Syracuse Basketball

What Prompted A Syracuse Fan To Call Georgia Tech's Josh Pastner With A Complaint
What Prompted A Syracuse Fan To Call Georgia Tech's Josh Pastner With A Complaint

... "I said, sir, a few things with all due respect," Pastner said. "This is not intramurals nor is it the 'Love Boat' where everyone gets served cocktails at 4 p.m. I said this is men's elite college basketball and I said the air-ball chant has gone around since Dr. James Naismith invented the game. I said, I guarantee you if one of our guys airballed the ball at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse, thirty-thousand people would be chanting airball for the entire game.". Pastner continued to describe the interaction with the Syracuse fan via phone. "Sir, I appreciate the enthusiasm for your team, however we will have to agree to disagree on that being anything offensive," Pastner said. The fan then told Pastner that while the coach made some good points, he felt the Georgia Tech fans didn't need to chant "air-ball" the whole game at Gillon. "I said, sir, this isn't little league," Pastner said. "This is men's college basketball.  I would agree with you if this was the intramurals for the local YMCA league for sixth grades. This is men's college basketball and the ACC. This is the elite level.". With that ...

B.j. Johnson Finds New Basketball Life After Transfer From Syracuse
B.j. Johnson Finds New Basketball Life After Transfer From Syracuse

... allowed him to persevere through a 1-for-6 shooting night from the 3-point line. His ankle wasn't quite as cooperative. Johnson sprained an ankle and missed a game against George Mason on Feb. 4. He returned with a flourish and 26 points in a win over Fordham, but in his last two outings, he has been hampered by a soreness that continues to limit him. In the first half Wednesday, Johnson tried to make a defensive play, then sank to the Reilly Center hardwood, clutching his lower leg. He returned to the game, but admitted later he'd "tweaked" the ankle. "He's really been struggling the last couple games," La Salle coach John Giannini said. "His ankle has not been good. He hasn't been able to practice that much. I saw him limping a little bit in the first half.". Still, La Salle has won 13 games this season largely because of the presence of Johnson, who ranks near the top of the Atlantic 10 in points per game (18.2), ...

Brittney Sykes' Legacy With Syracuse Women's Basketball
Brittney Sykes' Legacy With Syracuse Women's Basketball

... a player that can really wear you down because you have to guard her the entire possession and the entire game because she's always in attack mode. I think that makes her tough to guard and makes her tough to deal with.'. The only adversity that could slow Sykes did so twice, when she was socked with the torn ACLs. The first came in a NCAA Tournament game at the end of her sophomore season and then after playing just three games as a true junior, the same ACL ripped again. The lesson from that experience turned out to be invaluable. Sykes said she mistakenly took a too passive approach to her first comeback, just figuring her return would be a matter of time. She stepped up to her second rehab just like she would a game - in attack mode. "I knew that better days were going to come, it was just working through them. You couldn't really wait for those days. You had to prepare for them,' she said. "I had to learn that through the second injury. I always just waited for better days to come in the first one and try to mask my ...

Syracuse Basketball Recruit Oshae Brissett 'fits The Mold' Of Orange Wing Players Video
Syracuse Basketball Recruit Oshae Brissett 'fits The Mold' Of Orange Wing Players Video

... campus to go to class or be on time for things. I think he really wants to be good and I think he's getting a taste of how good he can be. With some success comes more hunger to get better.". His pure athleticism, his ability to jump and run with fluid, effortless grace, is what initially impresses visitors to an Athlete Institute practice. Brissett said SU assistant coach Adrian Autry, who was his primary recruiter, told him he could impact the Orange defensively in his first season in Syracuse because he could  "jump passing lanes and block shots from the weak side.". Cobbina loves his versatility, his ability to score and rebound, his effectiveness in the open court. In its Canadian basketball league, Athlete Institute plays from the FIBA 3-point distance of 22 feet, 2 inches, which has helped stretch Brissett's shooting range. (The American high school 3-point line measures 19-9 and the NCAA 3-point line measures 20-9.). Brissett's shooting stroke, Cobbina said, "has come a long way." It's an area his coaches have stressed. Syracuse basketball recruit Oshae Brissett sits in an office high above the Athlete Institute gym floor on Feb. 14, 2017. Donna ...

Your Wake Up And Syracuse Versus Duke Basketball Game Forecast
Your Wake Up And Syracuse Versus Duke Basketball Game Forecast

... afternoon. Walk up to the Carrier Dome for the Syracuse basketball game. Skies will be variably to mostly cloudy. There is a chance for a scattered sprinkle or scattered minor rain shower. Temperatures will be about 52 degrees. Wind: SSE 5 to 15 MPH. To track any precipitation, click on Interactive Doppler Radar to zoom in anywhere and on Live Triple Doppler Radar to see where it is raining. Walk back from the Carrier Dome for the Syracuse basketball game. Skies will be mostly cloudy. There is a chance for a scattered sprinkle or scattered minor rain shower. Temperatures will be about 48 degrees. Wind: SSE 10 to 15 MPH. To track any precipitation, click on Interactive Doppler Radar to zoom in anywhere and on Live Triple Doppler Radar to see where it is raining. To find out exactly what you and your kids should expect with even more ...

Jim Boeheim 'won't Go Quietly' From Syracuse Basketball
Jim Boeheim 'won't Go Quietly' From Syracuse Basketball

... (Stephen D. Cannerelli/The Post-Standard). Syracuse, N. Y. - The plan is in place. Following the 2017-18 season, Jim Boeheim will step aside as the head coach of the Syracuse University men's basketball team  and Mike Hopkins will take over. Whether that plan is executed as detailed was examined in a Sports Illustrated column by Pete Thamel  posted Monday. Thamel wrote about the legacies of Syracuse's Jim Boeheim, Duke's Mike Krzyzewski, North Carolina's Roy Williams and Louisville's Rick Pitino and who could eventually take over for the Hall of Fame head coaches. Syracuse plays Duke at 7 p.m. Wednesday night followed by Louisville vs. North Carolina at 9 p.m. That retirement plan was reiterated by Syracuse AD John Wildhack during a recent interview on ESPN Radio Syracuse. "Previous to me coming here, the transition was announced by all parties, agreed to by all parties, released by all parties," Wildhack said. "It's my job to ensure as smooth a transition in this program as we can. That's my job and I'm going to do my absolute ...

Syracuse Basketball Beats Duke On John Gillon's Buzzer-beating 3-pointer
Syracuse Basketball Beats Duke On John Gillon's Buzzer-beating 3-pointer

... halftime, but the Orange rallied in the second half. Syracuse tied the game on Battle's two free throws with 13:08 left. Grayson Allen committed his fourth foul of the game to put Battle at the line. Syracuse then took a 49-47 lead on Gillon's free throws with 12:42 remaining. It was Syracuse's first lead since the Orange led 6-5 in the game's opening minutes. Kennard, Duke's leading scorer for the season, picked up his third and fourth fouls on back-to-back possessions as he chased an offensive rebound. Kennard's fourth foul came with 7:38 left in the game. Kennard had 21 points at the time, but he remained in the game. Syracuse struggled on offense in the first half. The Orange seemed intent on trying to get the ball inside to Lydon where he could take advantage of mismatches created by ...

Su’s Clichéd Path To The Big Dance
Su’s Clichéd Path To The Big Dance

... one in Louisville, against Rick “Have You Heard I Used to Coach with Boeheim” Pitino. Weird shit has happened this season, but that’s a little too out there. Still, getting two wins out of those four? Yeah, I can buy that happening. I’d guess the potentially “easiest” way to accomplish that could be in sweeping Georgia Tech; very doable. Not to mention, beating the Yellow Jackets twice would put a check next to important accomplishments: 1) Help cement Syracuse’s status for the committee, and 2) possibly eliminate the Rambling Wreck from contention. That last point is very important because the Jackets look a little like the Orange. It’s a team with a rather unsightly overall record (15-11), but one with some marquee home wins (North Carolina, Florida State (by 22!) and Notre Dame). It’s done nothing on the road but not many bubble teams ...

Eric Devendorf Fulfills Late Father’s Wish In 1st Season On Syracuse Basketball Staff
Eric Devendorf Fulfills Late Father’s Wish In 1st Season On Syracuse Basketball Staff

... bench as a player but didn’t see him there in his first game as a coach. He saw Eric run out of the Carrier Dome tunnel but didn’t see Madelyn dangling over the railing last month, screaming “Daddy!” and hugging Eric as he emerged from the tunnel with other coaches. “Everything that he’s done for me,” Devendorf said, “it’s come to fruition, right here in front of me.”. Right in front of Devendorf, when he says that, is a full gym in the Carmelo K. Anthony Center. He’s sweating after drilling Thompson, soon to rest on a stationary bike and observe practice with his feet up. This is where it all started for Devendorf, his college career and fatherhood. Now he’s back, a new Eric Devendorf balancing fatherhood and basketball again in Syracuse, exactly as his father wished. “It kind of felt ...

Really? 9-year-olds Flying Cross Country To Play Basketball? What's Wrong With This Picture
Really? 9-year-olds Flying Cross Country To Play Basketball? What's Wrong With This Picture

... on cross-country flights to play AAU basketball games has become a kind of All-American thing to do, who can blame Carmelo Anthony for signing off on his 9-year-old son doing just that? (AP). Syracuse, N. Y. - In a story appearing this week on __link__'s "The Undefeated,"  it was mentioned, almost parenthetically, that Carmelo Anthony's son, Kiyan, had chosen not to travel to New Orleans to watch his dad participate in the NBA All-Star Game, but rather play, himself. While a sacrifice, it did make for a healthy decision. So Kiyan, an AAU kid living in New York, laced 'em up. This, after boarding a plane and landing hours later. In Portland, Ore. Kiyan is 9 years old. Now, forget the joke about owning skivvies that are 9 years old - although there are lots of our citizens up and down the streets of America who do have such unmentionables in their dresser drawers. Rather, ponder this. We've come to believe in America (in certain corners, anyway) that shipping 9-year-old children from one coast to another to dribble around on ...

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