequate solution. GRIMM: The problem with mandating that I use alternate facilities is I'm essentially being forcibly segregated from my peers. This idea that it's a unisex bathroom - sit down and go use it - is an idea of a compromise. And I'm not looking for a compromise. I'm looking for my right. I'm looking for the ability to live my life like every other one of my peers is able to do. I'm not unisex. I'm a boy. And it's unreasonable to expect me to be the only peer that is not allowed to use the restrooms with my other peers. SHAPIRO: Can you explain the impact that it has on you when the rest of the students see you go into this specially designated restroom. GRIMM: It's very embarrassing, and it just really stirs up the fact that this is what my school is doing to me. This is a walk of shame. I feel like everyone is scrutinizing me and saying, ...

Caitlyn Jenner Says Trump's Blow To Transgender Rights Is A 'disaster
Caitlyn Jenner Says Trump's Blow To Transgender Rights Is A 'disaster

... To Transgender Rights Is A 'Disaster'. The transgender Republican has said she wants to help the GOP understand LGBTQ issues. 3.5 k. Caitlyn Jenner broke her silence on President Donald Trump ’s decision to reverse federal guidance on protections for transgender students against discrimination, calling the move a “disaster.”. Jenner, the Olympic gold medalist, tweeted a video Thursday evening in which she directly called out Trump and his team for rescinding the guidance issued by the Obama administration last year in which public schools were instructed to allow students to use the bathroom that matched their gender identity. The guidance was not legally binding. “From one Republican to another, this is a disaster,” she said. “And you can still fix it. You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me.”. Well @real Donald Trump , from one Republican to another, this is a disaster. You made a ...

Ny Will Protect Transgender Students
Ny Will Protect Transgender Students

... and harassment on school property and functions on the basis of gender identity and expression. The Trump administration late Wednesday reversed protections for transgender students first instituted under former President Barack Obama. “Congress, state legislatures and local governments are in a position to adopt appropriate policies or laws addressing this issue,” he said in a statement. Religious conservatives argue that students should use the bathrooms that match their sex assigned at birth. LGBT-rights groups and Democrats have countered the former protections shielded transgender students from discrimination. Education Secretary Betsy De Vos said in her own statement Wednesday her department would work hard at safekeeping all students. “Schools, communities and families can find — and in ...

Ivanka Trump, Kushner Publicly Silent As White House Rolls Back Transgender Protections
Ivanka Trump, Kushner Publicly Silent As White House Rolls Back Transgender Protections

... of engagement, followed by an expectation that she will not be held accountable when she decides to remain silent and behind-the-scenes. On Monday, Ivanka Trump got ahead of her father when she called for "religious tolerance" on Twitter, in response to a rash of threats to Jewish community centers. Her father had yet to comment on the anti-Semitic acts and passed on an opportunity to do so at a news conference last week, though he has since condemned them explicitly. Some LGBT rights activists said the problem is deeper than whether or not Ivanka Trump chooses to weigh in. “It seems to me that when you have to rely on Ivanka Trump to advocate for civil rights issues, that’s a problem,” said Anthony Kreis, a law professor at the Chicago-Kent College of Law who specializes in LGBT civil rights cases. “What is her role here? There's the deeper question, of whether we ...

We Disagree With Transgender Decision
We Disagree With Transgender Decision

... criticized Mr. Trump’s immigration policies, including its travel ban against citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries. “Apple would not exist without immigration, let alone thrive and innovate the way we do,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in an email to Apple employees. Businesses are increasingly taking a public position on hot-button issues, a departure from Corporate America’s longstanding practice of lobbying lawmakers behind the scenes. In January, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin-based Penzeys Spices, for example, reached out to customers who were planning to march in the women’s march on Washington to offer free pins with its slogan, “Kind.”. In the weeks after Mr. Trump’s victory, owner Bill Penzey spoke out against “racism, sexism and homophobia” and stressed that his company celebrates diversity. While he said ...

Betsy Devos’s Spineless Transgender Bathroom Politics
Betsy Devos’s Spineless Transgender Bathroom Politics

... to use the bathroom of their choice, the President and his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, have scored a political victory. Voters who believe that a hazard is presented by, for example, a transgender eighth grader using the bathroom corresponding to her gender identity will be satisfied by the new policy, which states that local districts will now be at liberty to make their own policies regarding who gets to go to the bathroom where. Schools will, presumably, be able to insist that transgender students use the bathroom that is opposite to their gender identity, or—as is often proposed as a reasonable, middle-ground solution—a separate bathroom altogether, such as one intended for teachers. Reports emerged yesterday suggesting that Betsy De Vos, Trump’s recently appointed and highly controversial Education Secretary, had misgivings about rescinding or revising the policy as it stood. A  story in the Times reported that De Vos had expressed concern that rolling back the recently acquired rights of transgender students would open such students ...

These Countries Are Ahead Of The Us
These Countries Are Ahead Of The Us

... high court granted transgender people the right to self-identify their gender in 2014. Denmark allows transgender people to self-determine identity without medical intervention. As transgender people fight for their basic civil liberties globally, 20 countries have passed some form of legislation recognizing their rights, according to the Global Commission on HIV and the Law. Here's a snapshot of how some legislators and courts around the world have grappled with the issue of gender identity and inclusion. Denmark follows Argentina's lead. When it comes to taking a progressive approach toward gender recognition reform, Argentina and Denmark top the list, according to Transgender Europe. In 2012, Argentina's Senate unanimously approved the Gender Identity Law making sex-change surgery a legal right. The procedure is even included in both ...

Colorado’s Transgender Students Will Still Get To Use The Bathrooms They Choose Despite Trump’s Order. Here’s Why
Colorado’s Transgender Students Will Still Get To Use The Bathrooms They Choose Despite Trump’s Order. Here’s Why

... on the steps of the Colorado State Capitol to announce that the Colorado Civil Rights Division has ruled in favor of Coy Mathis, whose school had barred her from using the girls’ bathroom at her elementary school because she is transgender, June 24, 2013. Coy was labeled male at birth, but has always known that she is a girl, which she has expressed since she was 18 months old. By Nicholas Garcia | __link__ | Chalkbeat Colorado. February 23, 2017 at 9:09 am. | UPDATED. Whole Foods speeds up closing of Boulder store. Colorado students shouldn’t have to worry about new guidance from the Trump administration that rescinds federal protections for transgender students because of existing state law here. Colorado lawmakers in 2008 passed a law that forbids discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in public places — including schools. That law was put to the test in 2013 when a 6-year-old ...

Mom Of First Openly Transgender Cub Scout Denounces Trump’s Bathroom Ruling As ‘uneducated
Mom Of First Openly Transgender Cub Scout Denounces Trump’s Bathroom Ruling As ‘uneducated

... identity. Maldonado, 43, says she doesn’t see why Trump should care about which bathroom a transgender person uses, and believes that if someone close to him was transgender he would not have rescinded protections for trans students. “I really believe that if he had a child who was transgender or knew someone close he would not make that change. Transgender people don’t look to cause trouble. Actually the opposite — they want to keep a low profile. They are just trying to be who they are inside and go about everyday as normal,” she says. Amy Newman/The Record via AP. Although the Trump administration isn’t supporting transgender students’ rights, individual schools can still allow trans students to use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity, according to The New York Times , and Maldonado says Joe’s New Jersey elementary school is supportive of his gender identity. Furthermore, she says she would not be afraid to travel with him to less tolerant areas of the country and allow him to use the men’s room. “You don’t need a license to go to the bathroom, he would just go right in,” she says. “They wouldn’t know it. I ...

White House Defers To States’ Rights On Transgender Protections
White House Defers To States’ Rights On Transgender Protections

... respect state laws related to medical marijuana — but not offer the same respect for recreational marijuana. Watch the contrast. Sean Spicer says states have a right to discriminate against transgender kids but not legalize pot __link__/w 0 noos 55 cq. — Zaid Jilani (@Zaid Jilani) February 23, 2017. “There are two distinct issues here. Medical marijuana and recreational marijuana,” Spicer said. “Medical marijuana, I’ve said before that the president understands the pain and suffering that many people go through who are facing especially terminal diseases and the comfort that some of these drugs including medical marijuana can bring to them.”. But Spicer compared recreational marijuana use to deadly opioid addictions. “I think that when you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country the last thing that we should doing is encouraging people, there’s still a federal law that we need to abide by in terms of … when it comes to recreational marijuana and other ...

What Does It Mean? After Trump Rolls Back Protections, An Explainer
What Does It Mean? After Trump Rolls Back Protections, An Explainer

... may identify with their gender differently than their assigned gender," Randi Kaufman, a clinical psychologist who works at The Gender & Family Project at the Ackerman Institute for the Family in New York City told USA TODAY in an earlier interview. Study: Teen suicide attempts fell as same-sex marriage was legalized. How is it different from being gay. People are much more familiar with the concept of sexual orientation, or whether a person is lesbian or gay, but much less familiar with transgender identity and who transgender people are. Adams says step one is getting people to understand that sexual orientation is who you are attracted to or who you want to fall in love with and gender identity is who you are as a person. With more celebrities publicly announcing their gender identity and transcending traditional binaries, here is a simple guide to understanding the LGBTQ community. Sara Snyder, USA TODAY. "All transgender people have a sexual orientation – heterosexual, gay, lesbian or bisexual, just like everyone else," Adams says. "It's not complicated. I am a transgender man, I was a female at birth. ...

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