Zoe Saldana

Saldana Talks Sibling Rivalry In Guardians Vol. 2
Saldana Talks Sibling Rivalry In Guardians Vol. 2

... what James established is a perfect friendship because our fall, our flaws is what makes us love each other more. Or at least accept each other more. Q:  Your makeup, it looks like Gamora has run afoul of somebody. It looks like there’s some bruises here and here. Can you talk about who maybe has laid some blows. Saldana: You guys are awesome. (Laughs). Q: Come on. Saldana: You guys are gonna feel like tonight like leaving going, “Thanks for nothing. Marvel, stick it Marvel, man. What the f*k?” (Laughs) Well this is what happens when the Guardians go on vacation. You know, we decide to go on a retreat for a weekend and it ends up being much more interesting than what we were imagining. We’re going, we went to a great place. Loved it. We may even go back there. If it’s still there. So…. Q: Can I translate this to is this the opening scene when you go to…. Saldana: Not at all, you’re not even close. You’re not even ...

Sam Worthington Confirms Start Date For James Cameron Sequels
Sam Worthington Confirms Start Date For James Cameron Sequels

... Lara Bingle in 2014. Avatar has a start date: August. The couple's two boys, ages two and four months, are rarely spotted in public. "I am a very protective man, especially with my loved ones so now I'm a parent I think I just got a little bit more protective," says the actor. Fatherhood seems to have also softened Worthington who was arrested in 2014 for punching a paparazzi photographer who came too close to his then-girlfriend Bingle. Zoe Saldana as 'Neytiri' and Sam Worthingtom as 'Jake Sully' in Avatar. His next film is the faith-based drama The Shack in which he plays a grieving father who meets with God in a shack. "I think having kids helps you learn how to forgive because they are an antidote to selfishness and a constant reminder it's not always about you," he says. Worthington revealed in a recent interview in New York that filming would start in August. "Then you are on the boss' time for as long as it takes so whenever he wants me, mate, I'm there.". Worthington promises the new Avatar film, to be shot in New Zealand and California, will be worth the wait. "This will make the first massive blockbuster ...

Zoe Saldana & Taryn Manning As Britney's Bffs In 'crossroads
Zoe Saldana & Taryn Manning As Britney's Bffs In 'crossroads

... both Zoe and Taryn have gone on to bright careers in film and tv. Zoe, Taryn and Britney. (Photo: Paramount Pictures). Britney’s BFFs. Written by Shonda Rimes, the mastermind behind hit US shows like Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder, despite it’s non-existent plot and critical panning, Crossroads was a box office success. Focussing on the friendship of Lucy (Britney), Kit (Zoe), and Mimi (Taryn), the film sees the three reconnect after losing touch during high school, to embark on a roadtrip to California. The role of the ‘best friend’ is nothing new and something of a rite of passage for both male and female actors. In films like Crossroads they’re mostly there to demonstrate differences in character and often be the comic. Think Bradley Cooper and Zooey Deschanel in films like Failure to Launch. Crossroads was just the beginning for both actresses, with Saldana appearing in movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Trek and Avatar. Meanwhile Manning is most popularly known ...

Zoe Saldana And Husband Marco Perego Announce The Birth Of Their Third Son
Zoe Saldana And Husband Marco Perego Announce The Birth Of Their Third Son

... make that decision for themselves when they’re older. She said: “It has to do with respecting who they are. They’re too young to tell me how they would feel. They don’t know if they’re comfortable with that. It’s too violating. “I can share them to the point that my husband and I are comfortable. I’ve never felt the impulse to show their faces. The trolling online is pretty disgraceful. I’m giving them a chance to have their own life.”. A post shared by Zoe Saldana (@zoesaldana) on. Oct 17, 2016 at 1:04 am PDT. The actress also explained why she believes it would be “unforgivable” if she left her children behind when she travelled for work. The stunning star admitted she tries her best to bring her two-year-old twins Cy and Bowie with her when they are working away. She said: “I’ve always believed in the power of having people around you who support you and make you better. We shift tasks around so Marco and I can have time together. Our [life coach] is teaching us to find a way to live a high quality life so we can afford to be rested. “It’s very stressful. But it would be more taxing on my heart ...

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Zoe Saldana And Marco Perego Step Out With New Son
Zoe Saldana And Marco Perego Step Out With New Son

... carrier with him to the hospital. Just in time: The father-of-three lugged a baby carrier to the hospital. The New Jersey-born actress made the surprise announcement on Saturday, sharing a photo to Instagram of the tot with her two-year-old twin sons Cy Aridio and Bowie Ezio Perego-Saldana. 'Marco and I are elated to share the news of the the birth of our son Zen. We couldn’t feel more blessed with the new addition to our family. #threeboys. oh boy!"'. The actress didn't give anymore details, however, it's assumed she welcomed her son via surrogacy. One of her sons - who she consistently shields the face of due to privacy concerns on social media - adorably caressed the tiny head of his new baby brother. Zoe, 39, made the surprise announcement on Saturday, sharing a photo to Instagram of the tot with her two-year-old twin sons Cy and Bowie. The Avator star and her Italian beau welcomed their twin sons in November 2014. As a first-time parent, Saldana candidly revealed to Us Weekly ...

What Does Zoe Saldana Remember Most About Making Crossroads
What Does Zoe Saldana Remember Most About Making Crossroads

... hesitate. "I'm going to be honest: L. A. fashion," she revealed. "I was 22 coming into a city that was very different form New York. It was sunny and beautiful and any day of the year you can wear summer clothes. That was a great memory from that time, besides working with Britney Spears.". She also added, "I think I've said it enough, it was fantastic, and I was directed by a woman [ Shonda Rhimes ] and that was double fantastic.". So, now that 15 years have gone by, what does Saldana think a road trip with Spears and Manning would look like today. "I think much better," she told us, laughing. "I think we're like wine—we keep getting better as we age, and I think it would've been something interesting.". We couldn't agree more. E! Is Everywhere. This content is available customized for our international audience. Would you like to view this in our US edition. E! Is Everywhere. This content is available customized for our international audience. Would ...

Zoe Saldana To Star In Action-thriller ‘hummingbird
Zoe Saldana To Star In Action-thriller ‘hummingbird

... Hummingbird ,” with the Swedish directing team of Markus Kryler and Fredrik Akerstrom. Fundamental Films will fully finance and produce the movie alongside Broken Road Productions. Sales will launch next week at the Berlin Film Festival , where Good Universe will be handling international sales. UTA and CAA will be co-representing domestic sales. John Mc Clain wrote the Black List script. Saldana will portray a black-ops assassin whose latest mark forces her to confront her true identity. How Zoe Saldana Got Into Character for Ben Affleck’s ‘Live by Night’. Saldana starred in Ben Affleck’s “Live by Night” and can next be seen in Disney-Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” as Gamora. She is currently filming “Avengers: Infinity War” in the same role and is expected to return as Neytiri in James Cameron’s upcoming “Avatar” sequels. Kryler and Akerstrom directed the cinematic content for the Electronic Arts’ “Battlefield 1” video game, which has sold more than 14 million copies to date. Fundamental’s Mark Gao and Gregory Ouanhon are producing “Hummingbird” with Todd Garner for Broken Road Productions. Fundamental’s Gary Glushon will executive ...

Zoe Saldana Cast As Black-ops Assassin In 'hummingbird
Zoe Saldana Cast As Black-ops Assassin In 'hummingbird

... as they are horrifying. There’s a scene where Mulan counts the dog tags of all the fallen soldiers, and a considerable amount of time is spent exploring her despair and responsibility as the army’s struggle becomes more desperate. The emotional rawness of the story creates a very real, very flawed, yet very lovable Mulan — and takes audiences on an exploration of heroism, perseverance, and honor. Of course, we can’t expect Disney to go all out with blood and grit — they’re bound to bring out Mushu, after all — but Disney prides itself on epic battles and fantastic special effects, and they’ll want to serve us war scenes as breathtaking and realistic as possible. However, we’re all tired of grittiness for grittiness’ sake. Despite the heaviness of the more emotional scenes of Hua Mulan, there is sweetness and humor. The friendships in the army, much like those of ...

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