Rush Limbaugh

Hugh Hewitt Wants To Put Rush Limbaugh On A Commission To Study Climate Change
Hugh Hewitt Wants To Put Rush Limbaugh On A Commission To Study Climate Change

... science and scientists. From Hewitt’s February 9 op-ed  in the Post. Imagine, if you will, an August 2017 Post headline: “Mc Chrystal Commission report surprises, energizes and outrages.” The first paragraph reads. “The much-anticipated and closely guarded final report of the Mc Chrystal Commission on Climate Change released Tuesday shook nearly every interest and player in the capital. The commission, headed by retired Army Gen. Stanley Mc Chrystal and including such luminaries of left and right as Oprah Winfrey and Rush Limbaugh and such captains of industry as Bill Gates and Peter Thiel, kept its work secret and its executive summary short and accessible. President Trump tweeted: “THANK YOU General Mc Chrystal and colleagues. Great work. All must read and think on your report carefully!”. This is a not-yet-established commission, of course, and I don’t know whether the remarkable Mc Chrystal would agree to lead it or if Trump would empanel it. I only know the country needs such a body, just as it needed the National Commission for Social Security Reform more than three decades ago. [The “insurance policy” theory ...

Donald Trump's Unpopularity Runs Into 'limbaugh Standard
Donald Trump's Unpopularity Runs Into 'limbaugh Standard

... obvious, since the dawn of modern polling, no new president has been this unpopular, this early in his presidency. Why does this matter? A couple of reasons. First, Donald Trump, elected in such a way that raise questions about his presidency’s legitimacy, is governing as if he earned a mandate by winning in a landslide. Public-opinion data, however, is a reminder that Americans are, at least at this point, wildly unimpressed with their new Republican leader. In conservative media, there tends to be a knee-jerk reaction to Trump criticism: “Sure, the media and elites are balking, but the American mainstream elected him when he acted this way in 2016,” Such a response to recent events rings hollow when the president’s approval rating falls to 39%. Second, there is such a thing as political capital, and the more Trump’s support wanes, the less capital he has. If you’re a Republican from a competitive district or state, and you’re watching your party’s president alienate the American mainstream, it’s ...

Rush Limbaugh Talks Trump On 'fox News Sunday
Rush Limbaugh Talks Trump On 'fox News Sunday

... adviser; and   Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N. J., are guests on “State of the Union” at 9 a.m. and noon on CNN. The panel will be CNN political commentators Amanda Carpenter and Rick Santorum ; Nina Turner, former Ohio state senator; and Jason Kander, former Missouri secretary of state and president of Let America Vote. Jim Sciutto will anchor. Rep. Pete King, R-N. Y., and Sen. James Lankford , R-Okla., are guests on “Sunday Morning Futures” at 10 a.m. on Fox News Channel. Other guests are James Kallstrom, former assistant FBI director; Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.; and former Sen. George Mitchell, D-Maine. The panel will be GOP strategist  Ed Rollins; Lee Carter, president of Maslansky + Partners; and Garry Kasparov, chairman of the New York-based Human Rights Foundation. Caroline Kennedy, former U. S. ambassador to Japan, will be featured on “Fareed Zakaria GPS” at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on CNN. Other guests are Elliott Abrams of the Council on Foreign Relations; Antony Blinken, former deputy national security adviser; Avril Haines , former deputy national security ...

Donald Trump Defends His Press Conference By Citing A Positive Review From Rush Limbaugh
Donald Trump Defends His Press Conference By Citing A Positive Review From Rush Limbaugh

... his performance. The commander in chief took to Twitter Friday to dispel the prevailing narrative in the media — that the conference was abnormal, even unhinged. Limbaugh provided his listeners a live listen to the Thursday presser, offering intermittent commentary when ever he felt necessary. Unlike most political commentators, Limbaugh lauded the president’s attacks on the press. He said that Trump was “taking these people to school.”. “Just what the doctor ordered. This is Donald Trump going over the head of the media right now to the American people. Advancing his domestic agenda and being totally transparent with these people,” Limbaugh said right after the presser concluded. “They don’t know how to get on the same stage that he’s on. The American people are going to eat this up when they see it.”. “I think this is exactly what Trump’s supporters needed to hear and those ...

Joy Villa's Sky-rocketing Album Sales After Wearing Trump Dress An 'excellent Example Of Pushback
Joy Villa's Sky-rocketing Album Sales After Wearing Trump Dress An 'excellent Example Of Pushback

... down in that 200,000 range, but I didn’t know that they ranked things that low. Just after being seen on TV wearing a Make America Great gown, her album went from 543,000 to number three. “The top 3 albums under the ‘Movers & Shakers’ categories all belong to Joy Villa. Her album I Make the Static is currently a better seller than both Lady Gaga and Beyonce.”. Now, I mentioned this because this is no question a reaction. These are Trump supporters and the American people with an opportunity to push back and to demonstrate that they’re out there and that they haven’t lost anything and that they’re not smaller in number, they haven’t lost any passion. That’s exactly what this is. And that’s how it should be seen. This is an excellent example of pushback. This is an excellent example of how such a one-sided story can be countered with the truth. And the truth is that the Democrat Party lost. They haven’t done anything to change why they lost. They’re going even further left to the point now that one Democrat running for chairman of the DNC is out saying ...

Drive-by’ Media ‘smell Blood
Drive-by’ Media ‘smell Blood

... the impact is clear that they are going to do everything they can to get Trump out of Washington and out of the White House and out of office. So what we have here, we have a political assassination that’s taken place here, a political assassination, Mike Flynn, who, do you know he worked for Obama four different times? You didn’t know that? Let me find the details. In September 2011, Mike Flynn was promoted to lieutenant general assigned to the office of the Director of National Intelligence by Barack Obama. On April 17 th, 2012, President Barack Obama nominated Michael Flynn to be the 18 th director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. …. So we have a resignation over a phone call, a freaking phone call. The Democrats don’t resign when they’re caught red-handed with their hand in the till or in bed with an intern or whatever else transgression the Democrats engage in. There are no resignations, and there are no demands for resignations. Limbaugh was especially skeptical of establishment media suggestions that Flynn was open to blackmail by the Russians – particularly when the argument is being made by ...

1 Way Trump Can Conquer ‘bogus’ Media
1 Way Trump Can Conquer ‘bogus’ Media

... said right now of Trump. The same thing could be said in a proactive way, that that needs to happen. “These people in the grassroots that made this happen, they need to be nurtured, they need to be made to believe that what they did was real and matters and will continue to be and triumph if they do not jump ship, if they don’t go wobbly, ’cause that’s what the left is all about. You’re supposed to get so mad over this court ruling that you’re supposed to give up. You are supposed to think, ‘Huh, what’s the point? We can’t beat ’em. We beat ’em at the ballot box, they lose elections, they can’t stop anything in the House, they can’t stop anything in the Senate, and look, they’re stopping Trump in the courts, we can’t win!’ And they want you to throw your hands up and quit and maybe move to New Zealand.”. Related column: “Travel ban: What Trump did wrong, and how he can fix it,” by Craige Mc Millan. Trump, at the White House Friday,  promised more moves, as early as next week, to raise the level of America’s security. On Thursday, the 9 th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, without even mentioning a federal law that gives the president the authority to limit ...

Trump, Citing Limbaugh, Defends His News Conference
Trump, Citing Limbaugh, Defends His News Conference

... Limbaugh, defends his news conference. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. President Donald Trump praised himself on Friday for his Thursday battle with reporters — a more-than-hour-long meandering spectacle that one headline dubbed a “news conference for the ages.”. Trump used his favorite social media platform to thank supporters who he said made “nice statements” about the speech and to take more aim at the press. Story Continued Below. “Thank you for all of the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday,” Trump tweeted. “Rush Limbaugh said one of greatest ever. Fake media not happy!”. Limbaugh, the conservative talk radio host, described the press conference as "one of the most effective press conferences I have ever seen.". Other observers, including reporters, commentators and Capitol Hill political types, reacted to the impromptu event with something of a ...

What Happened To Michael Flynn Is ‘political Assassination
What Happened To Michael Flynn Is ‘political Assassination

... and then another and then another and then another until finally they get Trump.”. Limbaugh continued. They have become the full-fledged resistance to Trump and they have decided that that’s going to be their modus operandi for the next four years. They’re not gonna do news. They have now mobilized and made it official, they’re even talking about it, some of them are, on cable networks that — I mean, they disguise the words they use, but the impact is clear that they are going to do everything they can to get Trump out of Washington and out of the White House and out of office. Flynn tendered his resignation late Monday after reports that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence — or even lied — about discussions he had with Russian ambassador to the U. S. Sergey Kislyak prior to the Trump administration taking office. Flynn originally told Pence last month that he didn’t talk with Kislyak about sanctions during their phone conservations in December, but reports ...

Donald Trump Praises Rush Limbaugh In Wild Twitter Tirade Against 'fake Media
Donald Trump Praises Rush Limbaugh In Wild Twitter Tirade Against 'fake Media

... people" he's ever seen. As seen on Twitter on February 17, Trump was back at it in his attack on the press, while making sure to praise a controversial right-wing radio host. Thank you for all of the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday. Rush Limbaugh said one of greatest ever. Fake media not happy. — Donald J. Trump (@real Donald Trump) February 17, 2017. "Thank you for all of the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday," Donald Trump wrote on Twitter early Friday morning, before adding, "#Rush Limbaugh said one of greatest ever." Not stopping there, the former host of "The Apprentice" went on to note, "Fake media not happy!". JUST IN: Trump tweets Rush Limbaugh's praise of heated press conference __link__/C 4 Bd Bxn Pc 1 __link__/n 5 y 3 TDAjn E. — The Hill (@thehill) February 17, 2017. Limbaugh on Trump. Donald Trump's praise of Rush Limbaugh is in reference to the radio host's comments that were made during and after the aforementioned press ...

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