
Michael Flynn Has Absolutely Nothing To Fear From The Logan Act
Michael Flynn Has Absolutely Nothing To Fear From The Logan Act

... is no surprise: It has its roots there, too. The Logan Act passed as a result of acrimony between the ruling Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans during Adams’s administration. As the “Quasi-War” between the United States and France heated up and threatened to explode into full-blown hostilities, a Philadelphia doctor named George Logan traveled to France at his own expense to talk the nation’s leaders back from the brink. The Federalists were deeply suspicious of revolutionary France and its Democratic-Republican supporters. Logan was a prominent Democratic-Republican and a friend of Jefferson, who had served as U. S. minister to France. So Congress passed a law to prevent such usurpations. Or so the Federalists thought. Since then, the Logan Act has been no deterrent to Americans looking to engage in freelance ...

The Woman Who Shattered The Freeskiing Glass Ceiling
The Woman Who Shattered The Freeskiing Glass Ceiling

... go to New Zealand with the U. S. Team. It was a family push. Everyone was on board. We had our friends supporting the cause. We’re so proud of her. I’m more proud of the person she’s become. She’s maintained being herself throughout all the craziness.”. Following the Sochi Olympics, Logan visited Wilson and her husband, whose son was born three days before Logan won Olympic silver. “She just sat on our couch for a week,” says Wilson. “She’s a goofball. She’s hardworking, and she’s levelheaded. She still has her head on her shoulders and she easily couldn’t. She could have done a lot of things, but she’s stayed true to who she is. That’s what our parents instilled in us.”. The youngest of five siblings, Logan was pushed by her family to be the skier she is today. PHOTO: Shay Williams. ONE NIGHT LAST SPRING, at the end of a packed and meticulous season-long competition schedule, Logan nursed a beer at a kitchen table in a rented house in South Lake Tahoe, California, and listened to ...

How The Logan Act Discredits The Leaks Against Michael Flynn
How The Logan Act Discredits The Leaks Against Michael Flynn

... decision to allow the United Nations to condemn Israel. Who exactly are these "critics" concerned about violating the Logan Act. Critics say the incoming Trump administration's efforts to derail the resolution ran contrary to a centuries-old American law, the 1799 Logan Act, which bars American private citizens from "relating to controversies or disputes which do or shall exist" between the United States and other powers. Let's talk about the Logan Act for a bit. Or rather, let's talk about why serious people don't talk about the Logan Act. The Logan Act is to national security laws about what phrenology is to medical science. Since its passage in 1799, no one's ever been convicted under the Logan Act, and just about every legal expert agrees it is wildly unconstitutional and runs counter to the First Amendment. George Logan, the senator whose actions motivated the passage of the law, was never even charged under it. Seriously, the only man charged under the law was a Kentucky farmer ...

Logan Helping Nonprofits Explore Block Grant Opportunities
Logan Helping Nonprofits Explore Block Grant Opportunities

... some money for new windows, and Common Ground upgraded their roof. For infrastructure projects, Logan received funding but has not yet started construction on the 400 North median project. Logan has also received funding for an improvement to the Logan river trail. With about three weeks left to apply for CDBG funding, representatives from three nonprofit organizations attended the presentation on Wednesday to explore their options. Little Lambs Foundation for Kids Director Ted Chalfant plans on applying for funding to install an office and a classroom in their building at Cache Business Park. The organization provides comfort items to children who transition from foster care and emergency shelters. Two and a half years ago, Chalfant said he ran the organization from his basement and now they are in a 2,000 square-foot building. He said the group provided care to nearly 3,000 children in 2016. Grant money would help them expand to help more kids. “I think this is a great opportunity for us to be more connected to the city,” Chalfant said. Bridgerland Literacy Director Alice Shepherd is hoping to receive ...

Matt Johnson Ready For His Turn To Lead Central/logan Ski Team
Matt Johnson Ready For His Turn To Lead Central/logan Ski Team

... championship, but he’s ultimately focused on his team. Team skiing is similar to cross country, where individual accolades are memorable, but they don’t mean as much as winning together. “I’m not concerned with my own times, other than how they help our team,” said Johnson. “We’ve fixed some things since then (Mount La Crosse Cup) that we needed to fix, and we’ve become a faster team, so I think we have a good shot at placing high.”. The advantage of training regularly on the tallest, most functioning ski hill in Wisconsin is not something to take lightly, either. It’s up for debate how much of a luxury it is to be comfortable when competing, but there’s no question that area skiers will be racing on runs they know well. Johnson, who started skiing when he was 3 years old, says some of his earliest childhood memories are at Mount La Crosse while skiing with his family. “I’d say it’s some advantage, you know, when you ride the hill every day, you get to know all the conditions and what to expect,” said freshman snowboarder Brian Popp, who’s a part of a Central/Logan snowboard team that’s also hungry and capable of ...

Meet Logan, American Girl's First Boy Doll
Meet Logan, American Girl's First Boy Doll

... both girls and boys. "A boy character has been a top request from our fans for decades,' says American Girl spokeswoman Stephanie Spanos, adding that along with two new historical characters  the toy line this year will bring out a larger number of dolls with modern story lines than at any time in its 31-year history. "We're hopeful Logan will appeal to both girls and boys. For boys, we know Logan can speak directly to them and give them something unique and special to call their own.'. The brown-haired, gray-eyed Logan doll is 18 inches tall, and has a set of drums to accompany Tenny. Mattel, which owns American Girl, saw its sales surge last year following its introduction of a more diverse doll selection. Its Barbie Fashionista line veers from the blond, thin Barbie-of-old to include three new body types along with an array of skin tones and hairstyles. American Girl’s “Truly Me’ doll line offers over 40 ...

Film Review
Film Review

... cinematographer, Phedon Papamichael, handled some of the additional unit work.). Stewart is effortlessly compelling as a man whose attentiveness to the world around him runs deep, even as his own tethers to it are fraying. Keen, in her first big-screen role, makes the mostly silent Laura both kinetic and inwardly coiled, a quick-study observer of a world long denied her. And when called upon to give a vintage movie reference new resonance, she pulls it off with poetic vulnerability. Even as the film’s energy drains in the later going, much like Logan’s healing powers, and long after the fight scenes have lapsed into overkill, Jackman makes his superhero the real deal. The actor, who reportedly conceived the basic thrust of the story, takes the ever-conflicted Logan/Wolverine to full-blooded depths, and the result is a far more cohesive and gripping film than his previous collaboration with Mangold, 2013’s The Wolverine. It’s not just the valedictory aspect of the story. And only time will tell if we ever again see a Jackman-portrayed Wolverine. But with his ...

Unc Shortstop Logan Warmoth Ready To Prove You Wrong
Unc Shortstop Logan Warmoth Ready To Prove You Wrong

... cord playing a shuffled mix of potential walk-up songs. A wooden cross necklace dangles off the rearview mirror as he coasts into the parking lot. The dashboard thermometer reads in the mid-80 s — a perfect day for baseball. The Florida sun glistens on the hood of the truck. A glare makes it hard to see the sign, but as he steps out of the truck, it’s clear: Lake Brantley High School. It’s Sunday — a day off for his high school teammates — but not for Logan. It’s spring of his senior season; there’s no time to waste. Related Content. Top GRE study tips from UNC students. PAID CONTENT 02/08/17 10:16 am. He’s always taken the extra step to establish himself on the field. Now, the North Carolina junior is among the top middle infielders in the country. He’s all too familiar to being overshadowed, but think twice before doubting the 6-foot shortstop. He’ll prove you wrong. ‘Better learn quick’. Greg Warmoth rummages through a ...

Logan Director James Mangold Interview
Logan Director James Mangold Interview

... safety. Logan is set in the year 2029, which is close enough that we can kind of extrapolate but still far enough that you had to do some guesswork. What did you think about when you were trying to build the world of 2029? Did you do any research. Well, I think the main thing I did was try to think a little bit about just what the political realities and cultural realities of the moment were. Mainly, knowing immigration is such a hot button in the country at this moment, and thinking about that wall in the southwest that some candidates were promising. We were shooting during the presidential election, and thinking about how we could just kind of put these elements in the movie and use them in the same way [that] from the beginning, the X-Men series has used current cultural and sociological issues as kind of ways to explore what it is to be a mutant. And I thought ...

Deadbolt Opens Today With Cocktails & Hot Dogs In A Former Logan Square Dive
Deadbolt Opens Today With Cocktails & Hot Dogs In A Former Logan Square Dive

... The Two Way’s rough edges, but that doesn’t mean Deadbolt is dull. Drankiewicz grew up spending time in bars and bowling alleys, and he knows what a bar can mean to a community. Improvements have been made, as they’ve replaced The Two Way’s moldy bar, but that doesn’t the bar’s gone upscale with cocktail carts. The Deadbolt aims to be a welcoming place. One of the ways the new bar will welcome guests is through a variety of music. They’ll play a mix of punk, R&B, jazz and brass band tunes. Expect three- or four-piece bands to perform. Drankiewicz also wants to get local record shops involved to curate music-themed nights. The drink list still includes Old Style, but also 12 house cocktails. They encompass a variety of spirits from mezcal to Mount Gay Black Barrel Rum, a.k.a. “hillbilly Campari.” And surprise—there’s food. The menu consists of Chicago-style hot dogs, hand-breaded chicken nuggets, omelets and butter burgers. Many of The Two ...

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