
Es Zealandia El Séptimo Continente
Es Zealandia El Séptimo Continente

... de tierra asoman a la superficie: las islas Norte y Sur de Nueva Zelanda y Nueva Caledonia. Así se ve Nueva Zelanda desde la Estación Espacial Internacional. Uno podría pensar que estar por encima del agua es un rasgo fundamental para alcanzar el rango de continente. Sin embargo, los científicos creen que hay otros criterios más importantes, y a los que Zealandia se ajusta en su totalidad. A saber. Elevación por sobre el área circundante. Geología distintiva. Una corteza más gruesa que la del suelo océano circundante. ¿Cómo se ratifica al nuevo miembro. Para el geólogo Nick Mortimer, autor principal del estudio, "el valor de clasificar a Zealandia como continente es mucho más que añadir un nombre nuevo a la lista". A diferencia de lo que ocurrió con Plutón que fue desterrado de la lista de planetas por la Unión Astronómica Internacional, no existe una entidad científica que reconozca formalmente a los continentes. "El hecho de que un continente pueda estar tan sumergido a la vez que no está ...

World Famous In New Zealand
World Famous In New Zealand

... their considerable reasoning powers to get at the food. Keep your eyes peeled for tuatara sunning themselves alongside the track. They'll be out sunning themselves on the clay banks. FYI: These guys have three eyes – a vestigial one on top of their heads that might have been used to keep watch for flying predators above. Kylie Klein Nixon. Native shags now have a new fresh water breeding ground at Zealandia. When you're in the "wetland area" around the lake, try to catch a glimpse of two of the rarest birds in the country – the takahe.  Named Puffin and T 2, they're an elderly breeding pair that have never been that successful in the breeding stakes. Although, according to our tour guide, the pair seem to have tried again this season. It's likely you'll hear them chatting to each other before you see them – but since they're the country's largest flightless bird to have survived the arrival of humans, they're hard ...

Benua Baru Ditemukan Di Timur Australia, Namanya Zealandia
Benua Baru Ditemukan Di Timur Australia, Namanya Zealandia

... densitas lebih rendah dibanding lautan sekitarnya. Penelitian terbaru dengan metode pemetaan gravitasi dan satelit memberi penguat. Geolog Selandia Baru, Nick Mortimer, dan timnya menyatakan, Zealandia mempunyai luas yang cukup besar untuk dinyatakan sebagai benua. Publikasi Mortimer di GSA Today, Kamis (16/2/2017), menjadi makalah pertama yang mengajukan Zealandia sebagai benua. "Kami harap ini memberikan lampu hijau pada subyek itu (menyebut Zealandia sebagai benua)," katanya seperti dikutip Sydney Morning Herald, Kamis. Perdebatan benua. Zealandia diduga terpisah dari benua raksasa kuno, Gondwana, 200 juta tahun lalu. Awalnya, seluruh bagian benua berada di atas permukaan laut. Namun, 85-80 juta tahun lalu, sejumlah bagian benua itu mulai tenggelam dan akhirnya kini hanya 6 persen yang berada di permukaan laut. Meski memenuhi kriteria, mungkin Anda masih bertanya-tanya mengapa Zealandia disebut benua. Tak mudah untuk menjelaskannya. Sebab, hingga kini belum ada kesepakatan ...

New Continent Zealandia Is Discovered Underwater
New Continent Zealandia Is Discovered Underwater

... as a continent—Zealandia,” wrote researchers from universities in Caledonia, Australia and New Zealand. “The identification of Zealandia as a geological continent, rather than a collection of continental islands, fragments, and slices, more correctly represents the geology of this part of Earth . [and] provides a fresh context in which to investigate processes of continental rifting, thinning, and breakup,” the authors wrote. Scientists have postulated for more than a decade that New Zealand and outlying islands comprise a separate continent, or microcontinent. But information demonstrating that Zealandia is a distinctly separate and contiguous mass merits its elevation to the status of continent, they’ve concluded. Researchers say Zealandia is part of an enormous ancient super-continent — Gondwana or Gondwanaland — that once included Australia and much of the remaining Southern Hemisphere. Gondwana broke apart some 180 million years ago , with some pieces eventually sinking. Scientists from South Africa this month announced the discovery of what they believe is yet another continent — which they dubbed Maurita ...

Zealandia Is Het Zevende Continent Op De Aarde
Zealandia Is Het Zevende Continent Op De Aarde

... en duidelijk begrenst: het continent is in oppervlakte ongeveer twee derde van Australië (4,9 miljoen vierkante kilometer) en ligt verder duidelijk los van het naastgelegen continent. Het stuk land moet een aanzienlijk stuk hoger liggen dan de omliggende oceaankorst: eveneens check. Ondanks dat een groot deel onder water ligt, is het nog altijd wel een stuk hoger gepositioneerd dan de oceaankorst. Het continent Zealandia is direct uniek. Er namelijk geen ander continent op de aarde dat voor zo’n groot deel met water is bedekt. Verder zou het ook het jongste continent zijn dat onze wereld kent. Het zou zich namelijk als laatste hebben afgescheiden van Gondwana. In een ver verleden – zo’n 220 miljoen jaar terug tijdens de Triassic – kende de wereld slechts twee megacontinenten. Het noordelijke Laurisia en het zuidelijke Gondwana. Gondwana – dat ...

Zealandia, L'ottavo Continente
Zealandia, L'ottavo Continente

... Caledonia rappresentano oggi le uniche terre emerse. Un frammento dell'antica Gondwana. La Nuova Zelanda potrebbe essere parte di un ottavo continente __link__/JSC. Quanti sono i continenti? Se avete risposto "7", è ora di aggiornare l'elenco: nelle profondità del Pacifico sudoccidentale se ne nasconderebbe un ottavo, chiamato Zealandia. Si tratterebbe di un singolo, intatto e uniforme pezzo di crosta continentale di 5 milioni di km quadrati (la metà circa dell'Europa) che affiora solo per il 6%: le sue uniche terre emerse sono la Nuova Zelanda e la Nuova Caledonia. 10 fatti geografici che vi sorprenderanno. È quanto si apprende da un articolo del numero di marzo/aprile di GSA Today , che espone in modo scientifico ciò che Nick Mortimer, geologo del GNS Science di Dunedin (Nuova Zelanda), afferma da un decennio: in gioco non c'è un preteso riconoscimento dell'ottavo continente - non esiste autorità che possa esprimersi in merito - quanto la definizione stessa di "continente" (piuttosto elastica, di questi tempi ). Nella mappa di Nature, tratteggiato, il profilo del continente ...

Có Lục Địa Thứ Tám Bên Dưới New Zealand
Có Lục Địa Thứ Tám Bên Dưới New Zealand

... nói về những đỉnh núi cao nhất trên vùng đất náy nhưng chỉ có một phần của nó là nhô lên khỏi mặt nước mà thôi: đó là New Zealand. Các khoa học gia nói nó đủ tiêu chuẩn là một lục địa và nay đang thúc đẩy để vùng đất này được công nhận vị thế đó. Trong một bài báo đăng trên tạp chí Hội địa chất Mỹ, các nhà khoa học giải thích rằng Zealandia rộng 5 triệu km vuông, tức là bằng 2/3 lục địa Úc láng giềng. Bản quyền hình ảnh GNS. Chừng 94% toàn bộ diện tích này nằm dưới mặt nước với một số đảo và ba địa danh chính nổi lên trên mặt nước là gồm Đảo Nam và Bắc New Zealand và New Caledonia. Bạn có thể cho rằng yếu tố nổi trên mặt nước là tối quan trọng để được coi là một châu lục, nhưng các nhà nghiên cứu lại nhìn nhận vào những phạm vi khác mà tất cả những yếu tố đó thì ứng viên mới này có đầy đủ. nhô lên so với khu vực xung quanh. có địa chất đặc biệt. là một vùng được định hình rõ ràng. có lớp vỏ dày hơn đáy đại dương thông thường. Bản quyền hình ảnh ESA/NASA. Image caption New Zealand nhìn từ vũ trụ. ...

Meet Zealandia, Earth’s New Continent
Meet Zealandia, Earth’s New Continent

... large, identifiable areas underlain by continental crust. A new paper by GNS Science geologist Dr. Nick Mortimer and co-authors follows this idea, but then throws a fascinating twist on the subject: Zealandia. “Several islands, notably New Zealand and New Caledonia , are connected by submerged continental crust across a large area of Earth’s surface,” the authors explained. “This region has elevated bathymetry relative to surrounding oceanic crust, diverse and silica-rich rocks, and relatively thick and low-velocity crustal structure.”. “Its isolation from Australia and large area support its definition as a continent — Zealandia,” they said. Simplified map of Earth’s tectonic plates and continents, including Zealandia: continental shelf areas shown in pale colors; large igneous province (LIP) submarine plateaus shown by ...

Threatened Species Ambassadors Meet At Zealandia
Threatened Species Ambassadors Meet At Zealandia

... cordons are still in place and these areas are still considered dangerous. The situation is being constantly reassessed and we will provide further information as soon as it is available. More> >. NZ Defence Force - NZDF Sends More Personnel to Battle Port Hills Fire - Helicopter Pilot Was Decorated Soldier. Turnbull Visit: Leaders’ Talks Cement Trade Relations, Science Agreement. Mr English met with Prime Minister Turnbull in Queenstown today to discuss common approaches to bilateral and international issues, including trade and science and innovation. Mr English also thanked Mr Turnbull for Australia’s offer of support for those fighting the fires on the Port Hills in Christchurch. More> >. Youth Guarantee: Upskilling Fund Used For Retraining. News that one in five of the people enrolling in Youth Guarantee already hold qualifications at the level they’re enrolling in highlights the failure of the scheme to reach the disengaged young people it was set up to assist, says Labour’s Education spokesperson Chris Hipkins. More> >. Gordon Campbell: On What Trump May Mean For Us. So far not much effort has been put into tracing the possible implications for New Zealand of the ...

Kuna Bara La Nane Chini Ya New Zealand
Kuna Bara La Nane Chini Ya New Zealand

... hujitokeza juu ya maji ya bahari kwama visiwa ambavyo huitwa New Zealand. Wanasayansi wanasema sehemu hiyo ya ardhi inatosha kuitwa bara na sasa wamefufua juhudi za kutaka litambuliwe rasmi kama bara. Kwenye makala waliyochapisha katika jarida la masuala ya jiolojia Marekani la Geological Society of America, watafiki hao wanasema ukubwa wa Zealandia ni kilomita milioni tano mraba. Hiyo ni kama theluthi mbili ya bara lililo karibu la Australia. Haki miliki ya picha GNS. Takriban 94% ya sehemu hiyo ya ardhi imo chini ya maji ya bahari na ni visiwa vitatu pekee vilivyochomza juu ya maji ambavyo hufahamika kama Visiwa vya Kaskazini na Visiwa vya Kusini nchini New Zealand na visiwa vya New Caledonia. Huenda ukadhani ardhi kuwa juu ya bahari ni kigezo muhimu cha sehemu ya ardhi kuitwa bara, lakini watafiti hao wanaangazia sifa tofauti zikiwemo. Mwinamo wa maeneo ...

Der Achte Kontinent Der Erde
Der Achte Kontinent Der Erde

... von Australien getrennt sei. Zealandia würde zumindest drei der vier Kriterien für einen eigenständigen Kontinent erfüllen. gsa today. Eine Höhenkarte von Zealandia und Australien, die beweisen soll, dass es sich um zwei Kontinente handelt. Erstens gibt es Land, das ziemlich weit über den Meeresspiegel hinausragt. Zweitens liege eine Ansammlung von drei verschiedenen Arten von Gestein vor: Lava, die von Vulkanen ausgespuckt wurde, metamorphes Gestein, das von Hitze und Druck geformt wurde, und sedimentäres Gestein, das durch Erosion geschaffen wurde. Drittens besitze es eine dickere, weniger dichte Art von Kruste, verglichen mit der Umgebung des Ozeanbodens. Wissenschaftlicher Nutzen. Über die vierte Voraussetzung "Gut definierte Ränder eines großen Gebietes, sodass es als Kontinent bezeichnet werden kann" könnte man diskutieren. Der wissenschaftliche Nutzen, Zealandia als Kontinent ...

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